11: Sharing the Story of Jesus – Discussion Starters
What a privilege it is to witness a life changed for Jesus, whether it is your life or the life of someone you know or are beginning to know.
- Obviously, you were not born a Christian. You may have been born into a Christian home and felt the joy of church and “happy Sabbath” activities at an early age, but you have to reach a certain degree of maturity to experience what it’s like to follow Jesus. What are
some reasons why early introduction to life with Jesus is a wonderful investment to make for every child born to a Christian family?
- The Transformative Power of Personal Testimony. You’re in charge of the nominating committee. Two brothers who are members of the committee go by the nickname, “Sons of Thunder.” Sure enough, a burst of outrage breaks out. What can you do to quell the disturbance? How might the experience of the disciples James and John help you put things on an even keel? Have you ever seen an experience anything like that?
- Telling the Story of Jesus: The Basis of Our Testimony. It’s a fascinating story about the demoniacs changing from lives of terror and corruption to peace and humility. Jesus drove the demons out and into a herd of pigs and sent them over a cliff into the sea. What effect did this strange work of salvation have on the community?
- Jesus: The Basis of Our Testimony. What were you like before you knew Christ? How did that change when you became acquainted with Him? Is your mature reflection of what Jesus is like the basis for your current testimony? Can even a child with a rough upbringing learn about the joy of walking with Jesus? How can that happen? How have you been able to share a joyous Christian childhood with others?
- Testifying with Assurance. When we start witnessing to others about the love of Jesus, doesn’t it seem natural to start with a recognition of how great that love is . If we don’t love Jesus with a love that is abundant and true, how can we share Jesus’ love with others? Where do we get that assurance? Share your experience with your class about how you received the assurance of your love of God with others.
- Something Worth Testifying About. The rewards of giving up everything we have learned to cherish are nothing compared to the gifts that God has given to us. It’s a sacrifice to come fully to Jesus, but what do we gain for losing the pleasure we thought we had earned from self-centered enjoyment? What does God give us in return? Is it a thousand-fold increase in joy and satisfaction? Or can it even be measured?

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