Friday: Further Thought – End-Time Deceptions
Further Thought: Let’s dwell more on the implications of the theory of evolution in the context of last-day events, especially in regard to the role of the Sabbath. One reason that Charles Darwin, the originator of the theory, promoted evolution was that — not understanding the great controversy-he had a difficult time reconciling evil and suffering with the idea of a benevolent and loving Creator. Because of this error, he looked in another direction for answers.
It wasn’t a coincidence, either, that during the mid-to-late 1800s, as Darwin was revising and reworking his theory of evolution, God raised up a movement, the Seventh-day Adventist Church, which countered everything for which Darwin’s theory stood. How interesting that the Seventh-day Adventist Church, whose creationist underpinnings are revealed in its very name, started growing and expanding at about the same time that Darwin’s theory did, as well.
Who knows, but had Darwin read and believed these few short lines from Ellen G. White, the world might have been spared one of the grandest blunders of human thought since geocentricism and spontaneous generation: “Although the earth was blighted with the curse, nature was still to be man’s lesson book. It could not now represent goodness only; for evil was everywhere present, marring earth and sea and air with its defiling touch. Where once was written only the character of God, the knowledge of good, was now written also the character of Satan, the knowledge of evil. From nature, which now revealed the knowledge of good and evil, man was continually to receive warning as to the results of sin”. — Education, p. 26.
As it was, Darwin devised his evolutionary speculations, all based on a false understanding of the nature and character of God and the fallen world in which we live. Unfortunately, the implications of his theory will make people prey to Satan’s deceptions, especially in the final crisis.
Discussion Questions:

Let me share a nagging thought I have been struggling with our static denominational approach to many of these lessons and eschatology. It seems as if we teach what we have always taught and that we are frozen in our understandings circa 1900. This week’s lesson provides an example. We teach that “know” the deceptions quite specifically. Sounds remarkably similar to the sentiments of the Sabbath keeping Adventists of Christ’s day who knew how He would appear and act. They were so convinced that his own people who had been seeking, serving and providing all the proof texts to support their view rejected the Reality. Is it possible we have it so figured out that we too will miss what transpires. It always seems so hard to believe we could be deceived when we KNOW how things are going to go down to very specific details. This week the lesson articulates what we must be prepared for. Is it possible Satan might just come at us from a different direction. EGW has some statements that suggest the parallelism between the Jews in Christ’s day with the last day church people. She also says around 1900 that there is many things for us to learn and many many (her words) for us to unlearn. Satan is wiley and given we have had it all figured out might change up his game plan in the last 100-150 years. Perhaps some of his game plan is for us to be so convinced of the future that we can be mislead when it isn’t quite as we have understood. Personally I would have felt more comfortable if EGW stated we have many many things to learn and many to unlearn. She chose to put the do the opppsite. I suspect it was intentional.
Revelation is a highly symbolic book for a reason and is not so easy to understand. Our knowledge and understanding must be reframed as we grow.
The major themes of the book in my opinion are that God and Satan are in a deadly serious war, God wins and we are only safe as we grow into a deep personal relationship with him.
I am just urging a note of caution into what often seems like a fixed or frozen interpretations.
(I'm not quite sure I understood your whole point, but let me try.)
If God is infinite, so is the Truth.
Thus, there might be different points and angles to be continued studied in the Bible, then "new and fresh" Truth might come along - understand new and fresh as something only regarding OUR perspective, because from God's perspective, all knowledge is as "old" as Himself... He is already the fountain of Truth.
This curiosity and struggle in the study of God's Truth in the Bible was defined by Jesus Himself as a desire "to find eternal life". And there is nothing wrong with it! The thing is that while we struggle in our search for knowledge we may not see that a simple solution for all our doubts and questions is right in our face, with a name, JESUS, the fountain of all Truth!
But, yes, we should continue to look at the Bible in order for us to get our minds open and our hearts truly convinced, and with new and fresh insights we may receive more of God's Spirit. This way, may we get prompt enough to go out and share our views with all our neighbours, so Jesus can comeback soon!
My prayer at this moment is that God plants more and more, in our hearts, of the desire to search for Truth! And may this search take us to Jesus, for our own good and for the good of those surrounding us. God knows how our minds work - it might be created to acquire more when it gets empty of what is full. Sharing what we got may be one of the ways to get more!
Let us share what we got! Let us preach the everlasting gospel (the Truth or simply Jesus) to a world falling apart! We just need to find how our individual given abilities can help us in doing so!
After reading your post, I must reply, not in judgment, but in tones of only a slight concern. I believe we have one conviction that shows we are not so proud that we have all the answers, but that we are being guided by His Word which truly does light our path, even our prophetic path. With that said, I can only attest that if certain prophecies of the Bible, Old and New alike, have already been fulfilled, then it would stand that the "know" is not a bragging of pontification rites, but a mere conviction of Biblical prophetic knowledge being fulfilled. How else should we say it? we "think" or "maybe we might believe"? To me, it is like stating 1 John 5:13 - we know that we have eternal life. Does it mean we should brag? Who truly "KNOWS" such a thing? No, we are convicted to believe such things, else we open the door (even a crack) to Satanic doubt and intrusion.
I am glad we have a "know" to bring conviction in a very unsure world. Notwithstanding EGW's statement is very true. There are yet things we may have to relearn, or even unlearn. Many, many things. Isn't that what the Great Disappointment was all about? But they persevered anyway. What a lesson for us too. Therefore, I for one have a humble confidence that the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation shall stand, and until such a time as we "unlearn" many, many things, I will agree with you. Let us hold fast our relationship with Christ. Though prophecies are important, they can't save us. Only the saving grace of Jesus Christ in a humble, loving and obedient relationship can do that. Let's get ready. He's coming soon. Is that prophecy or promise? Doesn't matter, because we "KNOW"!
Good warning for us. I do have a hard time connecting with, "we need a modern understanding". EGW said, in her last few years, "I have told you all the light. There will be no new light." Maybe I just missed your point. Indeed there is a lot of warning for us in the Spirit of Prophecy, as there is in the Bible. We must heed, and count our blessings for all that was revealed to us.
if our “focus” is the Law, Ten Commandments, and we emphasize that it’s our distinguishing mark (7th day Sabbath), there is a problem right there! The kingdom of God/Heaven, the Eternal, reigns almost 2000 years now(Matt 28:18,19; Col 1:13) and the Righteousness of it is God’s Righteousness (Isa 46:13; 51:5-8; 56:1; Rom 3:25,26; Phil 3:8-10), not our righteousness which is that of the Law.
Paul faced this problem in the Judaizers all his life. Did Sis White really say that there was no more light to come, that we had all the light??
Its the same in the marriage relationship. If you focus on the law, you miss the point of marriage.
John, can you please provide the reference on EGW stating “I have told you all the light. There will be no new light”. It is first I have heard of that reference. It sounds out of character for her, but am anxious to read it in context and learn more.
Thank you.
While I feel much the same Douglas, I would be interested to know the specifics, if any, that you are considering that would relate to the subjects of this week's study.
I also believe that many will be deceived in the end who thought they had it all figured out, due to what Daniel was told(Dan 12:10). This would explain why "many shall fall"(Dan 11:41) as these events unfold, perhaps not as expected, or while sin remains in their heart. God will use these events to cleanse(shaking/sifting) the church of all that remains unrepentant, thus impure(Isa 4), resulting in the group highlighted in Revelation 7, who will give the loud cry just before this world's probation closes.
I believe this failure of many will come about because of being focused on deciphering the symbols in order to identify the "bad guys", rather than focusing on the experience of the servants of God, (and their relation to Him) who are sealed, in order to understand what their experience must be in putting away all sin from the life. The preparation for this time isn't so much in knowing who is who, but in seeking the true preparation for the coming hour as stated by Zephaniah 2:3. Many of the interpretations held circa 1900 were and still are sound. Some were held as far back as the 16th century or earlier. But will this knowledge lead to personal reform and true Bible Sanctification, or is it just to "win the debates"?
Yes, Ellen wrote that there are still new truths to discover, with a deeper understanding of our true condition and relationship to Christ as our Savior.
Satan is thrilled when he can have the whole world to sway under his deception
There were many babies dedicated and named at the temple. The priest took baby Jesus named him and gave him back to the mother with indifference.
There were two people who were probably regarded as nobody got to see the redemption of the Lord in this baby.
Luke 2:21 – 38
[25] Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. [26] It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord's Christ. [27] Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts. When the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him what the custom of the Law required,
[38] Coming up to them at that very moment, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem.
Righteous and devout – End time people cannot be overcome with our circumstances; cannot run with the crowd;
He was waiting – must be willing to wait upon the Lord
Holy Spirit was upon him – Have you made your abode a hovering place for the Holy Spirit?
Revealed to Him by the Holy Spirit – He did not figure it out it was given to him by the Spirit of God. This was the promise given to us by God himself.
Moved by the Spirit – I love this word MOVED, oh how often I have been negligent not paying attention to the Holy Spirit's leading.
He went in to the temple – Went into the temple where there was apostasy yet God was there. If you seek him with all your heart, He will be found.
Deception can only overpower one who is willing to reject the truth.
The map to eternity has been given unto us. I am the way, truth and life. There is no other way.
Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
If we forget our identity as Adventists and do as we please forgetting that the the Bible is the true light of God, we might not be able to judge right and miss the boat. As we wait longer for Christ return and with the possibility of our faith waning, we need to ask the Holy Spirit to individually lead us to understand the true happenings of the times!
But it is also even more difficult if we are sick in mind and in the body to understand spiritual things. The holy spirit will find it difficult to avail
itself in an individual with a bad blood and soul! It is therefore the responsibility of all dedicated Adventists to be so temperate to Spiritual things, eat very right to develop good blood so that the power of the holy spirit will help us to be Pure in mind, Refined and be Holy in the body. Once these Adventists and true Christian virtues are obtained then we will be in a better position to be lead by the spirit and also receive and understand the promptings of the times.
It will simply be hard for Adventists to understand Spiritual things if their individual blood and for that matter their soul is bad. If you are sick in body you are equally sick in mind and soul to understand spiritual things in our times and also to remain faithful to the service of our Lord. And as many of us are conformed to the teachings of the world, it will simply be difficult to understand and believe in the prophesies! Dare to be a Daniel and Dare to think Different for the service of the true God!
The only answer I can find for why "christians" reject the idea of the devil being real, is unbelief. The Word of God is clear about the devil, yet many don't believe, so how are they considered "Christian"? Perhaps because they call themselves Christian? Jesus did say many would come in His name and deceive many, walking after their own lusts, and believing fables, instead of God's Word.
How to respond to someone who claims to have experienced life after death? "It is written...".
Anyone believing anything contrary to what Scripture teaches, is in peril of being deceived on any point, since they have no anchor or safeguard against falsehood. Since faith comes by hearing the Word of God, not hearing will result in unbelief.
We are so quick to misunderstands Ms. White's writings and her intentions. One thing is for sure. She was sold out to Christ and that her words were words of inspirations and interpretations as God gave her incite and she studied to show herself approved. We must not discount that validity of her words, if we are to be fair in our critique and vigilant in our intentions. There is so much more for us to be concern with when it comes to Satan using biblical truth of confound that student with biblical knowledge. Simply ask that Holy Spirit to lead you into all truth and He will show you E.G. White's purpose was to be conduit for change! She herself always made it clear that anything she wrote was the lessor light. The Bible is clear that there is an end time. So, church get ready!!!! The enemy will use whatever He can to dismiss your thoughts about him and his deceptive ways, even if that means negatively critiquing that Sabbath school lesson. To suggest that anything E.G. White wrote was error or intentionally misleading without evidence is well lets say disheartening to say the least. Be careful, you just might be doing his dastardly deeds for him ( makes his work a whole lot easier) Just considering at who E.G. White was from a world history context, will put Ellen White ahead of her day. She was a trailblazer, a truth seeker and a humble servant. If there is anything more we need to know God Himself will reveal it to us through His word. God using a women in the late 18th early 19th century to plant a church that is one of the most prolific institutions in the twenty-first is awe-inspiring. Yes, the Church is not perfect and we must be mindful not to mislead people, however, God looks at the heart. The Seventh Day Adventist Church will prevail no matter what philosophy is popular in the secular community. Darwin had his theories that were speculative at best, not to mention racist ( a discussion for another day.) Ahh, but Ellen has her visions and look at her fruit! It is obvious she was connected to the vine! Let the Church roll on!!! Hallelujah! and Amen! Great topic for Sabbath School lesson, something I can sink my academic teeth into, bravo!
Out of humility she may have used the word lessor light! But here is my question; If her writings were directed by the Holy Spirit or from the Light from God, will you say it is a lessor light? And if she says " From the light God has given me, the consumption of Animal flesh causes all Inflammatory diseases and Cancer ....." is this phrase a lessor light when you review the present truth on Cancer and the lifestyle diseases ?
Several has asked what I meant by frozen or static ideas. Another way to perhaps state this is exhibiting “confirmation bias”. Do we study scripture to learn what God truth is for today or to we study it to prove what we already believe. Many of you are familiar with the illustration in Stephen Covey’s book’s “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” if either an old hag or a young woman depending on how you have been programmed to think. If shown a picture of the old woman and then the composite almost everyone sees the old woman. The opposite is also true.
If you “know” what the symbols mean then you read the texts to prove your point or confirm your belief. This was a major problem of the Jews in Christ’s day and can easily be a problem in today’s church. Each generation needs to “reframe” these truths for its time since Revelation is relevant to each generation. This next week may provide other examples to illustrate this point and will try to suggest we might want to look at some characterizations differently or we might be expecting one thing to happen and another does.
I used to have a cartoon on my fridge that showed a person holding up his chart of end time events. Jesus is coming in the clouds in another part of the cartoon as the person holding the chart is saying that this can’t really be Jesus because the “events charted” have not been fulfilled as the chart indicated. I just want us to keep an open mind to be able to follow Christ’s leading. I suspect this creates some anxiety with some since this position on eschatology requires some hard thinking and rethinking instead of just studying to confirm your bias.
I firmly believe Christ would have come long ago if there was nothing else God wanted us to learn and holding to circa1900 beliefs without making to truth for our day.
Thank you, Douglas, for stimulating some thoughtful discussion on present truth.
“You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life. And they are the ones witnessing of Me.” John 3:39. Many of the evangelistic campaigns that I have attended use this as a proof text for bible study, when the intent of these words of Jesus is very different. The audience that Jesus was addressing were very diligent bible students—they studied diligently to confirm their biases—they had the “message” and the “truth”. And that is why they missed the Messiah. God’s revelation was not the one they were looking for—he did not fit in with bible “truth” as they (mis)understood it. After all, they had prophecy, the old landmarks and centuries of “truth” for back up. “Search the scriptures and see that a prophet has not been raised out of Galilee.” John 7:52. This was why they knew Jesus of Nazareth could not be the Messiah.
It would seem that the worst deception is self-deception, and if we are honest with ourselves, both individually and organizationally, we have to admit to this danger, especially at this time in earth's history. 1 John 1:8. In context of last-day deceptions, it would be the height of human hubris to think that we have last-day events and Satan’s deceptions all figured out. Matthew 24:24. Seeing the deceptions others have fallen for is much easier than recognizing the ones I own. As can be seen in the book of Acts, the church struggled to keep up with the Holy Spirit’s lead because they had to leave behind their preconceived notions of the past to accept God’s present truth. Present truth is in Jesus (Ephesians 4:21), not in us or our organizations. For this reason, we must depend on the Spirit of Christ (who is the Way, the Truth and the Life) to lead us into that present truth. John 16:13.
We should probably remind ourselves that the disciples of Jesus worked with him for virtually the whole of his ministry under the impression that He was going to set up an earthly kingdom. Even in the week before the crucifixion they were bickering about positions in the new kingdom. One would have thought that somewhere in those 3 years they would have worked it out.
There are a couple of lessons we can learn from their experience:
2. The event that changed the disciples was the shock of Jesus death and resurrection. This changed the perspective of what was going on. It provided the very necessary change of focus. They went from being essentially "cargo-cultists" to evangelists.
3. We need to rethink our mission. All too often we act as though we are going to be able to say to everyone else when Jesus comes, "I told you so!" Perhaps our attitudes are indicative of self-interest, just like the disciples. We need to think about how we relate to others.