12: Evaluating Witnessing & Evangelism – Teaching Plan
Key Thought : Our work for God needs to be evaluated in regards to the timing of the three angel’s messages for these last days.
[Teaching Plan for Evaluating Witnessing and Evangelism June 18, 2012]
1. Have a volunteer read I Timothy 3:1-17.
A. Ask class members to share a short thought on what the main idea of this text is.
B. Why is it important to evaluate our leadership and keep them to high standards?
C. Personal Application: How would you evaluate the present condition of the leadership in the church? Share.
D. Case Study: One of your relatives states, “I know some elders in the church that have been divorced and remarried without Biblical cause, and others that were known to be fighters and argumentative, and others who were put in as elders when they were young, self-assured, and inexperienced. So why doesn’t the church follow Paul’s advice?” How would you respond to your relative?
2. Have a volunteer read Hebrews 10:24,25.
A. Ask class members to share a short thought on what the main idea of this text is.
B. What does “consider one another” mean here? How do we provoke one another to good works and love?
C. Personal Application: Has anyone ever affirmed you as a person or for your ministry or spiritual efforts before? How did it make you feel? Share.
D. Case Study: One of your friends states, “What is your general attitude toward others? Do you tend toward criticism or affirmation?” How would you respond to your friend?
3. Have a volunteer read Revelation 14:6,7.
A. Ask class members to share a short thought on what the main idea of this text is.
B. What are we doing to proclaim the three angel’s messages, and how can we know what work is successful? Share.
C. Personal Application: What are your personal goals for sharing the three angel’s messages? Do you evaluate your own goals periodically?
D. Case Study: One of your neighbors states, “Why do churches put so much importance on number of people baptized in a year, how many Bible studies given, and how much literature passed out? Are these really important ways to evaluate how much work a church is doing?” How do you respond to your neighbor?
4. Have a volunteer read Deuteronomy 10:12,13.
A. Ask class members to share a short thought on what the main idea of this text is.
B. What has God asked His people to do for Him in light of the coming judgment?
C. Personal Application: What plan would you implement to help members of the local church to grow in their spiritual walk with God? Share.
D. Case Study: Think of one person who needs to hear a message from this week’s lesson. Tell the class what you plan to do this week to share with them.
(Note: “Truth that is not lived, that is not imparted, loses its life-giving power, its healing virtue. Its blessings can be retained only as it is shared.” MH p. 149)