Sabbath: Last Day Events
Read for This Week’s Study: Exod. 19:5-6; Matthew 23; John 12:20-26; Matthew 24; 1 Thess. 4:16.
Memory Text:“‘And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted’” (Matthew 23:12, NKJV).
The second coming of Jesus is the climax of the Christian faith. The First Advent of Jesus and His death on the cross are the crucial precursors for the Second Coming. The Second Advent couldn’t happen without the First, and the First is fruitless without the Second. Both are inseparably linked, if not in time yet in purpose, which is the redemption of humanity and the end of the great controversy. The first coming is over and done, complete and finished; we now longingly and eagerly await the Second.
This week we will look at what is recorded in Matthew 23, with Jesus’ final appeal to some of the Jewish leaders to repent and accept Him, their only hope of salvation. Next, in Matthew 24, Jesus responded to questions about what events will unfold prior to His second coming. Here Jesus presents a rather solemn picture, linking the destruction of Jerusalem with what will precede His return.
And yet, no matter how hard things become, i.e. war, famine, betrayal, we are left with the promise of “‘the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory’” (Matt. 24:30, NKJV). In other words, despite the toils and sorrow, we do have every reason to rejoice.
Study this week’s lesson to prepare for Sabbath, June 11.

Truly Christ is coming again as he came to deliver his people from the bondage of sin and if they believe on him they should not perish and now He is coming to save us and take us to his home. Therefore let us stand faithful to his word at every command. Look up to his coming. Happy Sabbath
I have lived long enough to be identified as an Octogenarian. During most of those years I have been often informed how soon the second coming of Jesus is likely to occur. The warnings have come and gone and the same urgencies remain. Two things that I keep in mind are, Matt24:44, and The second is, when we draw our last breath, will be when Jesus returns and the dead in Christ will rise.1Thess.4:16.
Paul thank-you for identifying yourself. Tell us besides Christ admonition to be ready, and visualization of Christ second coming, what is it that keeps you from throwing in the towel, by the thought He hasn't come yet? Your testimony maybe an inspiration to us all.
As Christians we always take things for granted. Truly the coming of Jesus is near and very near. All signs have come to pass.
We often ask two questions if contemplating something special. Something like a planned vacation trip with the family. The anticipation on the families mind is, when, and if. Next, what is necessary for the preparation needed to make the trip successful?. How about us? Might we be planning a special trip? Are we anticipating a successful trip? We dread the thought of leaving without all the members. We do everything possible to avoid ruining the trip. There is a map, a faithful guide that will help reach our destination. Trips can be serious business. Don't leave anything to chance.
To have our focus continually on Christ second coming helps us to bear our present pain and gives meaning to our lives here on this earth. With out our blessed hope life is not worth living.
Question: Do we serve God because there is a reward at the end?
The coming of Christ is the hope of all the ages. We long to see Him. If the Lord does not return to gather is loved ones then our hope is in vein and his death of no effect.
We therefore, should look foward to the reward of eternity, for why else do we follow Jesus if there is no reward of immortality?
I too long for the second coming but I think that we need to understand that salvation is much about the present as the future. Jesus taught more about living now that about eternity. Read the kingdom parables and I think you will see that when Jesus speaks about the kingdom of heaven, he is often referring to what is happening now.
Focusing on eternity without seeing the joy of serving in the kingdom of heaven now is missing the point of what Jesus was preaching.
Finally; if there is no eternal life, what would you do differently?
The way I see it, even if there were no eternal life, the rewards of following Jesus in this life are well worth any troubles this path might cause us. He gives an inner peace and joy that the world cannot give - even in the midst of outer trials.
Maurice, by virtue of us serving God, following Christ footsteps and doing His deeds, we do so in response of Heavenly great love of salvation to save mankind (we). In so doing we qualify for a reward placed for all who labor for Christ sake, though we ought to serve Him anyway because we are His.
Maurice if we are to go by Matt 20 the parable of the labourers, what was their reward- a PENNY- i.e Eternal life. Out of love for what He did for us we labour for Him and He has promised us a reward.
Maurice, I don't quite understand your point. The price of serving God is eternal life. Thats the reward that He has set for all those who serve Him truly. You can't serve God faithfully and honestly but not get the reward Christ's promised us. Moreover, serving God is good for us for it heps our spiritual progression. God has given us everything including life. On top of that He has promised us an even greater reward. Its only the right thing for us to express gratitude for what He has done by serving Him. We serve God because we love Him and it makes sense to do so. What does not make sense is not to serve our Lord. Of course we will never attain eternal life by just human endeavour. We could never earn eternal life on our own, otherwise it means the Lord died for nothing. (Galatian 2:21) Its only through Jesus that we can have eternal life. (1 John 5:11, John 3:36).
We should serve God because he loves us. That's first and foremost.His love begets my love. That's my heart's response to what he did for me because he loves me and gave everything to save me. I crave a relationship with him because of that love. I want to be with him because of that love. I don't want to live apart from that love. Therefore, because I choose to be connected with him, I will be with him where he is. My reward therefore, is a relationship with jesus. Eternal life for me is the bonus.
Even if there was no promise of ertenal life, I could still be a good follower of Christ. I cant just imagine myself being a drunkerd, a thief, a witch doctor, a humanizer, etc for what benefit? It is just so sweet to trust in Jesus.
But Paul Peter, we do have a promise and we rejoice in it. From what I read in the Bible our Lord would have it no other way. The question is, have we acepted the gift of eternal life? His invitation is through out the Bible. My favorite is "In Me ye have eternal life." 1John 5:13. 1John 5:11.