11: Living by Faith – Thought Starters
Introduction. “The fear of man brings a snare…” What is meant by “fear” in this sentence? How can this sort of admiration cause trouble for us Christians? Have you ever noticed a desire by some fellow Christians to please others or to be respected fully? Is that beneficial? or not? Why?
[Thought questions for Living by Faith March 10, 2015]
1. Keep the law. We’re coming to church. We’re worshipping God. We’re commanded to “keep the law.” What does that mean? Have you ever tried to compare yourself and your life on earth to the experience of the Israelites trudging their way through the desert? What does the law of God do for you in these modern days? Can it be as valuable today as it was thousands of years ago? What are the benefits of keeping God’s law? Can you count on them?
2. Seek the Lord. What do you find to be the most important topic of the book of Proverbs? How is the gospel and the law related? Does the law lead to salvation? If so, how? In Proverbs 28:5 we find an extraordinary statement about what God’s people understand. Do you ever watch a speaker miss the essence of a global or national need because of lack of spiritual understanding? What can we accomplish for God’s work if we seek Him with all of our hearts?
3. Words for the rich. Finally, the lucky ones, the ones who have possessions and money are given their due. And some rules. What advice does the proverbs share with people who–(1) get rich by taking from the poor;(2) are greedy; (3) are generous to the poor; (4) work hard to gain wealth; (5) don’t try to “get rich quick”? Which of those categories fit you the best? What is the role of money in end-time events?
4. Handbook for the poor. Regardless of your personal wealth, what do you have in common with the poor? What does Proverbs 28:6 say about the superior mastery of life by the rich or the poor? Have the rich accomplished more than the poor because of their greater abilities? How important are riches and wealth in this world? What about the next one?
5. Loving the truth. Is the truth always good news? What about the messages Job received from people about his possessions and his family? Do little children still at home need punishment to help them find truth? What does Proverbs 29:15 have to say about a youngster’s need for rebuke and correction? Is it possible to be over-corrective? What are the consequences of too much punishment? How can the pursuit of truth help our children learn the value of honesty and obedience under God?
6. From the last section…Our suggestion is to spend some time if you can with the very last questions for Friday’s study. Here they are: What is your understanding of what it means to love the truth? How do we love truth? To love truth, of course, would mean that we would have to know it first. How do we come to a knowledge of truth? And how can we be sure that we don’t allow anything to stand in the way of our loving truth above all else?

I thank all of you who have contributed towards this week lesson but the point is let us know what the truth is then we understand God's commandments ans then follow what we are commanded let us be the dowers but not hearers, be blessed and happy Sabbath