Tuesday: The Importance of Reporting
The importance of reporting evangelism and witnessing activities and their results has not always been seen and consequently not always undertaken. In all areas of our modern busy lives, importance is placed upon things in proportion to their perceived value. Things that are seen as a waste of time and effort generally don’t receive a lot of our time and attention. Therefore, the importance of reporting needs to be demonstrated. That is, the church members need to see what any evaluation of reports is achieving.
A difference exists between the simple reporting of cold hard facts and the sharing of how the activities that these facts represent are a successful part of the church’s endeavors to reach people for Christ. It is the responsibility of those reporting to make sure that they convey the excitement and joy of success that comes from being involved in the reported ministry.
If we removed all reports of evangelistic activity from the book of Acts, what exciting and encouraging information would we miss that is provided in the following verses? Acts 5:14; 8:4, 12; 11:21; 14:21.
The amazing church growth that is reported in the book of Acts did not simply happen. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, and remembering Jesus’ promise of success, the believers engaged in activities that brought about these results. They were focused on what they wanted to achieve and on how best to achieve it. It is reported that through the preaching of the gospel, multitudes of men and women turned to the Lord and were baptized as part of their discipleship process. This again underscores the importance of reporting the results and the activities in as much detail as you can. In fact, the Bible records the results of the witnessing and evangelism activities more than the details of the activities themselves.
Those very early missionaries went everywhere they possibly could, preaching about Jesus and His kingdom. Because of the reported and recorded results, we assume that they also issued powerful invitations to their hearers. This continual preaching and appealing caused the dramatic results in church growth recorded in the book of Acts.
It is, of course, encouraging when we hear stories of successful evangelistic efforts. How do we respond, however, when things don’t go so well, when our plans seem to fail, when our efforts appear to do no good at all? What should our response be? Discuss your answer in class on Sabbath.

Yes, we don't need to do alot with ourselves we just need to evangelise and then witness His goodness to the rest.
As Christians we should never rest comfortably on the thought that the "importance of reporting" is a duty reserved for organized ministries within the church. No, the "importance of reporting" goes more deeper than that. A Godly woman in our church came up to me and asked, "How was Your week?" I knew she was a strong praying mother of three daughters. I'm a quiet person but for some reason I decided right then not to give her the typical "fine and yours?" answer but to step out of my comfort zone and share with her a special praise report of my week instead. My son is currently in the military and has been deployed overseas for a year. He had left the faith for a while and just this week I get an email from him saying that he is studying the Word and he wants books to read, Patriarchs and Prophets, Prophets and Kings, Desire of Ages, Acts of the Apostles and the Great Controversy...the very books he never wanted to read when he was at home but now he does! I had tears of joy! Praise God! I thought what God had did in my life as a mom was so special that I had to share this very important "praise report" with my audience of one because she could relate and rejoice with me in Gods goodness and mercy and we could encourage each other to continue praying for our "kids" no matter how old they are. This lesson taught me that the "importance of reporting" does not rest solely on church officials, but rests on all of us as well.
Thank you, Ann. What an encouraging, uplifting comment!
To me your testimony is a fulfillment of the promise, "Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it." (Prov. 22:6 NKJV)
Ann, that is interesting. When I was in the Army in Vietnam, I found special spiritual sustenance in the Conflict of the Ages series as well. Perhaps it would be a good idea to make sure that every SDA service member has a set if they wish.