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Monday: Presence, Word and Roadwork — 13 Comments

  1. Last year we travelled up to Queensland on the Pacific Highway to visit Carmel’s aging parents. COVID had meant that interstate travel was simply not allowed, so when they opened the Queensland border to NSW we quickly drove up the coast to bring a bit of cheer and happiness to Carmel’s parents. This time around we were in for a pleasant change. For the last few years the road authorities had been working on about 150km of new road between Grafton and Ballina. Up until now the old highway was a simply two-lane road that followed the banks of some large rivers with floodplains. Further, the road passed though several small towns, which, although rather picturesque, slowed the traffic to a crawl. The new dual carriage highway was open and took a completely different route. Furthermore, long low bridges crossed the floodplains. The road was almost straight and I reckon that it saved us at least 30 minutes of travel time. We came back home a week later amid some really heavy rain. The old highway was cut in several places and I admit to having a little smile to myself as we passed over the floodplains without having to worry about water depth.

    The new straight road made driving a delight compared to the crooked flood-prone road that we had put up with for many years.

    The voice of one crying in the wilderness:
    “Prepare the way of the LORD;
    Make straight in the desert
    A highway for our God.
    Every valley shall be exalted
    And every mountain and hill brought low;
    The crooked places shall be made straight
    And the rough places smooth;
    The glory of the LORD shall be revealed,
    And all flesh shall see it together;
    For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.” Isa 40:3-5 NKJV

    The New Testament quite rightly applies this passage to the work of John the Baptist, but it should not be overlooked that it applies to us as well. And I don’t just mean in the sense that we are to prepare people for Jesus Second Coming. There is a work to be done in preparing folk to meet Jesus now. We are called to be road-builders for the present, not just the future. Sometimes, we fall into the trap of arguing about who has the right to operate the bulldozers, but nothing should detract from the responsibility God has given us.

    • If straightning the highway saved you 30 minutes. If only we straighten the pathway to the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ how we can hasten the coming of the Lord.
      What does the straighten of the pathway for our king look like?
      Confess and Repent of your sin. No longer need to run and hide from his presence. (Romans 10:9)
      New Creation – Live according to the Spirit of God who gives discernment of right and wrong (Romans 8)
      Prepare – Prepare the people around you with awareness of His coming (Matthew 28:18-20)
      Matthew 24:14
      And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come.
      Jesus said, "Behold I come quickly."
      He is waiting on us to get on the straight and narrow highway.

  2. It's our duty to prepare the way for the second coming of our messiah. We as Christian of nowadays we are the one to stand like John the Baptist deed in his time. He didn't wait for the second thought but he just stand on his feet and started shouting everywhere around the whole nations and to every people. So even us let's stand up for the truth we have about our Lord is enough for us to proclaim the message to the world by all means. Let our Theme be like of prophet Isaiah when he said" I WILL GO"LORD send me. Isaiah 6:8. God bless us as we prepare the way for our Lord Jesus Christ so that His second coming must be not delay.

  3. I see Isaiah 40:3-8 in the story of Jairus. Reading from Mark 5:

    35 While Jesus was saying this, some messengers came from Jairus' house and told him, “Your daughter has died. Why bother the Teacher any longer?”

    36 Jesus paid no attention to what they said, but told him, “Don't be afraid, only believe.” 37 Then he did not let anyone else go on with him except Peter and James and his brother John. 38 They arrived at Jairus' house, where Jesus saw the confusion and heard all the loud crying and wailing. 39 He went in and said to them, “Why all this confusion? Why are you crying? The child is not dead—she is only sleeping!”

    40 They started making fun of him, so he put them all out, took the child's father and mother and his three disciples, and went into the room where the child was lying. 41 He took her by the hand and said to her, “Talitha, koum,” which means, “Little girl, I tell you to get up!”

    42 She got up at once and started walking around. (She was twelve years old.) When this happened, they were completely amazed. 43 But Jesus gave them strict orders not to tell anyone, and he said, “Give her something to eat.”

    Jairus was at his wit's end. His young daughter was about to die. It probably took some deliberation with his wife and finally he decided to leave his responsibilities as a synagogue ruler for the journey, to risk losing his job as a result of going to Jesus, to admit that he was needy, to humble himself to seek out Jesus for healing. Jairus had to get over some mountains of pride to reach Jesus.

    Then after he contacted Jesus, he had to wait for Jesus to heal someone else first! (Some more mountains, the "me first" mountains of Ego.) When the news reached Jairus that his daughter had indeed died during the wait, he must have plunged into a deep valley of despair. He had to trust Jesus to continue on and allow "the Teacher" to come back home with him anyway.

    When they arrived home at the scene, there was a group there who made fun of Jesus for saying that the little girl was only sleeping. They could see with their own eyes, and they had heard the doctors pronounce, that she was dead. It was obvious. Jesus was crazy. So Jesus put all of these people out of the house and they never witnessed the miracle. Jesus gave strict orders to the parents to not even tell anyone what happened. Don't share the details with these mocking friends.

    We don't get to see Jesus, our Messiah, by remaining in a curious crowd full of unbelief. The only way the people of Jerusalem could recognize and welcome their Messiah was with a changed heart. Mountains of religious pride would need to be leveled. Those in the valley of despair and depression because of their broken lives would need to be lifted up. Our lives are a barren landscape without Jesus. People seek fulfillment on dead-end roads - material prosperity, education and degrees, amusement (the road the Prodigal son took), relationships, jobs, projects, religion that that is self-satisfied and self-centered.

    We can't even get to Jesus without Him drawing us. Repentance is the work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts showing us these mountains and valleys and dead ends, convicting us of not only how much sin hurts us but also how much it hurts God, and pointing us to Jesus. The Spirit gives us the divine road map of His Word "that shall stand forever" (Is. 40:8). We hear Jesus say, come off your mountain of pride, “Don't be afraid, only believe.” We hear Jesus say, here's my hand reaching to you down in that valley of pain, “.... I tell you to get up!”

    May we accept Jesus' invitations so that the glory of the Lord is revealed through us for everyone to see and receive God's healing (Is. 40:5).

  4. Two points that impact my thoughts in today's study guide:

    Firstly the issue the LORD had with His people was not so much breaking the rules but worshiping themselves or other gods. In other words deciding whom they loved and who made their rules.

    Secondly the way to understand Jer 31:31-34 is given to us in other passages like Eze 16 and the book of Hosea where the LORD's relationship with His people is likened to a marriage. The tribes of Judah & Benjamin "divorced" the LORD, but He is offering to re-marry them on the same terms as the first time - His Law in their hearts.

    Deut 6:4-9
    Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is One. 5 And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.

    6 These words I am commanding you today shall be in your hearts. 7 And you shall teach them diligently to your children and speak of them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as reminders on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorposts of your houses and on your gates.

  5. Presence, Word and Roadwork
    Isaiah was a human who was sent with the message about deliverance but the Lord did not used Isiah to delivered the people. Those passages to me have a triple meaning.
    1. While we can be looking back to Isiah present day/time about the deliverance of the children from physical slavery, he is also pointing them to Christ first and second coming.
    2. Isa 40:3. Matt 3:3. Mark 1:3. Luke 3:4. John 1:23. How ironic it is that the same message is repeated in all four of the gospel.

    The question for me is; what were the state of the people who called themselves Israelites and Christians were/are in that the voice came with stern rebuke. Isiah had a strong message for the people to remove from sin. John the Baptist did not mixed his words either. He spoke out openly about sins and what was going on both in the temple and out of the temple. As a result he paid for it with his life. In our time, are we preparing to speak the truth as it is coming from the word like John the Baptiste or are we softening up on what is truth.
    As a result of speaking the truth we must be prepare to die. Are we preparing to die or do we want to live to enjoy the sins of this world and be destroyed when Christ return?
    Many times I heard we should not be preaching certain things from the pulpit because of what can happen. One of the problem can be when state and church join hands together, the water becomes muddy.
    I do my part to tell men and women about the gospel. I know I will be sold out someday or die someday so I don't claim ownership to anything.
    John the Baptist condemned the leaders and called them generations of vipers. We don't hear those strong words being preach these days. Matt 3:7-12. People wants to hear the smooth message and to cont. living in sins. If we have a message, we must preach in love but we must let people know they are living in sins.

  6. Humbly accepting God’s Word when it comes to myself, there’s no way I can ignore the fragile nature of my existence.

    This is especially true when I accept His description of Himself and the promises of hope for a spiritual change. I can no longer place my hope in myself or others like me.

    God is my Comfort, my hope and His Word is the determining factor in my lifestyle and actions.

  7. Lyn seems to be saying that we must loudly point out the sins of the society. I agree but at the same time we must point out that God is willing to forgive their sins not willing that any should perish. I once confronted a dear friend who was always ready to condemn but seldom mentioned the willingness of God to forgive. Loving parents punish when necessary but prefer to forgive. This attribute they receive from God.

  8. In everything God does, I have learned to always keep the bigger picture in mind. In modern times, the quality of the electronically displayed picture is enhanced based on how many pixels are present – the more pixels the better the clarity of the picture. I see this to also be true of the communication picture we ‘see/have’ with the God who holds all things in His hands; the more pixels, the better the clarity of the picture. To help with this, prophets were sent to enhance the ‘clarity’ of the ‘Word of God’, because the ‘inner man’ could not see it clear enough with his spiritual eyes.
    God is omniscient and omnipresent, He is not bound to/by time and space. He transfers to the faithful believer understanding through His Holy Spirit, revealing Himself through communication with our mind and heart as well as through acts of loving righteousness and justice. In everything we experience, God relates to man in the context of His Spirit's ultimate goal - adding pixels to enhance the understanding of the bigger picture - Salvation.

    I believe, the greatest need for the Christian community is to learn to identify the Father’s voice which He uses when communicating with us – the Holy Spirit’s voice. Then, Prophets and Priests where appointed to bring the Father’s message to the people; to enhance its clarity, definition, depth and with that, increase the ‘comprehension-quality’ of the bigger picture of the Word of God - Salvation. Today, we benefit from gifted people like Ellen White and others who help clarify the spiritual and practical application/meaning of the Word of God; though nothing is as all-inclusive and effectual as the Word of God revealed by the Spirit of God directly.

    The time will come when the adversary makes one last, worldwide attempt to deceive all nations; to scramble/interfere with the clarity of the message of the ‘Word of God” – Christ Jesus. Yes, the spiritual roadwork is done in our hearts and minds, but the road’s foundation is FAITH.
    Every good road receives its stability from a good foundation. Its layers are carefully prepared, including excavation to remove unstable soil and building up the roadbed with new material to improve stability and flexibility – assuring integrity; the better the road’s foundation, the better the road holds up under heavy traffic!
    What are the layers of our spiritual ‘road’s’ foundation; how do we prepare the heart and mind to stay strong, not get worn down in the time of the ‘rush-hour’ designed by the adversary to overwhelm the capacity of our heart and mind’s ‘highway’ – Isa.40:3KJV; Matt.7:24-27KJV?

    Each faith-based act of spiritual/practical communication with the Father provides an additional pixel to help enhance the clarity of the bigger picture of our Salvation; with ever increasing spiritual clarity, our Faith and Trust in His living Word Christ Jesus and His everlasting Promises will withstand any type of traffic designed to destroy the stability of the living soul's heart and mind.

    • "The time will come when the adversary makes one last, worldwide attempt to deceive all nations; to scramble/interfere with the clarity of the message of the ‘Word of God” – Christ Jesus. Yes, the spiritual roadwork is done in our hearts and minds, but the road’s foundation is FAITH.
      Every good road receives its stability from a good foundation. Its layers are carefully prepared, including excavation to remove unstable soil and building up the roadbed with new material to improve stability and flexibility – assuring integrity; the better the road’s foundation, the better the road holds up under heavy traffic!
      What are the layers of our spiritual ‘road’s’ foundation; how do we prepare the heart and mind to stay strong, not get worn down in the time of the ‘rush-hour’ designed by the adversary to overwhelm the capacity of our heart and mind’s ‘highway’ – Isa.40:3KJV; Matt.7:24-27KJV?"

      What a blessing to my weary soul!
      Blessings, my sister!

      • Thank you, Norma - how nice to receive your kind comment. I pray and hope that God's joy will replace the weariness in your soul soon.

  9. The question at the end of today's lesson asks - Why is it good to recount in your mind the way the Lord has led you?

    Recounting helps us to reflect on, and assimilate our experiences.   Recounting how the Lord has led us, should result in us growing more in Christ because He has led us perfectly.  If we are honest, we will accept that the bumps along the way are sometimes a result of our own waywardness.  If we are honest we would appreciate that our strength is renewed daily ...like eagles at times even.  Many times we run in this race of life; because He is leading us, we do not feel tired & weary. We walk daily; fainteth not.

    Let us heed Isaiah 40:31. Continue to wait upon the Lord, because He has been good; the best is waiting.

  10. The word of God, and His “exceeding great and precious promises” bring comfort to the believer. The Psalmist writes: “Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me”. What does that mean? In some instances, these represent the protection of the Lord against the enemies of His people. In others, it represents His correction of a son He loves. In another place, it describes a means for measuring and examining in order to understand(Rev 11:1). God Himself is the comfort of His people by the means He has ordained.

    Jesus' coming will affect every soul. The proud will be abased, the meek and lowly of heart will be lifted up. We can understand why Jesus said "Blessed are the meek" can't we?


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