HomeDailyFriday: Further Thought – Feeding the Sheep    


Friday: Further Thought – Feeding the Sheep — 12 Comments

  1. Quote from author above...
    "He knew not only the saving grace of Christ but His transforming grace, as well"
    This sentence caught my attention because I have learned that three key terms in Christianity have been corrupted: "grace", "salvation"(saved),and "gospel" (which involves grace and saved--See Eph 2:8)"
    In the above sentence, is transforming grace not the same as saving grace?
    Can one be saved without being transformed? If one is saved and then transformed, what does saving mean? Is there a better adjective word/term to use? What does grace mean other than the typical theological/usual definition of "unmerited favor"? I ask a few question so a reader can notice the subtle distinctions. Can it just be dismissed as irrelevant semantics or soteriological nuances?
    Notice that this is significant because of the #1 Discussion question.

    • Being saved is justification. Being transformed is Sanctification.The first is instant and second is an instant process that builds on the first.

    • Grace in fact is "favor or merit that is undeserved", and it is extended to "whosoever believeth in [Christ]" who is the sinner's hope according to the grace of God toward those who have rebelled against His government, but have come to seek repentance through faith.

      Saved? From what? From sin and it's polluting power and terrible wages. So yes, being saved will include being forgiven and "cleansed from all unrighteousness", which requires being transformed. Paul describes the grace of God as "teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lust, we should live sober, righteous and Godly in this present world, looking for that Blessed Hope...".

    • I believe that saving grace is Justification- the work of a moment, whilst transforming grace produces sanctification- growth in holiness, a daily experience where Jesus works to perfect the work He started in us when He justified us, saving us from the penalty of sin. His transforming grace, however, saves us from the power of sin.

    • It is not possible to be transformed without first being saved. Our guilt prevents us from growing. Transformation is the fruit of being saved. So often we like to turn it around, or put them side by side. We fear "cheap grace" so resort to "Jesus and . . .". But our creator knows better. "Its not what you do, but who you know. And who you know changes what you do."

  2. Salvation is a process. It needs the gift of God working through the Holy Spirit to transform the lives of those who are being saved.

  3. Peter had intense feelings about most everything he did in life. He was one of those types of people I know who are "all in" at anything they believe. But, as pointed out in Mrs. White's statement, Peter had to learn to channel the imperiousness into useful and efficient energy. Consequently, He became one the most useful followers for Jesus. My conversion prayer was, "Lord, I don't want to be a pew-warmer. Teach me to tell others about what I know about you." That was 42 years ago. God has been good to me. You might be interested to read about the disciples breakfast with Jesus just before Pentecost. I hope it blesses you. Here is the link:

  4. By the grace of God I am saved.
    Thank God the transformation does not take penance rather it is a gift if we will accept it. Matthew 22:12-14. Sounds harsh, but when you realize all you can do is to ACCEPT the wedding garment and you are saved. Not so harsh if you accept. Cheep grace, no just faith that Christ can save to the uttermost if we turn to Him.
    When the Spirit of God takes possession of the heart, it transforms the life. Sinful thoughts are put away, evil deeds are renounced; love, humility, and peace take the place of anger, envy, and strife. Joy takes the place of sadness, and the countenance reflects the light of heaven. No one sees the hand that lifts the burden, or beholds the light descend from the courts above. The blessing comes when by faith the soul surrenders itself to God. Then that power which no human eye can see creates a new being in the image of God. DA 173.1
    Lord take possession of my heart, in Christ name amen.

  5. Sometimes it's hard to understand the merciful way in which God deals with us when it comes to our sins. I really don't like it when we as Christians behave and talk like God is a heartless dictator exacting and peevish about our every move. He isn't, His love, when we're willing to accept it is the change agent. God really does love us that much. (He gives us Himself, in the form of the Holy Spirit).

    We sin, then in sincere sadness and disappointment we call on Him to forgive us in the name of Jesus. We ask for help to turn away, resist and overcome. God hears us, and according to our need He gives us a way of obvious escape the next time the temptation comes.

    God doesn't hate us for being sinners. He knows we didn't choose to be born in this world or in the condition we're born in.

    His love and constant help made available to us give us strength and courage to do His will.

  6. 1. Whether it is Adam, sacrificing a lamb, David praying for cleansing, or Peter confessing his fault, the grace of God will hear every repentant sinner who believes in the promises of God who “forgives iniquity, transgression and sin” through the blood of Jesus.

    2. With God's Word as our faithful Guide, we can know “the certainty of the words of truth” and reject all that would lead us to turn from them. God promises He will “instruct and teach” every sincere seeker of Truth “in the way that thou shalt go”.

    3. The Word of God is a vivid record of many who would “fall and rise again”, thus bringing encouragement to any who will exercise faith in this Word. Peter is one of many such examples that should encourage anyone tempted to doubt God's mercy and grace on their behalf, having given us His "exceeding great and precious promises".

  7. what a great lesson,in our impurity like Peter, we should allow the Holy Spirit to purify us like Peter so that we can bear fruit and feed the Lord's flock

  8. This week lessons thought us how to important to be spiritual in our lives. The Holy Spirit is our comforter and our advocate from Jesus Christ. We need to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ with love, faith, sincerity and with simplicity. Therefore people would realize that we are truly children of God.


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