Singing with Inspiration – Lesson 3: God or Mamon?
Our memory text gives the first hymn:
Hymn 232, “At the Name of Jesus”.
The verses of the Psalms quoted by Ellen White in Desire of Ages page 20, on Sunday, are sung in:
Hymn 111, “It Took a Miracle”.
The creation theme is continued in:
Hymn 640, “For Beauty of Meadows”.
We give thanks to our Creator in:
Hymn 15, “My Maker and My King”.
Hymn 191, “Love Divine” portrays the loving and caring God we have on Monday’s study. Even with the negative choices we make, we can still sing:
Hymn 75, “The Wonder of It All”, just to think that God loves me.
The title of Tuesday’s study, “Christ, the Redeemer”, instantly had me singing:
Hymn 343, “I Will Sing of My Redeemer”.
The mysteries of our God are shown in Wednesday’s lesson and yet we may still sing:
Hymn 79, “O Love of God, How Strong and True!”.
If you have the privilege of owning the music for “He Owns The Cattle on a Thousand Hills” by J W Petersen (I found it in the old Elim Chorus book, number 582), this is a very appropriate complement for Thursday’s study.
Mark 8:36: “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and lose his own soul?”