HomeSSLessons2018a Stewardship: Motives of the Heart2018a Teaching HelpsSinging with Inspiration – Lesson 4: Escape From the World’s Ways    


Singing with Inspiration – Lesson 4: Escape From the World’s Ways — 4 Comments

  1. Music could be a balm; a heavenly balm to our souls.
    By the age of sixteen, I had already suffered the loss of an eye, a broken nose, a deliberate chop on my left wrist, etc...and I was raging in my soul, in my heart and ready to "take down" one specific individual who had inflicted all those childhood abuses upon me. Then I reluctantly attended a little country SDA church. What a night that was! The hymns sung, in harmony with no accompaniment , touched my very soul. That music was the balm that would be my transformation. I reached early, every night for two weeks in order to not miss the music. There were no instruments, nothing, only voices raised in harmonious anthems to God.
    Today, as I sit in church, I wonder...what has happened to those good , old time singing when our music gave us goose bumps, and blessed our very souls?

    • Hi Florence,
      I have done a lot of digging around to help with the hymns that may not be well-known to the musicians in the small churches. Here is a place that has the hymns played with a piano and organ for all verses. It may be helpful:

      Blessings and happy Sabbath

  2. Hi Florence,
    I, too, wonder sometimes where that awesome music has gone. Oh so sad. Hence, the Singing with Inspiration using our faithful hymn book, and my endeavours in our local church to have our people pull out their old instruments for our small orchestra. Oh, what a wonder that orchestra has done on the Sabbaths that we play!!!

    I do love a cappella singing (no instruments in sight). That really tickles ones soul.

    I wonder what the music in Heaven will be like, Florence? That is what I can't wait for, but most of all to see Jesus face to face. Hurry up Lord, Jesus and come to take us soon.

    Blessings to you, Florence. I am SO happy that the Lord was able to touch your heart through the singing of that beautiful church membership. Keep singing til Jesus comes, Florence


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