HomeDailyFriday: Inside Story – Cry of the Kalahari ~ Part 1    


Friday: Inside Story – Cry of the Kalahari ~ Part 1 — 6 Comments

  1. The Lord God works in ways we cannot understand, see how he led His servant who sought Him earnestly. To Him be all glory!

  2. I thank God for the Bushman who was guided by the Holy Spirit till he Baptized. If nomadic people will learn to read the Bible and get baptized, why not me and you? May God bless them to learn more and bring more.

  3. Sekoba's difficult journey through the Kalahari Desert did not put him off the burning desire he had to know more of the true living God. May our love for God be as strong so as not to be distracted by the cares of this world, or its short term pleasures. Jesus is Coming soon may our minds be constantly heaven ward bound.

  4. When God gives a dream to meet someone he reveals the same to thatperson . when sekoba was given a dream to meet Mr Williams God had already prepared Mr Williams to meet sekoba. Kamwenge Francis Kampala Uganda


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