HomeDailyMonday: The Witness of Mary    


Monday: The Witness of Mary — 20 Comments

  1. One of the issues with studying two of the Gospels in quick succession is that we visit some of the same themes in relatively quick succession. I started to write my comment for this morning and then I thought I better check what I wrote last time. I found that I was repeating myself. So, after failing to think up something new, I am copying the comment here. Maybe it is important to repeat things sometimes:

    Can you imagine the furore if a woman splashed Roja Haute Delux ($4500 per 100ml) perfume over a man at a church potluck lunch in our modern world? There would be a big stink and no doubt the church board would meet, followed by a business meeting, followed by a sermon or two about financial responsibility and what constitutes good Seventh-day Adventist behaviour in public places.

    Undoubtedly, the event described in this little tableaux was shocking even in Jesus' time. And if you read the other accounts and put all the pieces in place, the participants were all known to one another. Simon the leper was father to Judas Iscariot (John 12:4). The woman who anointed Jesus feet was Mary, sister to Lazarus. Mary's reputation was that she was a sinner (Luke 7).

    The conversation that followed had some hard lessons for the participants in this event. Simon, clearly had an ulterior motive for the feast and was more interested in what he could get out of it than being a good host. Judas made a show of indignation about the waste of money but in reality, was thinking of what he had missed out on if the money had come into his keeping. And the onlookers were shocked at the inappropriateness of the woman's behaviour and Christ's tolerance and understanding of her.

    While there are layers of understanding about the lead up to the crucifixion, it should not go unnoticed that Jesus took what many of us would regard as an inappropriate display of affection and turned it into a moment of salvation.

    I am reminded of the story that Adrian Plass, the Christian Humorist tells of a church where he preached by invitation. He noticed a really ugly looking wooden cross that occupied a central place in the church. At the potluck after the service, he asked about it. He was told of how this old derelict man started turning up at their pot-luck meals and ultimately started attending the services. One day he turned up at church with this ugly wooden cross in a wheelbarrow and asked if he could speak to the church before the service. He told of how the church had just simply accepted him and made him feel welcome and part of the church faminly, even though he was old and decrepit and a bit antisocial. He had decided to give something to the church and presented them with this artwork which he had created himself - the ugly wooden cross. Not long after he had done that, he died. And as the story was recounted to Adrian Plass, the church board decided to keep the cross in a central place as a reminder of why the church exists.

    The perfume of Mary's spikenard has wafted down through the centuries as a reminder of why the church is here. We are to give value to people in Jesus' name. That is the sweetest perfume ever and is priceless.

    • Thank you Dr. Maurice for your continued enlightenment and for being an excellent spiritual teacher each day. Your words continue to enlightenment my soul.

    • Love this Maurice. It goes to the heart of why we need Jesus. Each one of us are like someone in this story! We Need HIM!

      • If we know that christ forgive our sins, lets give all our treasures to honor God like Mary, so that someone will learn and know Jesus, like how we came to know jesus from the bible story and from others faithful believers!

  2. Getting to know the Maker can reveal facets of His works. Developing a relationship with Jesus, Who knows me better than I know myself, may free me even from unconscious blocks.

  3. Thanks Maurice for sharing your comment again for those like me who may not have seen it before. It adds a new dimension to the discussion and a new perspective as we see those present at the feast through the eyes of Jesus. Jesus reads our hearts and cannot be fooled by our regular church attendance, faithful returning of tithe and offerings, or actively participating in the church’s programmes etc. No, Jesus sees through all this to our hearts. Here, Mary’s action was an outward expression of her deep
    love, gratitude and devotion for Jesus who had forgiven her and set her free from a life of sin. Recognising the gift of salvation through Jesus is priceless, she gave her all in return not caring who was around or the culture for Jesus was the object of her affection. Jesus, knowing the hearts of those present (as they were already condemning her) jumped to Mary’s defence. Mary’s priority was Jesus who was facing death for us. Her action here was significant as Jesus explained that she was anointing him in preparation for his burial. Of those present, Mary was not the only one whose life was transformed by Jesus but she’s the one who demonstrated her faith, gratitude and love openly.
    There’s a time and place for everything. May we stop giving lip service and truly serve God from a heart of love and gratitude. As with Mary, giving our all to Jesus even in the face of criticism.

  4. We have a laymen preacher every other week in our district. He never repeats his sermons.

    Many years ago I said to my wife our pastor gave that sermon last year. I said to the same pastor you must have a catalog of sermons, he got a big smile on his face and said, yes I do have a repertoire that fits the season." Yes it was Christmas time. He had the extraordinary ability to preach without notes and bring in Ellen G. White's thought and principles along with the Bible as the authority without quoting. I admired that in him along with many other characteristics. If my memory serves me correct, I remember commenting that jewel of a talent.

    The Bible repeats many times sometimes in the same chapter. The Psalms and Paul's writings come to mind. Paul's writing were many times repeated because of different congregations he was preaching or writing to. Yawshua of the Old Testement repeated Himself because the Isrealites often as we, had a short retension span. H.M.S. Richard's Jr. once wrote a booklet about the old old story over and over again. I do believe He had in mind, Tell Me The Old Old Story hymne # 196 of the SDA hymnal. Doug Batchlor has said SDA's often have a retention span of two years. So Maurice you fit right into the crowd of those who contribute to the Love of God.

    I do believe many times the Holy Spirit brings to mind the repetition of things that need to be said.

  5. What Mary did was like a benediction. Psalm 141:2 says: "Let my prayer be counted as incense before you, and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice!" Here was Jesus about to sacrifice His life for Mary's sins,as well as the sins of the whole world, the fragrance of her gratefulness was carried with Him all through his trial and crucifixion. When his disciples failed to lift their prayers as incense, Mary's gift, the prayer of thanksgiving and love it represented, may have carried Him through.

  6. “..., He carried with Him the memory of that deed, an earnest of the love that would be His from His redeemed ones forever.” - Ellen G. White. Those who purchase a house know what an ‘earnest’ payment is. It is the ‘promise-payment’ made to assure the seller that one is serious about the purchase of his house.

    When we believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, confessing our transgressions – ‘being born again’ - , we put down the ‘earnest’ of our love for Him; the 'promise' to give our love and devotion to Him alone. We will not hold back anything, but commit to love our Lord without wavering - Matt.22:37; Luke9:62; Heb.10:23; James 1:12; Rom.12:1.

  7. Judas pretended to care about the poor but only cared about himself. Through the years I’ve heard many people in the church say that they wish they were very rich so that they could help the poor. But they don’t help the poor with what they already have. It just got me to thinking, when we say, we wish we were very rich so that we could help the poor, is what we actually mean is that we wish we were very rich so that we could help the poor without having to sacrifice? Because we can help the poor now if we are willing to sacrifice.

  8. It is often said that Jesus would have sacrificed Himself even if only one person had accepted Him. I can imagine that while He hung on the cross, forsaken and rejected, He might have remembered the kindness of Mary. Her compassion could have served as a source of encouragement, strengthening His resolve to complete His mission of dying to save humanity, even if it means just a few.

  9. Yes, indeed. Jesus died as a human, even though He could have saved Himself from the cross because of His divine nature. He suffered as a human, and as a human, the love of Mary, as well as the faith of the repentant thief, helped Jesus to believe that His sacrifice would be worth it.

  10. Mary's life testified to the fact that Jesus was indeed the Messiah, not only through her act of anointing His body but also through the transformation in her own life. Jesus delivered her from demon possession and a life of prostitution. These changes served as evidence that Jesus was fulfilling what the prophets of old foretold about His mission on earth: not only to offer forgiveness for the penalty of sin but also to give us the power to overcome sin in our lives.

  11. I was surprised by the idea that Mary did not, indeed, do this act for his burial but as an honor due to a king. She may have purchased it for his burial but it appears she may have been wrapped in the excitement of his triumphal entry and the talk of his possible soon coming kingship. The lesson author and EGW allude to this.

  12. Mary's Perfume speaks volumes to our lives. If we dont spend our best on Jesus, who else should we spend it on?
    The Fragnance of the Perfume attracts attention of everyone from the source. The fruitfulness of our salvation should attract as many to Christ like the fragnance of the perfume

  13. How do we relate the story of Mary to the lesson title this week? "BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO BELIEVE?

    someone kindly help me understand. Thanks

    • Jared, you ask a very good question. I hope that my response helps to answer it. Mary expressed her belief in Jesus as the Messiah through her lavish gift of spikenard. In one offering she gave a year worth of wages. I dare say that none of us have done that. However she didn't do it for display, it was purely love and appreciation for Jesus. Her offering was a "bittersweet" gesture in that she was so appreciative of her brother Lazarus being raised from death, yet sad because she knew and understood better than the Disciples that Jesus was soon going to die. She understood and believed in Jesus's mission before His own Disciples did.

      If only we were more like Mary and less like Thomas. To the skeptic, seeing is believing. To the believer, believing is seeing.

  14. Here is a serious challenge to us,what have we rendered back to God for his goodness.mary had nothing to hold back including the expensive perfume which he 'spilt'on the 'dusty and dirty' feet of Jesus-and cleaning them up by her own hair,wow what a show of love


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