11 The Covenant – Thoughts for Discussion
- The Covenants. Were you just a bit surprised to see the introductory comment in our lesson guide stating that there is only one covenant? Have you struggled in school to learn the difference between the 1st and 2nd covenants? The old and the new? Have you ever been confused about the New Covenant occurring in the Old Testament, opening with the life of Jeremiah? What is the covenant that needs our full attention? Why?
- All Humanity.
How could God endure mankind in their wickedness at the time of the universal flood? What conditions did God require His created beings to meet in order to qualify for the promise of the covenant made at the time of the great flood? What was the condition that people needed to meet? What is the relationship of the rainbow to the promise of God that He will never destroy the earth with water again? Does the colorful rainbow speak to your heart every time you see it?
- With Abraham. Spin forward a few hundred years when God met with Abraham and made him a promise or a covenant. What was that promise? Did the giving of the promise to become a great nation establish within Abraham the fulfillment of the covenant? What is the “seed” through which God would bless all nations of the world? How does your lesson guide state that that covenant reveals Abraham’s faith?
- The Covenant at Sinai. What did Moses’ climb to the top of Mount Sinai have to do with the acceptance of the covenant with God’s people? How did God’s people respond to Moses when he shared it with them? Were they sincere in their determination to obey God in everything He wanted them to do? What is the center of faith in God—obedience to the Law of God? Or Jesus Christ and His righteousness? Do we seventh-day Adventists ever have difficulty in recognizing this fundamental truth? Why? Or Why not?
- The New Covenant Part I. Read the first three verses of Jeremiah 31 and ask yourself, “How would I respond to this message if I was buried in trouble and spiritual crisis?” If you had tuned into the Babylonian Ten P.M. News at that time, what would have been the prediction for the way things were going with God’s people? It is true that we can’t be saved by establishing our own righteousness? If so, where do we go? How does this approach fulfill the promise that we will obey God?
- The New Covenant Part II. What is the relationship of Israel’s return to God with Jesus to His messianic work on our behalf? Your lesson guide states that the work of salvation through Jesus did not begin with His life and sacrifice on our behalf. When did it begin? How is Jesus’ coming as a baby related to His coming as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords? Why did Jesus say He would not drink of the fruit of the vine (grape juice) until He brings His people to worship with Him in heaven? Without the Second Coming, what value would the First Coming have to us?

Why did Jesus say He would not drink of the fruit of the vine (grape juice) until He brings His people to worship with Him in heaven? Luke 22:15-16 explained this fully! The Passover will not be fulfilled or complete until we assemble together at the marriage feast of the lamb...
But there are some indications in the Spirit of Prophesy, that there are two, not one covenant. The old covenant was given because the people did not realize their inability to keep it and that they needed a better covenant. (Please read Patriarch and Prophets 370 - 372) Here are some quotes from Patriarch and Prophets:
As the Bible presents two laws, one changeless and eternal, the other provisional and temporary, so there are two covenants. {PP 370.2}
Another compact--called in Scripture the "old" covenant--was formed between God and Israel at Sinai, and was then ratified by the blood of a sacrifice. {PP 371.1}
But if the Abrahamic covenant contained the promise of redemption, why was another covenant formed at Sinai? {PP 371.2}
The terms of the "old covenant" were, Obey and live: "If a man do, he shall even live in them" (Ezekiel 20:11; Leviticus 18:5); but "cursed be he that confirmeth not all the words of this law to do them." Deuteronomy 27:26. The "new covenant" was established upon "better promises"--the promise of forgiveness of sins and of the grace of God to renew the heart and bring it into harmony with the principles of God's law. {PP 372.1}
And yet the basic covenant remains unchanged! Obey God's law and be His people! The new refines the procedure - surgical removal of bad heart and replacement with new heart - totally a God thing! I obey because God first loved me! Not because I am good enough to do so!! Praise God He does it all and I reap the rewards of unfathomable love!