Friday: Further Thought ~ Joseph, Master of Dreams
Further Thought:
Ellen G. White, “Joseph in Egypt,” Pages 213-223, in Patriarchs and Prophets.
“In early life, just as they were passing from youth to manhood, Joseph and Daniel were separated from their homes and carried as captives to heathen lands.
Especially was Joseph subject to the temptations that attend great changes of fortune. In his father’s home a tenderly cherished child; in the house of Potiphar a slave, then a confidant and companion; a man of affairs, educated by study, observation, contact with men; in Pharaoh’s dungeon a prisoner of state, condemned unjustly, without hope of vindication or prospect of release; called at a great crisis to the leadership of the nation — what enabled him to preserve his integrity? …
In his childhood, Joseph had been taught the love and fear of God. Often in his father’s tent, under the Syrian stars, he had been told the story of the night vision at Bethel, of the ladder from heaven to earth, and the descending and ascending angels, and of Him who from the throne above revealed Himself to Jacob. He had been told the story of the conflict beside the Jabbok, when, renouncing cherished sins, Jacob stood conqueror, and received the title of a prince with God.
A shepherd boy, tending his father’s flocks, Joseph’s pure and simple life had favored the development of both physical and mental power. By communion with God through nature and the study of the great truths handed down as a sacred trust from father to son, he had gained strength of mind and firmness of principle.
In the crisis of his life, when making that terrible journey from his childhood home in Canaan to the bondage which awaited him in Egypt, looking for the last time on the hills that hid the tents of his kindred, Joseph remembered his father’s God. He remembered the lessons of his childhood, and his soul thrilled with the resolve to prove himself true — ever to act as became a subject of the King of heaven.” — Ellen G. White, Education, Pages 51, 52.
Discussion Questions:

What a powerful message God was sending to the then known world! Joseph said to Pharaoh this is what God is going to do - send 7 years of plenty and then 7 years of famine - and it came true! What an amazing way to spread the Truth about the Creator of Heaven and Earth and to prove He controlled nature.
All the world had to come and bow down to His representative to get food to live.
This was not just about saving the children of Israel but using them to spread the truth of the character of the LORD. YAHWEH was God not Pharaoh. Imagine the testimony of Joseph's life story, how God had blessed and raised him up from a slave to a ruler in 13 years!
Study Question: Compare Joseph with Daniel and Jesus. What are the common points? How do Joseph and Daniel, in their own ways, reveal aspects of Jesus and of what Jesus would be like?
Common points, all three were in exile in a hostile land, and separated from their Family.
Joseph and Daniel showed how Jesus would raise to power, please God, and inspire their family back to their homelands.
Escape from Egypt, (Joseph) escape from Babylon (Daniel) and escape from corruption, sin and death to Eternal Life in the Family of immortal Sons and Daughters !
The story of Joseph is one of those stories that most Adventist Kids grow up with. I remember when my son was about 4 years old he was so fascinated by the story that he learned Joseph's Egyptian name and would always as us to tell him the story of "Zaphnathpaaneah".
Each of us has their own reason for loving the story of Joseph. He shows the moral fibre that reinforces the notion of selfless serving; he is a "type" of Christ; he allows God to work though him and so on. My own reason is that he is an example of forgiveness - but that has to wait till next week's lesson (Yes I did check this time) so I will reserve my comment on that till then.
We all like a story that ends up a success but we need to remind ourselves that Joseph lived and behaved himself as he did simply because it was right; not because he looked for a reward. He did not seek fame or position.
As Jesus said:
How can we learn to trust God and cling to His promises when events don’t appear providential at all, and indeed, God seems silent?
When fear and temptation knocks on the door, shut the door with the power of Jesus Christ. 2 Timothy 1:7. MV(My Version).
Using the the power of Jesus, take on the breastplate of righteousness, gird your waist with Truth, and put shoes on your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Above all, take and use the shield of faith, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Go to Sabbath school and church every week possible, praying with the saints and spreading the Love of God, in accordance with what your mother and father, Bible, and Holy Spirit taugh. If your mother and father did not teach you this, let Christian friends, the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit teach you. Ephesians 6:14-19. MV.
Another Good answer is:
There is a fear that is good.
"The fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding." Job 28:28.
"There are few who realize the influence of the little things of life upon the development of character. Nothing with which we have to do is really small. The varied circumstances that we meet day by day are designed to test our faithfulness and to qualify us for greater trusts. By adherence to principle in the transactions of ordinary life, the mind becomes accustomed to hold the claims of duty above those of pleasure and inclination. Minds thus disciplined are not wavering between right and wrong, like the reed trembling in the wind; they are loyal to duty because they have trained themselves to habits of fidelity and truth. By faithfulness in that which is least they acquire strength to be faithful in greater matters." PP 222.2 - PP 222.3
What a great example of prevailing with God and man we saw in Joseph this week. With Paul and the example of Joseph I pray and you can pray too, that we will be watchful with preseverance, prevailing if you will to the end.
Can not we who believe be all like Joseph?
Was his faith different from ours?
Did Joseph resort to seeking signs and wonders and certain road markers to prove to himself that he was on the right track?
Was he able to consult with others of like faith to assure himself that God had not abandoned him?
Was he reluctant to share the Word of God with others?
Was he steadfast in his commitment to trust his unseen God to stand by him through good times and the bad?
To me, the example of Joseph’s life is a great example for our life – never give up the faith in our righteous heavenly Father, never give in to temptation, never lose sight of the Truth that God is sovereign in the expression of His Will to love you according to His plan of your salvation.