HomeSSLessons2011d Gospel in Galatians2011d Teaching Helps14: Boasting in the Cross – Teaching Plan    


14: Boasting in the Cross – Teaching Plan — 3 Comments

  1. the meaning of boasting is to speak with exaggeration and excessive pride. to be proud in the possession of..
    When Paul means Boasting in the Cross. We have something to be Proud to possess Thru Christ. He allowed us to have it. What is the difference he has made in your life? are you holding it for yourself? we are all stewards of what he has given to us. When he comes back HE will ask us .. what have we done with what HE gifted us with? How are we Speaking it? sharing it? living it? it is obvious that the Boasting In Christ impacts every area of our lives and we impact others by speaking of what we so proudly possess - God's Eternal LOVE.

  2. Zannie, I think by "boasting," Paul means to emphasize excessively, to speak about excessively.

    He seems to be saying that he doesn't want to talk about his own qualification or accomplishments, but about Christ's work for us through the cross. That was quite a startling statement, seeing that the cross was an instrument of death for the worst of criminals. To me the whole statement speaks of self-renunciation.


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