Monday: Seek the Lord
No matter how crucial it is to a life of faith, the Law (the Torah) is not itself the source of life. On the contrary, the law points out sin, and sin leads to death (see Rom. 7:7–13). Instead, what makes the Torah effective is that it comes from God. Apart from God, the Torah would be a legalistic creed that has nothing to do with His original intention. A life of obedience to the law of
God is related to a life with God. The Torah does not replace God; it is just a teacher that (according to Paul’s analogy) leads the students to their master(Gal. 3:24).
Read Galatians 3:24 in context. How does the law point us to Jesus, so that we can indeed be justified by faith
The book of Proverbs is not just a book of wisdom; it is first of all a book about the God who has revealed wisdom. Seeking wisdom by obeying the law will draw us nearer to the Lord and to the salvation He freely offers us by faith in Jesus.
Read Proverbs 28:5. What is the key for us to understand all
The word understand
is used twice in Prov. 28:5, just as the word law
is in Prov. 28:4. The two verses are related: keeping the law (Prov. 28:4) and seeking the Lord (Prov. 28:5) belong together. The scope of this activity, however, is not just knowing and doing what is right (justice
[Prov. 28:5, NKJV]). This understanding concerns all
simply because it derives from the God of all.
For ancient Israel, knowledge of all things was not separated from religious experience. Faith was closely tied to intelligence and rational understanding. It was inconceivable to have faith without thinking or thinking without faith, because God was the foundation of both domains.
Why is faith in God such a rational position to hold? Why is it more illogical and irrational to reject God than to believe in Him?

The idea that “some are too heavenly minded to be any earthly good” has been repeated in some pulpits and probably used to put a check on the more spiritual believers and keep grounded some who are beginning to think about home and long for a better country (Hebrews 11:16). The sentiment does not appear in scripture and is not of divine origin.
On the contrary the burden of the Bible is to get earthly minded folk to fix the mind on heaven (Philippians 3:20) and seek that which is above (Colossians 3:1-3). This is consistent with seeking the Lord.
Satan does not mind if the people of faith become entangled in the affairs of this world (2 Timothy 2:4) and weighed down with the cares of this life (2 Peter 2:20). One way to guarantee misery is to take the mind off Heaven and Christ and concentrate on the faults of leaders, the church, the brethren, co-workers, family members, etc. (1 Corinthians 15:19).
When the precious sheep are called out of Babylon and reminded of God's Law the message should be heaven directed and Christ centered. Noah’s message was not just that a flood is coming, but an ark is waiting, and God to guide it.
In dealing with the difficulties of this world Jesus kept Heaven on His mind and a song in His heart. Said EGW,
“Jesus carried into his labor cheerfulness and tact. It requires much patience and spirituality … to bear the strain of worldly business, and yet keep the eye single to the glory of God. This is where Christ was a helper. He was never so full of worldly care as to have no time or thought for heavenly things. Often he expressed the gladness of his heart by singing psalms and heavenly songs. Often the dwellers in Nazareth heard his voice raised in praise and thanksgiving to God. He held communion with heaven in song; and as his companions complained of weariness from labor, they were cheered by the sweet melody from his lips... The minds of his hearers were carried away from their earthly exile, to the heavenly home.” Youth’s Instructor May 25, 1909.
As we press toward the mark let us rightly represent the kingdom; let us be cheerful; let us sing the clouds (and evil angels) away. All the difficulties, the great lack, and discomforts will turn out to be a cheap price for Heaven. There is no bargain to match it on the clearance shelf of the most generous store. Seek first the Kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33).
Hugh, I believe that the saying that “some are too heavenly minded to be any earthly good” refers to those who talk a lot about heaven but do little to make the lives of their neighbors better in this life. (Do little or no earthly good.)
By contrast, Jesus spent His time ministering to the needs of those around Him. The religion of Christ is very down-to-earth and practical. Being genuinely "heavenly minded" should thus make Christians do much "earthly good," just like Jesus did. At least that's the way I see it. 🙂
Inge - I agree with you. The statement, so heavenly minded that they are no earthly good, also refer to Christians who spend all of their time in the church but do not visit the sick or those in need. They are always planning and attending church events but will not do community evangelism. They have the holier than thou attitude towards sinners/lost souls.
Here is a little expansion or clarification: Presuming that the expression is not suggesting one is actually heavenly minded then at best it becomes 'justifiable' sarcasm. At worst (and where the primary concern lies) is that it has the intended or unintended effect of discouraging believers from talking a lot about heaven, particularly at a time when many are losing faith in the reality of Heaven. The message of the Second Coming appears to be losing traction among some and it seems better not to say or do things that the enemy might use to make this worse.
Both the Bible and Spirit of prophecy press us to dwell more on Heaven, to think about it, talk about it, and live as if expecting it.
Besides if the believers are following Jesus' counsel and not publishing their good deeds (Matthew 6:3) can we really tell how much earthly good they are? Does the Creator require the same expression of faith of everyone? What is our own estimate of what is acceptable earthly good?
Maybe there are ways to encourage people to do more, if that is the purpose of the user, without the use of a statement which on the surface counters scripture, and if used in a sarcastic way still carries with it risks of unintended damage.
Huge and my fellow brothers and sisters - I did not intend to offend anyone in regards to his/her meditation upon Heaven. I value the thoughts of our soon coming new home. In my previous post, I was simply referring to members of the church who neglect christain outreach. I believe that thoughts of Heaven keeps us grounded and encouraged as we walk by faith and not by sight. Glory be to God who gives us hope and peace of mind.
I saw a program by David Asscherick last week on how we know that God exists. In short:
Does God exists? Yes, I know because he has sent his spirit into my heart and the 4 points Time, Life, Mind & Ought are external corroborations of my internal confirmation.
John 14:16,17 Jesus said we know the Holy Spirit because He dwells in us
TIME almost all scientists now agree that the Universe & time had a beginning, just like the Bible said. For the Universe to exist there had to be a cause outside of it to begin it.
LIFE the complexity of even a single cell, the amount of information and data, the DNA code implies an intelligent source
MIND the fact that humans have minds that can comprehend and appreciate the Universe, the sense of I, language, maths, science, music, all imply a greater source of intelligence
OUGHT the existence of moral absolutes imply a higher authority, because if God doesn't exist then everything is permissible.
having faith in God is knowing that he is the giver of the law, which is given to us for moral values to live by. take away your faith in God and then you cease to believe in God's law, therefore removing any standard to live by. You are left with your own interpretation of what is right and what is wrong.
Keeping the law without God is like carefully observing all the rules posted by the swimming pool without ever having the intention of diving in or even getting wet. What is the point of keeping God's law without Him?
Without God we are nothing regardless of our intellect, economic status, or social connections. Ask anyone who does not know God how is life treating he/she. If they are honest, the answer would unfair, unkind, disrespectful, unappreciative and dramatic. God is the key to happiness not riches or lots of friendships.
In Proverbs 28:5 we're told that "Seeking the Lord..." is the key to understand all. I was immediately reminded of Jesus' prayer for His disciples (and us, by extension) All that bears to life, Everything dealing with Eternal life, is dealt with in Seeking God. Or, as Jesus put it, "...This is life eternal, that they might know The, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent." (John 17:3)
The law of God will not save us but it prepares us .It will mold us and gradually change our carnal nature into heavenly nature .It will shape us into the image of God's character.We must strive to do what is good in the sight of God rather than in the sight of men.What pleases God matters most . Doing good to others is the end result of loving God . God is so good that He does not force us. He still gives us freedom to choose between good and evil. Jesus Christ leads us to eternal life.Amen.
I am very open to any explanation or correction, for there is one phrase on Mondays lesson which bothers me. It bothers me because it could easily be construed to mean we are saved by our obedience. I do think we need to be so careful how we express our beliefs on soteriology...we do not need to give any more incentive for non-adventists to call us legalists than we already have. The phrase I refer to is in the centre paragraph.
'Seeking wisdom by obeying the law will draw us nearer to the Lord and to the salvation He offers us by faith in Jesus.'
Which comes first? Our obedience to the law, or our receiving by faith the salvation offered?
'Seeking wisdom by obeying the law will draw us nearer to the Lord and to the salvation He offers us by faith in Jesus.'
Brendan James, I have this sentence underscored and have this question written in the margin of the quarterly:
"How do we justify this premise?"
Faith without works is dead.How can we show the love of God if we do not give food,shelter and clothes to the needy?We can say I love you Lord with all my heart,but then our deeds are contradicting to what we say,like for example someone is begging a piece of bread and yet we never give them food ,it simply shows that the love in our hearts does not really exist. It is dead.Love must be felt.If we love the Lord our God it will automatically manifested by our deeds.We honor,praise Him and follow His commandments because He first loved us.Indeed this is the great challenge for us as children of God.Hebrews 11:4
The faith of Abel pleased because he offered the best offering ,the firstlings of his flock and the fat thereof and he made the burnt offering unto the Lord our God.Gen 4:4.Abel loved God and it was manifested in his works by giving the best offering unto the Lord,because he knew God.Let us not be ashamed of serving others in our simple and humble way as long as the glory be unto God in heaven. Let us join hands in prayer that we can share the love of God in simple ways.Let God be our companion in sharing the gospel,Jesus Christ ,His unconditional love to us.For me love God, then obey because He knows what's best for me as His child.