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Enjoy all the Days of Your Life! — 7 Comments

  1. It is amazing how true your facts are. I am starting my 50's and just so enjoyed and relate to your story. Blessed day for you all.

  2. Dear William, what a beautiful, and inspiring essay! I just turned 60 and all that you said resonated powerfully with me. The take away for me is that we need each other. The old need the young and the young need the old. Blessings.

    • It's never too late to get closer to Christ. He is patient and would love nothing more than to have you spend time with Him. You can probably start by reaching out to the local church in your area. The churches have various ministries that could use what you're willing to offer. May you receive showers of blessings this Spring and every other season in your life.

  3. I have read two of your teachings and enjoyed them both. First was "Once saved always saved" and this article about aging! Enjoyed both! I am SDA since June 10, 2014. Am an American living in the Philippines. I am 77 and have lived here 5 yrs. I believe age is all in the head? "As a man thinks in his heart so is he!" Ask my age and I will tell you 49 for the 28th time. God bless and may you prosper even as your soul prospers in Christ!


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