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Inside Story: Japan – Ruth’s Story — 5 Comments

  1. God bless the work of all those who volunteer to offer Bible Study programs to those who do not Know the truth. 2 Corinthians 9:7 "Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver." (KJV. "Authorized Version", Cambridge Edition)

  2. Let our lord God help those who seek the trueth about the holy scriptures and we believer let us say Amen.

  3. I believe in missions,from a little girl I was always intereasted in missions. I make it acommitment for missions to be apartof my monthly giving. May God continue to be with all His hard working missonaries.

  4. Knowing God doesn’t require your money, but your personal commitment of seeking his presence , your time and talent begins to work , resource are so many, but it only come when we hear God’s voice calling come home our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood that righteousness. Welcome you to Adventist faith.

  5. wow! this story is amazing from one who longs to know the truth. we should always long for Christ and determine to obey Him and keep His commandment which includes the Sabbath commandment.


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