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Tuesday: More Sabbath Ministry — 10 Comments

  1. Many years ago, my Christian enthusiasm and technical expertise collaborated, at least in my mind. I had the idea of printing T-shirts with slogans on them. I thought up this really great idea of printing "I'm One of God's Mob" in a circle on the back of the shirt. I had special inkjet iron-on dye transfer material that you printed your design on. It was a bit tricky because you had to print it back to front, and when you ironed it on, you could not see the design because it was facing the shirt material. The upshot of all this was when I removed the backing material the printing was upside down.

    Despite the mistake, I wore it, particularly in Seventh-day Adventist circles where people would ask me, "Why is it upside down?" My answer was that I had done it so that God could read it. If I want folk to find out if I am Christian my actions are more important than the label.

    In Jesus' early ministry he is not wearing the label, "I'm God", but we find him working in his capacity of love, healing people, taking part in meals and sharing in the social scene.

    To complete the picture, Jesus took time to pray and refresh the connection with his Heavenly Father away from the demanding crowds.

    While it was still night, way before dawn, he got up and went out to a secluded spot and prayed. Mark 1:35 MSG

  2. Bible Sabbath day is Saterday, it was in Eden and God maid it He rest day and Holy it and it is the four Commandment

  3. The People recognized that the sabbath begins and end from sunset.Friday evening,until sunset sabbath evening.

  4. An important point about today's lesson is the fact the Jesus commanded the demons to keep quiet. Previously, the demons were verbally recognizing Jesus as God. Although he was God, Jesus' actions were not meant to bring glory to himself but that the glory would go to his father. When our service is focused on the glory going to God and God alone, the Holy Spirit will manifest his power in ways that will marvel the world.

  5. When observing ‘signs and wonders’, this does not necessarily mean that one believes. Those seeking for ‘signs and wonders’ to confirm their faith in God are not always successful with transitioning from what they 'observe' to having faith in that which cannot be 'observed' with our senses – the Power of God to save the lost through Grace by faith.

    I am sure that Jesus was more than willing to heal the sick and minister to their needs, but He also realized that most of them would remain in their state of ‘unbelieve’ that He was their Messiah.
    God reaches out touching the heart and mind through the ministry of His Word and compassioned deeds, but it is the ‘observer's’ readiness/willingness to recognize and listen to the still, small voice which calls to repentance and convicts to follow Him – John 4:47-53; Acts 2:22; Matt.24:24;

  6. I Love these word's "Those that have been saved healed by Jesus." I would like to join your Sabbath School. I don't know anyone who keeps the Sabbath. Here where I live people ignore God's Commandments,bcs they don't know better. May God continue Blessing y'all.

    • Welcome to our blog! This is an online Sabbath School class that functions all week long. 😊 Study with us and share your thoughts. This quarter we are studying the book of Mark, so it's helpful to read the whole book through at least once, better yet, more than once in different versions of the Bible.
      There's a helpful introductory video on our Mark Resources Page that you might want to check out.

    • We have our Bible study and service on YouTube. What you would need to look up would be Maryville seventh-day Adventist Bible study and service. We would love for you to participate. I have a very hard time going to church so this is how I get my Sabbath started.
      Your sister in Christ

  7. First, the demon recognizes Jesus as “ ‘the Holy One of God.’ ” He acknowledges that Jesus is the holy emissary of God, in contrast to the unclean, unholy hosts of Satan.

    I don't believe this sentence in the lesson of 8 july. all demons, so all fallen angels know and recognize Jesus as the anointed one, the Son of God. the bible talks about when jesus casts out demons. (even the 7 brothers of Sceva who want to expel a demon which they have not succeeded in), the demon says; I know Jesus, I know Paul, but who are you?

  8. We read about Christ private prayer life. What a good example of His love, reflecting our Father.

    By the way, I do believe we will get the impression that Christ was also setting the example of, or if you prefer teaching what to do on the Seventh-day-Sabbath, for the Jews especially, which is learned from Christ example. We can learn from the Jews mistakes. Regarding the misconceptions they were taught by earthly beings. The Jews did teach us some positive things like preparing for the Sabbath and worship activities which I believe Christ exemplified.


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