Friday: Further Thought ~ Unlimited Possibilities
Further Thought:
Read Ellen G. White, “Talents”, pages 325-365, in Christ’s Object Lessons.
The correct understanding of the biblical teaching of spiritual gifts brings unity to the church.
The recognition that each one of us is valuable and a needed member of the body of Christ is a unifying thought. Every member of the church is necessary for the accomplishment of Christ’s mission. Every member is gifted for service.
“To everyone there is given a work to do for the Master. To each of His servants are committed special gifts, or talents. ‘Unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability’. Every servant has some trust for which he is responsible; and the varied trusts are proportioned to our varied capabilities. In dispensing His gifts, God has not dealt with partiality. He has distributed the talents according to the known powers of His servants, and He expects corresponding returns”. — Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 2, p. 282.
Remember also that the gifts of the Spirit are given for God’s glory and not our own. God gave them to exalt His name and advance His cause.
Discussion Questions:

How do you take the "I" out of talent? Even when I think I am using my talents to share the love of Jesus, there is always the temptation to feel quite proud of what I have done. Humility is something that does not come naturally.
I mentioned earlier this week my experience of being "eased out" of my job as visuals director for our church. Part of the healing process was dealing with my hurt pride. And the Holy Spirit inspired solution was to find other avenues where I could share. And ultimately that led to interaction with unchurched folk. It is too easy to let such setbacks define who you are. And yes, it takes time and patience. It's not instant "fix-it" glue!
In the cut and thrust of the real world, we need to have the sort of relationship with God that is not brittle and breaks easily. In computer communication, we build into the data stream enough redundancy so that in the event of transmission errors, we can use mathematical algorithms to rebuild the data exactly as it was sent. Such resilience needs to be built into our relationship with God so that when our pride is hurt and our relationship challenged, we can rebuild that relationship once again. How do we do that?
"How do we do that?" is a very important question, and my devotional this morning (Lift Him Up, pg 233) gives the clear and only answer. Look upon Jesus who died for us. See Him on the cross, the innocent for the guilty, never answering false accusations or insults. Submitting to the punishment as if HE was the guilty one. Our pride will vanish if we look steadfast and often. Isn't this Jesus' invitation in Matt 11:28-30?
That is a brief sum of the devotional which is very inspiring to read. One sentence reads: "We must deny self, and fight continually against pride." How true and how important this is!
How is a resilient relationship with God developed?
It is a collaborative process - Philippians 3:12,13.
It involves application of continuous conscious, intentional effort - Philippians 3:12; Luke 9:23.
Unfortunately it typically involves periods of significant struggle and discomfort - eg, Job 3; Psalm 22:1,2.
But the outcome really is worth it - James 1:2-4; Romans 5:3,4.
Focussing on upholding others when/while going through our own times of difficulty helps a lot - enables us to exert greater determination to ‘keep on keeping on’.
What difficulties are you experiencing at present that are giving you practice in clinging to God in resilience because there is no other option?
The sign said "Help wanted", how often have I wished someone would help me in major crises or every day tasks, I thought I had found a life partner but unfortunately the bond was broken. So I am physically alone but I am not spiritually alone.
The Good News is that right from the start the LORD has known that it is not good for a person to be alone spiritually and He has provided Helpers.
Initially He spoke directly to the heads of His people, then He appointed priests to convey His messages, and then called judges to guide the people and also prophets with special messages. Then once again He came personally to speak to His people and clarify the truth of His merciful and just character.
He has not left us alone, He has sent another Helper to guide us into all truth and He has appointed His people to be mini helpers of their fellow travelers on the Way of the LORD.
How are you influencing others to accepting Jesus as their Redeemer?
Do you need help? Ask and it will be given you, seek and you will find, the LORD is waiting to give you the Helper who will give you gifts so you can help others find their way to the LORD.
I found the following extract from a letter EGW wrote to a women enlightening. Maurice recently mentioned using our influence, then I read this letter and it was like a light bulb and explained to me what "witnessing" really encompasses.
First our character, actions, behavior and experiences influences those with whom we interact that we care and they can trust what we say. Then we can share the present truth - the good news of the LORD's Everlasting Covenant, His soon Coming and the hour of His Judgment.
I was talking to my friend in the military. In my conversation I was mentioning its better to go in as an officer in to the military. This was offensive because the way I spoke undermined the elisted personnel.
How often we have done that with our spiritual gift.
In our consideration of Gifts, and how they will bring unity, we need to realize that unity is still elusive among us in too many places for a variety of reasons. What does this tell us?
Is every member gifted, or are there conditions for being gifted? For me, the foundational scripture is Acts 1:8, along with those passages that define how we are to receive the Spirit(and His gifts) through repentance and faith(such as Acts 2:38). Will a partial repentance suffice, or only an entire submission?
We need the Holy Spirit and His gifts to be found "good and faithful" servants when the sheep and goats are separated at last(remember, the goats claim to be servants also). We will either be saved by faith or lost in unbelief, and only "the meek shall inherit the earth" restored to its sinless perfection and beauty, and they "shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace"(Ps 37:11).
It is not important for us to know who is and who isn't a true servant, we are only told to examine ourselves(2 Cor 13:5). If faithful, we will be united with all who are faithful, and found so on the day that will reveal God's faithful servants(Mal 3:18).
"Is every member gifted, or are there conditions for being gifted?"
Your question answers itself. If "gifts" must be earned, then they are not gifts, they are wages. Please reread the parable of the talents (Matt. 25:14-30). All 3 servants received talents. None of the servants earned their talents. Two used and increased them, one did not.
We are all blessed with gifts. Sadly, not all of us use them for their intended purpose which is to help others and glorify the Giver of all gifts (James 1:17).
Sieg, you reply reveals the conditions when you write: "All 3 servants received talents". They were servants. We don't see the owner giving talents to strangers.
So, are we servants? How do we define servants? Scripture gives us many meaningful descriptions of servants which will help us avoid thinking we are servants when we are not servants at all.
If there were no conditions, every soul on earth would have gifts of the Holy Spirit.
In both Matthew 25:14 and Matthew 25:19 indeed the servants were not strangers, they were slaves as was the Centurion's "servant" in Matthew 8:9 ("doulos" from Strongs).
Robert - John 1:7-9 - speaks to that 'the true Light lighteth every man - every soul - that cometh into the world'.
If you consider that 'servants' can come from all peoples and are fellow citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven, knowingly and unknowingly, - including Gentiles -, you can find ground for them to receive gifts of the Holy Spirit without being aware.
John 6:44 - only God the Father will draw to Jesus those individuals who He wants to include in His Kingdom.
Rom.2:14-16 - v.15:..'the law written on their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness....'. This is evidence of the work of the Holy Spirit.
Yes, narrowly defined, there are 'conditions' to being called a 'servant'; like actively participating whiles living by faith in the spiritual Kingdom of God; though, as you pointed out, there are faithful, slothful, reluctant or unfaithful servants. Also, a Jewish free-man could become a slave/servant due to circumstances whiles still remaining a Jew and called to be faithful to observe the Law.
Acts 13:46-48; Acts 15:14-17 v.17:'That the residue of men might seek after the Lord, and all the Gentiles, upon whom my name is called; saith the Lord, who doeth all these things'.
Acts 10:34,35 - 'Then Peter opened his mouth, and said: Of a Truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: (35)but in every nation, he that feareth Him and worketh righteousness, is accepted with Him'.
This is evidence that the Holy Spirit works in man before man knows this to be so.
Brigitte and Seig, see Malachi 3:18, Matt 25:30, Joshua 24:15, etc, and see how we are all left with a choice to make. This is a requirement of the gospel. God will force no one, and whatever He supplies we must receive. Most will reject the gift of Grace and blood of Jesus which would cleanse them from all righteousness. If there were no requirements, none would taste of the 2nd death since all would be saved.
Jesus struggled terribly in Gethsemane with the choice He was left to make, and He was not forced to take up the cross against His will. His willingness was required of Him or there would be no offering/propitiation for our sin except our own eternal death which the just law requires.
In the letters to the churches of Revelation 2,3, Christ calls His professed people to "repent" and makes promises "to him that overcomes". (No, not by our strength alone, but only if we choose and yield ourselves to obey in faith). Most will neither repent or overcome. So it is left with us to choose. Our choice is required since God will never force anyone.
A free gift must still be received, though most will not receive it. So our acceptance and reception is required or we lose the salvation offered at such an infinite price. Repentance and faith are the requirements.
John 6:44, God is not selective, but draws all(John 16:8, Matt 28:19, Mark 16:15, etc). It is only those who choose to accept who are saved by grace through faith.
Revelation 3:17,19, we are counseled to "buy of Me", and to "repent". If we do not meet these requirements, we will be "spewed" out.
Lastly, notice Hebrews 11:6. Is faith not a requirement?
Yes Robert. We must receive God's grace or we will be lost. But we cannot earn it or deserve it or it would not be grace. Indeed, by attempting to earn what God freely gives to the whole world, we lose it.
Joshua 24:15 is a good example. Did not manna fall on all? Were not all given water during the 40 years in the desert? It is true that not all received and accepted God's grace but the only "requirement" for these gifts from God was need (hunger and thirst).
Seig, the "requirements" are never to earn, but to receive. We must demonstrate our acceptance of God's blessings by more than a nod. Some are very important, such as repentance. Can one be forgiven for something they have never repented of and continue to do? See 1 John 1:9 and notice the "if".
As for the manna and the water, God did not place it in their mouths. They had to gather the manna before the sun "waxed hot" or they would go without food for that day. They also could not keep it over for the next day, nor would they be able to find any on the Sabbath, and needed to prepare for Sabbath on "friday".
Likewise with the water, it was there, but needed to be collected. Grace is provided for every soul that lives on this earth, but few will be saved.
Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee. Ps 67:3,5
The reading about talents- encouraging all to read it, very educational, and answers many of our questions.
Shirley- was EG White speaking to anyone of us (women) on this site? I can see she was speaking to me. Those words are so profound to me.
The use of our talents-
Shirley, you said, 'First our character, actions, behavior, and experiences influence those with whom we interact that we care and they can trust what we say.'
I spoke about my elder friend a few days ago. If anyone saw her and me they would think she was my mistress and I was working for her and driving her to her appointment. We do not look alike, we are not family, she is older and I am younger, we have different religion and beliefs, we are of a different ethnic and racial group. Yet, those barriers do not exist in the kingdom of God, we are one in his site. Class, creed, caste, race, and ethnicity are all man-made. At her appointment, the clerk asked her what was our relationship, if any. She told her who I was, my profession, and why I was there. I was there to help her ask and answer questions. Without asking me if it was ok with me, She placed my name down as her contact (guess that's what friend do). My friend trusted me because as you said, First our character, actions, behavior, and experiences influences those with whom we interact. I show her the love of God without even telling her about his love. I can now give her a track or a book to read which tells her about his love.
My comments start with the last sentence of today's lesson: "Remember also that the gifts of the Spirit are given for God's glory and not our own. God gave them to exalt His name and advance His cause".
What is the one characteristic that unites all who live in the Kingdom of God? It is the Love of God the Father and our Saviour, Jesus Christ! Learning to express selfless love is the most important lesson in my walk of faith with God.
Matthew Chapter 20 - 'Workers in the Vineyard'. Discussing the Holy Spirit's gifts, talents, dispositions, virtues etc.; the how, where, when, and what brought to mind the conversation Jesus had with his disciples about who would be chosen to sit next to Him in His Kingdom. At that time, in the disciple's mind it was still a kingdom to be established on earth.
The mother of James and John had come to Jesus with the request to have her two sons sit next to Him, and the remaining ten ..'were moved with indignation against the two brethren'. (v.24)
Matt.20:25-28 explains the difference between a kingdom of earth and the heavenly kingdom. Jesus explains the cost and what it means to live in the spiritual, heavenly kingdom:
v.26 - But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister;
v.27 - And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant;
v.28 - Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.
Gal.5:26 - Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.
'Unlimited Possibilities' are found everywhere for those that 'love God with all their heart and their fellow man as they love themselves'. Love is the bond which unites everyone who lives in the kingdom of God; it is God's seal in our heart placed there by His Holy Spirit.
Selfless love is the one virtue that sets us apart from those that are not yet redeemed, and is the power who identifies the server/giver as a child of our loving, compassionate God.
I found over 100 references about loving one another by going to . It may be good for all of us to look up the many biblical references to reset the level of love-awareness when witnessing God's love to others.
1John4:7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.
1John3:14 - We know that we have passed out of death into life, because we love the brothers. Whoever does not love abides in death.
1Peter3:8 - Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind.
Selfless love.
It is the foundational principle of life in heaven and all God’s creation.
It has its origin in the heart of God.
It was the foundational principle in Adam and Eve’s heart before the fall.
It was the foundational principle that Jesus, the 2nd Adam held on to no matter what he was tempted with - even the temptation of avoiding an excruciating torture and death process.
It is the greatest need in the salvation and restoration of each person’s heart back to once again operating on the principle of selfless love.
Because selfless love is the only basis for viable abundant life, all who cooperate with the Spirit’s working to bring that rebirth and character re-development will live. Unfortunately all who exercise their freedom to ‘opt out’ of this restoration will perish (because life is not viable on any other basis).
Sharing selfless love in deeds and words (as appropriate) is the greatest gift we all have and can give to a hurting and perishing world. It is this world’s only true hope.
How can you cultivate selfless love in your heart today?
How can you share selfless love with someone else today?
Hi Phil - so very happy to find your much valued thoughts. Yes, ministry at its core is about the most important, greatest gift we all have accepted when we believed - God's invinite Love! Now, we are admonished to pass it on and share it in word and deed with those who still wait to hear and experience the Love of the Father.
I love your typo Brigitte! “Invinite” combines a sense of the infinite and the inviting, both characteristics of God’s love. If only all our typos were so creative!
🙂 🙂
Phil, your last two questions deserve a proper reply don't they?
Rom 12:1,2, Titus 3:4-6. This experience comes to us once we "repent and believe the Gospel".
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
Phil, you asked-'How can you cultivate selfless love in your heart today? The Holy Spirit first works on us, then he works in us, then he works through us. No one can cultivate selfless love or share selfless love until the Holy Spirit is working through us.
In my understanding of gifts; gift is a general term that covers spiritual gifts and talents. All people on earth were given a talent/s, but spiritual gifts were/are given to people who trusted and believe in God. To me, unbelievers cant use spiritual gifts because they have no use for it. Act 10:34-35. Was Cornelius a believer or an unbeliever?
1 Jn 4:7 talks about love and knowing God. He who loves is born of God and knows God.
“The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works.” Psalm 145: 9
“… above all things have fervent charity among yourselves…” 1Peter 4: 7-11
Not only has God equipped the church with all of the spiritual gifts but, He is ultimately glorified as those gifts, magnified or marginalized by human standards, are used to enable each other to complete “the work of the gospel in all the world.”
This promise of the catalyst Comforter, full of mercy and love, is realized only after repentance. At the foot of the cross, recognizing our unique combinations of God-given necessary gifts and talents, we are able to proclaim God’s supreme love, individually and together. What a challenge and a privilege! Praise Him for His mighty power!