Monday: Steps Bathed in Cream
As Job struggled to come to terms with the calamity that befell him, he did think about his past life and how good it had been for him and how he had lived. Talking about the earlier days, Job said that in this time “ ‘my steps were bathed with cream’ ” (Job 29:6, NKJV).
For instance, in Job 29:2, Job talked about the time that “ ‘God [has] watched over me.’ ” (NKJV). The Hebrew word for “watched over” comes from a common word used all through the Old Testament to talk about God’s watchcare for His people (see Ps. 91:11, Num. 6:24). Beyond question, Job had the good life. The important thing, too, was that he knew that he had the good life.
Read Job 29:8–17. What do these verses tell us about how others had viewed Job and how he treated those who were struggling?
We can see here just how much Job was respected. The phrase about his taking his “ ‘seat in the open square’ ” (Job 29:7, NKJV) brings in the idea of some sort of local governance, of which Job was obviously a part. Such seats would usually be given to the senior and respected members of the society, and among them Job was highly esteemed.
But we can see that even the “lowest” members of the society loved and respected him. The poor, the perishing, the blind, the widow, the fatherless, the lame, and the blind—those who had not been blessed as Job had been blessed were the very ones to whom he gave aid and comfort.
“God has given in His word a picture of a prosperous man—one whose life was in the truest sense a success, a man whom both heaven and earth delighted to honor.” — Ellen G. White, Education, p. 142.
Verses like these and others (as we will see) show us why Job had been a very successful person in every way, both in the sight of men and of God.
It’s easy to be kind and respectful to the rich and the powerful and the famous. How, though, do you treat those who have nothing to offer you at all? |

The 'rich and powerful' are often those who are self opinionated and disrespectful of those who have less than they do- it is those who have little to offer in return that appreciate an act of kindness.
'Only what we give away,
Enriches us from day to day,
For not in getting but in giving
Is found the lasting joy of living'
Despite the material riches Job had he kept his eyes fixed on pleasing God he made convant to be Keep away from the temptations and to be genuine in the relationship he had with God hence his sharing with the poor his faithfulness to his family
Job mingled with everyone and shared his joy with them according to Job 29: 24-25. If you love, care and respect all people equally regardless of their social status they will in return respect you. Above all you need to have good morals.
Job had learnt the art of building the social capital by relating well with everyone in the society irrespective of their social status,class, race, colour and beliefs. He showed kindness and respect equally to everyone and was a man of justice, hence, every thought and action he made was pleasant to man and God, this makes him stand approved by God.
Most of the time we associate the rich with bad things and think they're bad people when they are not.The last question on the monday part is really interesting,kindness and respect are virtues that cut across economic status divide. Whether you're in the self-actualisation level, middle class or poor level, show kindness and respect to one another. You don't wait to be poor or rich to show the two virtues, it begins from the level in which you are.
"It is more blessed to give than to receive " (Acts 20:35). God has blessed us with education, time, skills, experiences, health, talents, good relationships, a knowledge of the TRUTH, etc. I can hardly think of someone who is incapable of giving something to others. We can only give what we have! Some people don't need our money, but they will appreciate our trustworthy advice or our genuine concern. Each day I ask God how can I be a blessing to someone. I have recognized that sometimes a simple compliment would transform a person's melancholy to joy and optimisism. So many are waiting to be blessed through our simple favor!!!
Job's heart and mind was not on his wealth,it was concentrated on the heavenly Father,he chose to please God always,his focus was merely on God,a thing which we lack,when we are rich we focus on getting more richer making us to be selfish now,but our bible tells us that Job was upright,perfect even when he was still rich which meant his focus was purely on God that is why he was able to pray for his family,he was able to help the needy by offering employment to the jobless who were busy looking after his herds,it is this character that we need as Jesus is in the most holy place in the heavenly sanctuary,we need to help the needy,pray for our families,worshiping God and trusting Him with all our mind,we should give God all the attention He deserves,above all we should search our lives and give all to Jesus,we should have victory over sin in order for us to have a complete focus on God,may God help us to be perfect,upright,and always faithful to Him
The phrase “a land, flowing with milk and honey” refers to the Promised Land of Israel and any place blessed by God. But Job went a step further in recognizing his life of blessings. He says his steps were bathed in CREAM, an even richer version of milk!
“When my steps were bathed with cream [meaning his life before disasters came], and the rock poured out rivers of oil [a symbol for the Holy Spirit] for me! Job 26:6
Job’s final defense against his friends’ attacks and questioning of his character gives us more insight into the kind of man Job was before all his calamities.
He was obviously a well-respected member of the governing body that oversaw the everyday operation of the city. And the reason he attained that position was no doubt because of the tangible help he provided to vulnerable citizens. Job gave aid and comfort to the poor, strangers, the lame, blind, widows, and orphans. Anyone in need of assistance was noticed and helped by Job.
The three questions than can be drawn out of this lesson are;
1. Job 29:7-17. How important is community involvement in the life of the church? How does our individual involvement in helping those less fortunate indicate our closeness to God?
2. Psalm 91:11 and Hebrews 1:14. How and why do angels participate in blessing us here on earth? If they are present, then why do bad things still happen to God’s children?
3. Was there anything wrong with Job being rich and successful? How did Job handle the power given to him by God? In what way can one’s poverty also glorify God?
I agree with the above comments but we should not forget the importance of "Motive". What is it that drives persons to do what they do? Unfortunately,for some, the motivating force is selfishness. In other words I may be giving away all I have and doing it for the wrong reason (1Cor, 13). I want to believe that Job was doing all of these good things because of the love he had for God and others, and not out of fear that if he did not do them he would not go to heaven. That action, to me, would be equal to 'salvation by works'. Our reason for loving others, respecting others and giving to others should be based on the principle of love. It is my prayer that we examine the example of Christ who gave up all to restore us to the image of God.
God bless.
I see a parallel in Job's story and a marriage relationship. No matter what God allowed to happen to Job, Job didn’t give up. He was angry with God, he was frustrated with the way he was being treated, he complained ….. but he never gave up on God.
That is how marriage should be. There is nothing wrong with being frustrated or angry at our spouses at times. We should be able to complain without being afraid of retaliation. But we should never abandon the promise made before God to stay faithful through thick and thin “till death us do part”. The only reason Jesus gave for divorce is adultery – physical (and mental) unfaithfulness. We should be able to keep 'walking in cream'throughout our married lives - figuratively and literally! After 51 years of marriage I am applying cream on my husband's back where he can't reach .... and may I be blessed with this task for many more years to come!
Maureen, I agree with your comment in principle, with some reservations:
1) I don't know how we would determine mental unfaithfulness, and I don't see Jesus giving that as a reason for divorce.
2) No person should stay in an abusive relationship. We all belong *first* to God and secondly to our spouses. That makes us responsible to ensure that we do not allow ourselves to be prevented from being faithful witnesses for Him.
The text that is used on Tuesdays lesson Job 29:8-25, is a breath of fresh air. The Character of the real Job and his background reveals more information as to the wisdom and respect that Job received, and the source or reason described in Job1:1. The calamities that were caused by Satan were probably worse if possible, because Job had the good life. A really good life. It is normal for most humans to lose their most prized possessions and think about doing something irrational. Jobs character was outstanding, so much so that others noticed much of what God noticed. I would encourage others that have missed some of the sections because, the story is like many. However the main characters are God and Job in the beginning, God and Job at the end, and Job living happily ever after. The best part, it is great reading and fact not fiction.
Job reminisces about the joy and blessings he was blessed with before the calamities befell him. He wished God would again watch over him like a parent watches over a child. His life then was bathed in cream, covered in rivers of oil poured from a rock. Job's mind went back to the days where he sat with other men as a respected leader of the community, at the gate of the city to conduct business viz execute justice, make judicial decisions, etc. When he came to take his seat,people showed him great respect, the young would step aside into the background; the aged stood up to show respect; princes and nobles would cease to speak and instead listened to Job’s respected views (cf. vv 21,22). Job continued describing how he helped the needy and opposed evil. If someone was blind, Job would do what he could to be their eyes. The point is that he would see that their needs were met so that the things they needed done would be done for them, even though they couldn't do them for themselves.
He championed those who were mistreated by others. Men respected his wisdom and judgment,so that his speech settled on them like refreshing dew on the plants.
So Job finally answered emphatically and at length the false charges the friends had made against him. Job's character was beyond reproach no wonder God described him perfectly well in Job 1:1, 2.
If we can do as Job did then God will be proud of us .the charector of Job must be our answers to our life test .as we live on this earth we must be ticking .
Our responses to life's challenges must mimic most that of JESUS CHRIST, our (Job's) ultimate example.
God's response to man's sinful mess was to surrender Himself unreservedly, even unto death.
We, like Job, may exercise strength of character by trusting and living for that victorious day when The Man of Sorrows, "acquainted with grief", returns again.
At His 2nd coming, The Christ will no longer be a baby. Sin and suffering, disappointments and death will be no more! What a joyous day that will be!
Let us hold fast, trusting in our Savior, as that glorious day fast approaches.
Truly, Jesus suffered much for us. I am glad that He is our Risen King who is coming again.
God uses humans to bless humans, so they may experience His joy more fully. Job was such a conduit for God to bless many. So God prospered Job for the sake of the many Job blessed in return. Rich or poor, Job was filled with the Holy Spirit by being empty of self. There can be only one Master, and Job had relinquished that role to his Maker, Defender, Redeemer and Friend.