Friday: Further Thought – The Last Five Kings of Judah
In the closing years of Judah’s apostasy the exhortations of the prophets were seemingly of but little avail; and as the armies of the Chaldeans came for the third and last time to besiege Jerusalem, hope fled from every heart. Jeremiah predicted utter ruin; and it was because of his insistence on surrender that he had finally been thrown into prison. But God left not to hopeless despair the faithful remnant who were still in the city.
Even while Jeremiah was kept under close surveillance by those who scorned his messages, there came to him fresh revelations concerning Heaven’s willingness to forgive and to save, which have been an unfailing source of comfort to the church of God from that day to this.
-Ellen G. White, Prophets and Kings, p. 466.
Look at the phrase, Heaven’s willingness to forgive and to save.
Think about all the ways that we have been shown Heaven’s willingness
to forgive and save. After all, the Cross alone should tell us about this willingness. We have the Word of God, which reveals to us the plan of salvation. We have been given the Spirit of Prophecy, a wonderful gift. What are other ways we have been shownHeaven’s willingness to forgive and to save
Discussion Questions:
[The people approached] Jeremiah the prophet and said to him, ‘Please hear our petition and pray to the Lord your God for this entire remnant. For as you now see, though we were once many, now only a few are left’
(Jer. 42:2, NIV). What does this verse and what we read in Jeremiah 23:3 have to say about the remnant theme in Jeremiah?- It’s so easy from our perspective to look back at sacred history and see all the faults and shortcomings and spiritual deficiencies of God’s people of antiquity. And we should, because we have been told that these stories were written as examples for us (1 Cor. 10:11). The sad thing is, many of these people at the time, in their own context and culture, thought that they were doing the right thing, that they were just fine with the Lord. What warning should that give us about just how blind we can be to our true spiritual state? What are ways we can come to grips with our true spiritual condition? Why must we keep the Cross central to that process? What would happen to us if we didn’t keep it central to our spiritual lives?

Even if we feel that we are at the bottom of the stinky pit, like Jeremiah, the good news is that Jesus will come down to us and lift us up.
What a wonderful thing to
Remember when life seems
To bottom out on us. That he
Is right there with us....
Even in the Pit. DWOODS
We have to die to self each day and surrender to the Holy Spirit to allow the Lord to take charge of our life. Allowing the Holy Spirit to lead is the only way we can do the Lord's work. As we can see the Lords comming is nearer than we can imagin.As Jeremiah 42.2 state “Please hear our petition and pray to the Lord your God for this entire remnant'.
So let us all continue to pray for this and when he comes we will see the glory of the Lord.
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. -John 14:6. If we forget just for a second that Christ is the only way of salvation by neglecting to look at the cross of Calvary, then whatever we profess to do it will be salvation by works.
How Gods willingness to save is through out the gospels, and through our the post gospels also. This evidence is found in the fact that God willingly gave us His Son,our Lord Jesus Christ. 1John 5:10-15. Wow, He is so willing to fogive us He gave us His Son to prove it. Not that He needed to prove anything, but that He loves us so much. His power is there us, so much so He puts a garrison(of angels of course). around us. 1Peter 1:5.
Hint. For the 'garrison' interpretation of 'kept' read your Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. 1Peter 1:5.
Hmmmmm, Let me just supply it for you.
5 Who are being guarded (garrisoned) by God’s power through [your] faith [till you fully inherit that [a]final] salvation that is ready to be revealed [for you] in the last time.
Happy Sabbath
Ok thank you for this Sabbath school about the last five kings of Judah. So the true way is:respect the word's lord not only that but also analyze how you read.Tx