Modesty: It’s Not About Sex, It’s About the Holy Spirit
Then they came to Jesus, and saw the one who had been demon-possessed and had the legion, sitting and clothed and in his right mind. Mark 5:15 NKJV
When the demoniac became converted, he was clothed and in his right mind. So today, the closer we come to Jesus the more appropriately we dress. In Genesis 3, when Adam realized he was naked, he tried to make a garment of fig leaves and work out a way to cover his nakedness. As always, man’s works failed. God covered Adam’s nakedness with animal skins, meaning an animal had to die to cover his shame. This pointed Adam to the cross, where Jesus would die to cover our nakedness.
I believe we grieve the Holy Spirit when we refuse to acknowledge our nakedness physically and spiritually. The demoniac was physically naked (Luke 8:27) and so was Adam (Genesis 3). When they both met God, they both became clothed. So physical clothing is a part of the gospel. One way we show the Holy Spirit has convicted us of our need of a Savior is by dressing appropriately.
When we let Jesus’ righteousness cover our naked souls, we also cover our naked bodies. This is what happened in the Bible with Adam and the demoniac.
Jesus’ message to Laodicea draws a close parallel between physical nakedness and spiritual nakedness.
… you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked— I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed. Revelation 3:17-18 NKJV
When the Holy Spirit convicts us of the need of a Savior to cover our spiritual nakedness, we dress appropriately physically as well.
While the Bible uses men in illustrating the need for modesty, we usually use women today. We talk about how men are stimulated by sight; so women need to be careful how they dress. In discussions on modestly, I can always count on a woman saying she dresses modestly to keep men from lusting after her. To me that sounds a bit arrogant and assuming. It places a focus on sex rather than Jesus. I have listened to Christian people talking about modesty in a way that would make you think sex was the focus of their life instead of the cross of Jesus.
When we accept the Holy Spirit and acknowledge our need of a Savior, we dress appropriately, because we sense the presence of God. Truly modest people don’t assume their beauty is a stumbling block. When we are truly modest, meek and poor in spirit, we cover up, because we realize people need to see less of us and more of Jesus. Our dress is not in response to who may or may not be turned on. Our dress is in response to the Holy Spirit telling us we need a Savior. After all, the Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus, and those who have the Holy spirit, glorify Jesus in their words, actions and dress. When we do so we make the Holy Spirit happy!