9: Satan and His Allies – Singing with Inspiration
Sabbath afternoon we are given a caution about prophecies in the future. Keep courage, dear people of God, because
“A Mighty Fortress is Our God”, Hymn 506.
There are many beasts in the study of Revelation, but only One King we worship:
Hymn 6, “O Worship the Lord” and
Hymn 83, “O Worship the King”.
The studies of Revelation encourage us to
“Look for the Waymarks”, Hymn 596, with this happening again in this week’s studies.
Our Lord and Saviour stands by us each second of our lives and cheering us on life’s journey:
Hymn 440, “How Cheering Is the Christian’s Hope”. We will then sing
Hymn 189, “All That Thrills My Soul”.
May we all remain faithful for Jesus’ very soon return knowing
“Tis Almost Time for the Lord to Come” – Hymn 212.
“Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.” 1 Timothy 4:13 KJV