4: The Eyes of the Lord: The Biblical World View -Discussion Starters
- Did you notice the scathing rebuke by a university professor in our lesson? What is his atheistic view of the world as we have lived in it for thousands of years? Is it easy to believe that the earth was formed by human beings? But where did those human beings come from? How do scientists brush over the apparent arrival of a creative Power that put the world in place and filled it with His love and His guardianship? Do you find it
easier to believe in evolution or in creation?
- Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz asked a tough question: “Why is there something instead of nothing?” As a Bible-based Christian, what is your answer? Why did God create the world in six days rather than six centuries or six thousand years? How easy is it for a scientist to believe in evolution? Have you observed some tough questions people ask when they think about life that was formed from nothing? Is creation a concept you accept without any doubt or scepticism because of your faith in Jesus?
- The Biblical Worldview. Choose one of the following texts that deals boldly with the reality of God’s created world: Eph. 6:12; Mark 13:7; Rom. 5:8; Rom. 8:28; Eccles. 9:5; Rev. 20:5, 6. Since many people do not seem to accept the principles of Creation found in Scripture, should we let them disbelieve without question or should we try to show them the truth” as we believe it in the Bible? Can we show courtesy and friendship even as we share alternative beliefs we believe are rooted in Scripture?
- Worship the Redeemer. What is more of a challenge for us to remember–our creation as an earnest follower of God or our redemption by Jesus Christ? What is the heavenly meaning of the expression, “everlasting gospel”? Are you and I wrapped with God’s love in the eternity of His love for us? How does that change us as we grow in Him?
- Our lesson’s message. What blessings can we learn from a Biblical view of the world and our life? As our children mature and finish formal schooling, what can you and I do to help keep them firmly in a deep and abiding acceptance of God’s will for them? And what about ourselves? What is the ultimate blessing we must work with God to bestow on us?

My Question is What if we as SDA are not able to convince the world that our views are correct?
We can't possibly convince the world that our views are correct. And that's not our job.
Our job is to be character witnesses for God. Our own lives are to be demonstrations of what God can do. When we engage with others in a loving, friendly way, God can use us to speak to them. Then it is the Holy Spirit that does the convicting and convincing.
The Second Coming is not a splendid reward for Seventh-day Adventists. To the contrary, many who have never even thought about the key doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventist church will be in heaven. And, woe to behold, many who have clung to Seventh -day Adventist doctrine through their lifetimes will not be on the heavenly side when God puts His kingdom together. The solution is the heart. Where is your heart? How do you regard the Creator God? Love and devotion to God are what matters.
we can only do what we where commissioned to do and the rest is Gods ,we need to preach the true word to the world and God will make them understand and join the family.many questions need answers from you and me ....remember the one in this weeks lesson of the rainbow....we need to explain all that to the world to know that all that is God talking to His people.we pride ourselves by reading many books and say adventists are people of the book yet we dont want to share with others.the end is coming and the question still stands what have you done so far ....witnessing ,evangelism etc.so many ways we can use to talk to people in different areas ....use of whatsapp,facebook,email etc.
I don't think God makes anyone do anything, Martin. He offers an invitation. And yes, the Gospel commission is for us to transmit that invitation. not only by preaching, but by living.
If we are led by God's Holy Spirit we will do what He leads us to do. We are not all preachers but we will all witness through the love that He puts in our hearts.