Sabbath: Growing in Christ
Read for This Week’s Study: Isa. 35:10, Mark 10:45, Rom. 6:12-23, Eph. 6:12, Col. 1:16, Gal. 4:1-11, Col. 2:15. Memory Text: Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it (Colossians 2:15, NKJV). Key Thought: Christ’s victory on the cross defines the scope of the victory into which the Christian may grow. The amendment to the church’s fundamental beliefs, voted at the fifty-eight General Conference Session (in 2005), was titled Growing in Christ. When the statement is analyzed, the following significant points become evident Jesus has defeated satanic powers and evil forces; through Christ, victory over these powers, including their past manifestations in a person’s life, is possible; and finally, there are conditions in order for these victories to be realized in a person’s experience. These points will occupy our attention for the next three studies. This week we will be looking at the nature of the victory that Christ won on the cross. By His victory − not only over sin, but over every other force that works against humanity and God’s creation − Christ has achieved salvation for us. As we seek to understand what Christ has accomplished in our behalf, we will be better prepared to understand what we can have in our lives now. His victory can be our victory if we claim it for ourselves, because, no matter what Jesus has done for us, we must choose to accept it. Victory is not automatically given to anyone. Study this week’s lesson to prepare for Sabbath, November 3.

We really thank Jesus for saving us, sinful as we are He is still patient, waiting for each of us to decide to follow Him. Brethren, its high time we decided, salvation is free, but its up to us to welcome it or push it away. Remember, it doesn't come automatically.
It is such a blessing what the lord has done for us. We just have to accept and be faithful to him. Satan and death is defeated. Thsnk you Jesus!!
Its an inspiring lesson.
The cross stands as reminder of the salvage from the great controversy that God did to save me from this world. Thank you Jesus for the salvation!! happy Sabbath long yupla olgeta (Happy Sabbath to you all) from Hohola SDA church Port Moresby PNG.
Very true brother
Such a wonderful lesson this quarter, which reminds us of who we are, sons and daughters of God. Christ's sacrifice on the cross confirms this, but first we must believe in Him, love Him with all our hearts and soul and live a righteous life. We try each day and fall but Jesus picks us up in His loving arms each time we fall. What manner of love is this? God sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross for our salvation. He is waiting on every sinner to repent. Jesus is knocking at the door of our hearts because He loves us. Open it before it is too late. God bless you all.
The most fundamental Christian's existence and consequent salvation is thru the Cross where our sins were washed and we were made new!! It's now our part to choose and follow or don't follow the FREE and GUARANTEED salvation, only if we believe and accept Him.
This year's lessons are actually preparing us in the days ahead...days are coming that we'll not be having the Bibles. The word will be in our hearts....thanks Jesus for saving us.
Romans 6:22 talks about being slaves to God. I don't like the term, I think its not appropriate. God is not a slave to humans either. But I like the title of the lesson...growing in Christ, because it tells me to think that change is possible.
Romans 6:22 comes after several other verses using the illustration of slavery. Slavery was an unavoidable and largely accepted part of the society to which Paul wrote, so we would do well to at least accept it in that social context. Even in only the written context, Paul says he writes "in human terms because of the weakness of your flesh." Some things are hard for us humans to understand even today in a time when we think we are more enlightened. In some ways our society certainly is better, but in other ways we are not at all better. We have less excuse than many of those in Paul's day for serving sin, having not only the Old Testament, but the New Testament, the history of the church, and, for Seventh-day Adventists, the ministry of His modern day prophetess to guide us.
The bottom line is this. As Jesus said, "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon." (Matthew 6:24 NKJV) At any point in time, we serve either Christ or Satan. If we don't chose to serve Christ, we by default serve the purposes of Satan, the originator of self-centeredness and of rebellion against the authority of the Creator. I delight in being a servant of God who is worthy of more praise and service than I can ever give. He is worthy twice over, having made me to start with and then having purchased me back from sin and death through the giving of His own life.
It will take us eternity to fully grasp God's amazing grace. That a perfect God could create and redeem undeserving man leaves me awed!
Amen! Amen!
Can someone please tell me how to understand this statement in sabbath's opening remark's "The following signaficant points become evident Jesus has defeated satanic powers and forces; through Christ" Jesus through Christ is what i don't understand.
In order to understand the statement, when reading it you must pause at the punctuation mark, in this case a semi-colon(;). The semi-colon is used to link related ideas in this sentence.
Basically the statement is saying (in my own words)....When you analyze the "growing in Christ" fundamental belief, there are a number of important points that can be seen. The first is that Jesus has defeated satanic powers and evil forces, second is that through Christ we can have victory over these powers and finally there are conditions in order for these victories to be realized in a person’s experience.
I thank God for the victory, because now His victory through Jesus Christ, is Our Victory. Absolutely, this is an amazing GOSPEL! Masilingi Chilemeji from Forest SDA Church, Mbeya Tanzania
I really thank Jesus for his salvation! Its out of his love for us that we can even talk of freedom of mankind! Thank you Jesus!
We are nothing without him. With Christ all impossibility becomes possible through his redeeming blood. I too will say thank you Jesus
Isa 64:6 states our state before God.without Christ's righteousness we do not deserve to be called God's children bt Christ's victory on the cross imputes His righteousness onto us making us fit for heaven if and only if we believe in Him.believing in Him/accepting Him gives us the oportunity to share the victory over the Devil.thus we can leave victorious lives on earth through Christ in us.when Christ is in us we can safely say 'I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.
Christ has done His part to save and indeed we are saved through the victory that He showed on the cross. It is up to us to accept the victory. May God help me and give me the grace to accept it.
Powerful lesson indeed! Victory at the cross, 1.through Christ all is possible, all evil forces are defeated through Christ 2.Not only Victory over sin bt as well as any force that works against humanity and God's creation ws defeated,,,WOW powerful indeed frends lets claim our Victory now before it is too late!!!!!!!! Thank you Jesus!!!
Amen...Amen..Thank you Jesus!!
I believe in the verse 'I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me".I am finding it difficult to forgive,rescue me.
An Atheist Asked me to define eternal Life and Eternal Death, I replied with a question, What is eternity? he replied everlasting or never ending process. I asked, Do you want to live or die? he answered, I want to Live! I replied go study the CROSS! I do have the answer in me! I found the answer AT THE CROSS! AT THE CROSS! WHERE I FIRST SAW THE LIGHT AND THE BURDEN OF MY HEART ROLL WAY, IT WAS THERE BY FAITH I RECEIVED MY SIGHT AND NOW I AM HAPPY ALL DAY! the Joy of LORD'S HOLY SABBATH falls first in our path of the world, I wish you all HAPI SABAT BILONG PAPA GOD LONG YOU PELA OL GETA...I am truly loving my Sabbath school lessons.
This is a very important lesson, may we not waste the blood of Jesus. Let's accept this great victory from a loving God. Thank you my Jesus. I love you so much ma Jesus.
I receive this victory that Christ Jesus gives.