13: Final Restoration of Unity – Discussion Starters
Intro: The certainty of Christ’s return. Reading the first three verses of John 14, what feelings overwhelm you? How does God feel about our moans for understanding? Have you ever doubted that Jesus is coming again? What keeps a sense of certainty alive in your heart?
1. The promise of restoration. What do some aspects of the creation of the world and its restoration at the Second Coming of Jesus have in common? Are some people tempted to think of the Second Coming as a deep sleep punctuated
by wonderful dreams? Do you accept eternal life after death as a time for rest and comfort or as a time for activity and joy? Or both? Can you imagine loving Jesus even more as the years of eternity roll on? Multiply 10,000 x 10,000. Do you think that “ten thousand times ten thousand” are enough people to represent all who will glorify Jesus through eternity? Why? or Why not? What kind of music will we enjoy in heaven?

2. Resurrection and restored relationships. What group of people is restored to life first in the grand resurrection? How can a Biblical resurrection bring us comfort? Why do you think it is so hard for some to believe that we will be raised to eternal life if we have died after surrendering to Jesus or will be given wonderful and perfect bodies if we are resurrected? What makes you feel the most excited about this type of resurrection? Can these miracles be explained by medical professionals?
3. A new earth for the redeemed. Do you ever spend time thinking about the new earth? Will we shudder in fear when we see a real tree growing from the river of life? Why or why not? How will the tree of life be restored in heaven? Our lesson writer includes linguistic barriers that will be removed. Does this mean one or more new languages will be created? Do you think there will be special living space and spectacular scenery for us to enjoy? Why? What will the power of the leaves of the tree of life accomplish for the saved?
4. Life on the new earth. Do you ever smile at people who imagine life on the moon or on Mars? What are some of the marvelous miracles they would miss by not living with Jesus in a restored universe? Read Isaiah 35:4-10 and 65:21-25. You have a choice. By living a life dedicated to Jesus now, you can experience a world showing of nature’s finest, as well as making friends with many people who have chosen life with Him. Is it wrong to imagine what heaven will be like?
5. Imagine life in eternity. Does eternity sound like too much time to you? Are you already looking forward to eternal friendships with God-loving people you have learned to love forever? How long and painful is life as we live it here on earth compared with an eternal life in heaven where there is no sin? In your prayers and communications with God, is there anything wrong with sharing your hopes and dreams in prayer with Him? How can we be ready for Jesus to come whether His coming is today or a very long time from now?

Dear Joyce,
would you mind explaining the significance of the new logo with the large number 1 on top of a ?Maple leaf?
Actually, I am the one responsible for the logo. As you may recall I was traveling through northern Australia from the end of September through to early November this year and I did not have time to make a different graphic logo each week for each of the teacher's aid posts by Joyce Griffith and Michael Fracker. So I decided to make one logo that I could use all quarter for both of them. I created the logo showing a fractured figure with a superimposed "1" to signify the growth of unity out of our disunity. I hope it portrays that idea.
I am currently thinking up ideas for the graphics for next quarter's teacher's aid posts - I may go back to doing a different one each week but I have to admit that doing one for the quarter is tempting as it saves me a lot of time (grin).
Joyce, I forgot to say thank you for your Discussion starters. I usually go through yours and Michael's intently if I am to present a lesson in Sabbath School. Thank you both for the effort you put into your work, I find them helpful. Godbless today, A Stolz.