Sabbath: In the Beginning
Read for This Week’s Study: Matt. 19:4; Job 38:4–7; Deut. 32:10, 11; Psalm 19; John 1:1–13; Rom. 5:12; Isa. 66:22.
Memory Text:
“For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him” (Colossians 1:16, NKJV).
Key Thought: The doctrine of Creation, a literal six-day Creation, is foundational to all that we believe.
It’s hard to imagine two more diverse views of origins than the biblical model of creation and the atheistic evolutionary model. The first presents a creation that was planned, thought through, calculated, with nothing left to chance. Nothing. In contrast, the evolutionary model is all chance. Second, in the biblical account, everything was created for a purpose; God had an end goal, what the Greeks call a telos, a purpose for what He created. In contrast, evolution works on the premise that there is no final goal, no purpose-driven force motivating what’s created. Random mutation and natural selection (products of chance) work together blindly, keeping what functions and discarding what doesn’t. Finally, the biblical account teaches that humans were made in the image of God. Evolution teaches that they are made in the image of whatever primate just happened to precede homo sapiens.This week, we’ll look at the biblical doctrine of Creation and see how it forms the foundation of all the biblical truth that follows. If we get creation wrong, we’re all but certain to get a lot else wrong. That’s how crucial the teaching is to what we believe as Seventh-day Adventist Christians.
Study this week’s lesson to prepare for Sabbath, January 14.

I'm a sabbath school teacher and this the best quarterly I have seen, I give it a 9 out of 10. It would be great if it had the capability to write your answers in the lessons for each day.
I think it is important to know that 'All things were created through Him and for Him'..that God created us for a purpose .
Everything created for God's purpose and goal. As a christian what is your Role?
I find this word evolution very interesting not in the Darwinese (Charles Darwin) sense of natural selection and the whole "evolution theory" but in the word itself, meaning maturing, changing or a process of change in a particular direction. Where did this word originate from anyway? Because I see some of this meanings in the bible. And it seems to me that the whole world is "evolving" or to put it in the word more at home "decaying". And aren't we as christians evolving too? Aren't we supposed to be "changing"? I can see why its eazy for some people to believe in the evolution theory because there is change taking place all the time. So true.. without the knowledge of the creation week by God we would be lost and our hope would be meaningless
Unfortunately the word "evolution" nowadays has the connotation of "evolving" from a simple or primitive state to a complex, "mature" state. Thus the connotation is contrary to the biblical truth that the earth grows old and runs down (Isa. 51:6; Ps 102:25,26) The world is, indeed, "decaying."
Insofar, as to "evolve" meant to "change," I believe in "evolution." 😉 We are all constantly changing -- for the worse or for the better. By God's grace we can all change and grow into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ. (II Cor. 3:18)
On Jan 5 2012 an article posted to the Huffington Post caught my eyes. It says that ... "the biggest mystery in the universe perplexing one of the world's best known scientists is -- women." Stephen Hawking said it! Wow, isn't it true that evolution couldn't explain about women?!? Incredible!
Hawking may not have said this facetiously.
Sexual reproduction of any kind -- whether plant or animal -- actually goes against the expectations of evolutionary theory, since it is a much less efficient method of reproduction than asexual reproduction. And for such a mechanism to evolve by naturalistic means is highly improbable. But then the naturalistic "evolution" of the "simplest" living cell violates the law of probability. Since this could not evolve within the time frame postulated since the "big bang," from which the universe supposedly originated, scientists have begun to postulate "multiverses." So now, anything that is impossible in this universe must have originated in another universe and been introduced to our universe.
It is evident that Henry Morris's article Evolution Is Religion--Not Science is still relevant.
wow thank you Inge Anderson for the insight God is truly blessing the world with understanding through people like you and the power of the Holy Spirit He said ask ...and you shall receive 🙂
Am total pleased with this quarterly lesson, a wonderful topic.
Those who accept evolution contend that creation is not scientific; but can it be fairly said that the theory of evolution itself is truly scientific?