Thursday: The Witnesses to the Savior
Although writing primarily to the Gentiles, Luke was aware of the importance of the Jewish heritage through the Old Testament. He takes care to link the New Testament story with the Old and provides the scene of Mary and Joseph having the Baby Jesus circumcised on the eighth day and taking Him to the temple in Jerusalem, all according to Jewish law (Luke 12:22-24) .
Read Luke 2:25-32. Note three points about the theology of salvation that Simeon brings to the fore: salvation is through Jesus; salvation is prepared by God; salvation is for all peoples—to the Gentiles as well as to Israel. How do these truths tie in with the first angel’s message of Revelation 14:6-7?
Simeon’s prophecy also predicted two significant features of Jesus’ ministry.
First, Christ is destined for the fall and rising of many in Israel (Luke 2:34, NKJV) . Yes, Christ has brought light and salvation to all, but not without cost to the recipient. With Christ there is no neutral ground: accept Him or reject Him, and upon the appropriate response one’s salvation depends. Christ demands exclusiveness; we abide in Him or we do not. Those who abide in Him will rise up and be part of His kingdom; those who reject Him or remain indifferent to Him will fall to the ground and perish without hope. Faith in Christ is nonnegotiable.
Second, Simeon prophesies to Mary, a sword will pierce through your own soul also (Luke 2:35, NKJV) . The reference no doubt is to the Cross, which Mary will witness. Mary and all the generations that follow her ought to remember that without the Cross, there is no salvation. The Cross is the hub around which the entire plan of salvation revolves.
Salvation is a gift in that we can do nothing to earn it. Yet, it can still be very costly to those who claim it for themselves. What has following Christ cost you, and why is that cost, whatever it may be, cheap enough?

There has been some losts of friend, family and at times pride but to be with Christ eternally is worth it.
I have lost jobs, friends and income because I chose to follow Jesus. I certainly have not earned salvation and the cost is not easy to count. I just know it has cost me a lot, but it is all worth it.
What does it mean to us that Mary "fulfilled her time of purification"?
In Lev 12 the LORD specified that a mother was unclean for 40 days for a boy and 80 days for a girl and that she couldn't go into the sanctuary until after the specified time.
What was the purpose of this time? Why would a mother after giving birth not be allowed in to go to church for months?
Same reasons as lev 15. Health and hygiene. Woman bleed for abit after birth.Cant have sinners blood in the temple, only Gods blood. ( represented by innocent lambs etc)
In the first two chapters of Luke we are given clues as to one of the people that Luke consulted to write his gospel - do you know who it is?
I believe you're speaking of the clue in Luke 2:19 and Luke 2:51. "Mary kept these things secret in her heart."
Yes Luke records that Mary kept all these things in her heart, so I believe Luke spoke to her.
Also in Luke 1:66, those witnesses to the birth of John and the miracle also remembered what had happened.
I am not worthy to be called His "daughter" because I am a sinner!! But because He died for me, I was saved through the Cross.
It is a mystery and it's full of history that everyone draws to it. When you searched and finally, found Him. Life has meaning, it provides you the feeling of peace & freedom. The willingness to do what is right through His words. It's a burden to most of us, but you know the ultimate price is to see His face! Nothing is this world will "top it off" - the Holy Spirit fills you up. And "... the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23, NKJV).
And if we are only willing to accept Him, we will see him again!! My heart is full of gratitude. He first loved me, and I hope and pray that now my life is His in return! I hope I can hold on to the end...
By faith we can hold on to the end. We need to ever keep our eyes on the Lamb.
Just a comment on the following statement made in today's lesson:
" Those who abide in Him will rise up and be part of His kingdom; those who reject Him or remain indifferent to Him will fall to the ground and perish without hope."
Salvation is free but it indeed costs us everything in that it costs us all of our SELF. Self must die if we are to be saved. And this must occur daily. Self dies voluntarily when the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Roman 5:5). As the Holy Spirit impresses upon our minds and hearts the immensity of the sacrifice as well as the love of God revealed in such an extravagant outlay (since God poured out ALL of heaven in order to save us) our hearts are melted with a love in return for the matchless love that God has for us (1 John 4:8). There is power at the cross to save us from ourselves! There's power at the cross to save us from ALL species of selfishness! The place of the cross is THE only place of power to overcome evil. Self must be renounced, crucified and put out of sight so that we may live upright, loving and godly lives walking in the glorious liberty of the sons of God (Romans 8:21).
God help us ever lift our eyes to Calvary to view the cross where Jesus died for us! I am certain that if we keep the Lord always before our face (reflect on the great love He has for us which is most powerfully seen in the sacrifice made on Calvary's tree) we will never be moved in our faith in HIM (Psalm 16:8).