Inside Story: Japan – Ruth’s Story
More Precious Than Money
Ruth was born in Ecuador, but moved to Japan with her Japanese- Ecuadorian husband in 2004.
While still in Ecuador she visited many churches, but none satisfied the deep spiritual longing of her heart.
Then one day she visited a Seventh-day Adventist church and found that the people were kind and the pastor treated people equally.
Around that time, Ruth received a DVD titled The Last Hope, featuring presentations on the book of Revelation by Pastor Luis Gonçalves. Not sure what it was about, Ruth set the DVD aside and soon forgot about it.
Sometime later, Ruth and her husband moved to Japan where they found work in manufacturing plastic products and soon became well-respected employees.
Although Ruth was doing well in her work, she still felt that something was missing in her life. One day while browsing through a free newspaper she had picked up, her eye caught an advertisement for a Seventh-day Adventist church. Remembering her friendly encounter with Seventh-day Adventists in Ecuador, Ruth decided to call the local pastor, who invited her to visit the church in in Kakigoya, not far from her home.
At the church, Ruth was delighted to meet Diana, the head elder’s wife who was Brazilian. Diana offered to study the Bible with Ruth, who readily accepted. When the two met for their first Bible study, Diana brought a gift for Ruth-a DVD by Pastor Luis Gonçalves, titled The Last Hope! All of a sudden, Ruth remembered the same DVD she had come across in their things from Ecuador. When we move, I usually throw away old stuff,
Ruth said, but somehow this DVD stayed with us.
Surprised and convinced that this was more than just a random coincidence, Ruth immediately starting watching the DVD. As she studied the Bible with Diana and continued learning more about Revelation, Ruth was convicted that she had found the truth.
When she learned that the seventh-day Sabbath was God’s holy day, Ruth quickly decided to quit working on Sabbath. Are you crazy?
her co-workers asked. You get paid a higher rate on Saturdays. Why don’t you earn the money and give it to your church?
There is something more precious than money,
Ruth replied. Such as going to church each Sabbath and learning new things. Learning about the Ten Commandments and how God Himself wrote them. That’s important.
Before long, Ruth was ready to make a full commitment and was baptized into the Adventist Church. When her co-workers realized that Ruth was serious about her new-found faith, they turned against her. You’ve changed,
some told her. I can’t work with you,
said another. Nevertheless, her supervisor still valued Ruth and allowed her to take every Saturday off.
Many things have changed in my life,
Ruth explains. The way I think, my habits, my relationships with people, everything has changed. Before I was baptized, I had a hard heart, but now I have become more sensitive-rich in emotion and can now empathize with others.
Ruth is one of the many South American immigrants in Japan. Members of the Seventh-day Adventist international church in Japan are actively seeking to reach others like Ruth who are searching. One of this quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath Offering projects is to help build an international evangelistic center in Japan. For more stories either in print or video, visit Did you know that you don’t have to wait for the end of the quarter to give to the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering projects? You can give any time on our secure website: Thank you for supporting mission!
Produced by the General Conference Office of Adventist Mission.
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God bless the work of all those who volunteer to offer Bible Study programs to those who do not Know the truth. 2 Corinthians 9:7 "Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver." (KJV. "Authorized Version", Cambridge Edition)
Let our lord God help those who seek the trueth about the holy scriptures and we believer let us say Amen.
I believe in missions,from a little girl I was always intereasted in missions. I make it acommitment for missions to be apartof my monthly giving. May God continue to be with all His hard working missonaries.
Knowing God doesn’t require your money, but your personal commitment of seeking his presence , your time and talent begins to work , resource are so many, but it only come when we hear God’s voice calling come home our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood that righteousness. Welcome you to Adventist faith.
wow! this story is amazing from one who longs to know the truth. we should always long for Christ and determine to obey Him and keep His commandment which includes the Sabbath commandment.