Kind Words Are Honey to The Soul
Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. Proverbs 16:24 NLT
Yesterday, when I showed up at Tampa Adventist Academy to teach my baptism class, a teacher, beaming with pride, showed me an e-mail one of her former students had just sent her the night before. In the e-mail, the student was telling her former teacher about her new school and scholastic programs. The student was doing well at her new school. The student then thanked the teacher at Tampa Adventist Academy for “never giving up one me” and “always pushing me to do my best.” This made the teacher’s day! Kind encouraging words are honey to the soul. Is there a teacher you need to write a thank-you letter to?
Earlier this school year, I was on the playground following up with one of the teachers about one of her students who wanted to attend my baptism class. While the teacher and I were talking, on the far side of the playground I saw a glimpse of a little girl running with a football, being chased by by some boys. I yelled her name and shouted, “Run! Run!”
The next morning the little girl’s mother came up to me, and told me, “My daughter told me yesterday, “Mama I was playing football with the boys and they were about to catch me, when I heard Pastor William yell my name. That gave me a burst of energy and I made the touchdown!”
Who knew what a kind encouraging word could do? Is there a child you need to speak a kind encouraging word to today?