Inside Story: Divine Encounter
ChinaTang Yue
Taking her six-year-old son by the hand, Tang Yue didn’t expect anything unusual as she walked from her home to the nearby market. Little did she know that she was about to experience a divine encounter.
Tang Yue believed in God, and on Sundays she met together with other Christian believers, but at the moment her thoughts were centered on what she needed to get at the market. As she walked down the street, two kind-looking men approached her and stopped.
You know,
said one, keeping Sunday is not from the Bible.
He held up a Bible and showed the astonished Tang Yue texts regarding the seventh-day Sabbath. Encouraging her to see for herself, the other man told her, You can search the internet, and see what day is really the Sabbath day.
Then the men concluded their brief presentation by telling Tang Yue that Jesus came to this world, and
Then as quickly as they had come, the two men disappeared into the crowd.the Saturday church
is really the church of God.
Astonished by this strange, brief meeting, Tang Yue went home and began searching the internet for answers to the questions the strangers had raised. To her surprise, she came across an amazing website-in Chinese-that had answers to her questions, including clear answers about the seventh-day, Saturday, being God’s true Sabbath. The site also offered easy-to-follow Bible studies. Learning that the website was from a Seventh-day Adventist ministry, she wondered if there might be an Adventist church nearby that she could visit.
Doing another internet search, Tang Yue was happy to learn that there was an Adventist church in her city, and she decided to visit.Surely there must be something special about this church, she thought to herself.
Finding her way to the church the following Sabbath, Tang Yue looked for the two men who had approached her on the street, but she didn’t see them. In fact, she never saw them again.
But she keeps returning to the Adventist church and believes that she has found her spiritual home. [This church] is teaching very closely to the Bible,
says Tang Yue. It is very different from the Sunday church. I believe that what the Adventists are teaching is the truth, and that Jesus is coming soon.
Tang Yue continues to worship regularly with Seventh-day Adventists who meet together in an apartment within a city in central China.
This quarter, a part of your Thirteenth Sabbath Offering is going to help provide more places of worship for believers in China.
Produced by the General Conference Office of Adventist Mission.
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The event that convinced me after a life time search and multiple churches, was the day the whole room was lit up by blinding light and the only thing in there was me and an old man who I asked where did he go ? So I was led to follow to the SDA church.