HomeBeliefs About RestorationChrist's second coming - Fundamental Belief 25So…Is The Second Coming Still On?    


So…Is The Second Coming Still On? — 41 Comments

  1. I am stunned to see such a warm article. Because this understanding of Jesus is rare. You hit it right on! When I was 32 years old I heard a similar message. I left my worldly ways and was wide eyed for about 3 years. Why didn't it last? I too thought the latter rain would fall and the end would finally come. That was almost 20 years ago. What I failed to realize was that, the message was calling me to trust in Him more. That He wanted to come closer. I missed that. So I left again. I had issues. But I always spoke to the Lord and told Him when I understood how much He really loved me and wanted me to join Him just the way I was ( filthy rags and all ) I would come home to Him someday. Well, that day came. My life had reached a place where I so hungered for peace...then I heard Him whispering to me that He loved me deeply and for me to come and sit at His feet. To rest in His ability to take the helm of my life and love me unconditionally. I gave Him my heart and told Him I never want to leave Him again. I never want to hurt Him and play games with His heart. So here I am almost 4 years since that rededication and folks I am seeing so many miracles in my life. Prayer is the first thing I do in the morning when I begin to wake up. I tell Him to anoint me and give me the desire to serve Him. And, to give me wisdom to lead others. The Lord has brought many people into my life and He is teaching me how to love ( agape ) each, one at a time.

    I see in this article the 1888 message of Christ our Righteousness come into fruition. This article made my heart so glad to see that someone else wants to be married to Jesus. My focus is on Him. Or more so I see how He is so focused on us....me and Him. And of course His beloved church too. Movies, fancy clothes, getting rich, are no longer my objectives of every day living. Staying close to Him and studing His word is. My loins are girded about with truth and protected with the breastplate of Righteousness. (Jesus is my shield with His perfect life.) My feet are ready to spread the good news of peace, (we can tell our neighbor that their sins are forgiven now. ("While we were yet His enemies Christ died for us").The Shield of Faith ( satan cannot take away our joy when we our experience in Jesus is strong. also (believe Jesus and take Him at Word. He says I will be with you. Active love of God).Put on the Helmet of salvation (protected with the knowledge of the victory of Christ’s life and death and resurrection. (Yes I'm saved daily by dying daily with all of our weaknesses). And finally the Sword...the knowledge of Jesus. Knowing Him intimately will keep us from falling.

    Praise the Lord, for His goodness endures forever. God bless William for your words of encouragement. May the peace of Christ be with you all.
    Denise H'

  2. I have to be openly honest with these facts: I am 65 years old and a baptized SDA since I was 20 years old. I first received the news of Christ's Second coming at the early age of twelve. The message to me then was so convicting that I "knew" I was going to see Jesus come before I left the tent(evangelistice services held there). I was literally frightened into accepting this priceless message because I knew that I was not ready and the "fires of Hell" awaited me. I was only prevented from being baptized because my folks were hardcore Southern Baptists and felt that their faith should be mine(baptized at ten).
    Since Christianity is a growing experience, I have learned so much more about our Saviour and His great love and sacrifice for humanity, so much more that I was rebaptized as a result of attending our last camp meeting.
    Selfishness motivated me think that maybe, Jesus would let me get married and have children before He would return. Now grandchildren are here and Christ has still not returned. Because the Holy Spirit is my Teacher, I realize that it is not my privilige to guess or to know the date of His appearing. When we pit our puny time periods against His infinite time periods, we utterly and abjectly fail. This Bible text comes to mind, "A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night. Psalm 90:4." Of utmost importance is to be ready minute by minute because surviving through today is not promised to any of us. If any of us who are in Christ Jesus moment by moment and we are taken today, then His Second Coming is today. However, one absolute grave and sobering fact remains, if He doesn't come during our expectancy, we all will surely die. So be ready to meet Him.

  3. Thank you brother William for allowing the Holy Spirit to use you. As Gods remnant church we need these reminders to help us refocus on what our commission is. We are to preach the everlasting gospel of Salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord. If we are ashamed of this message we are saying we are ashamed of our Saviour who gave it to us. We are called out from the world therefore our preaching must be Holy Spirit driven and directed entirely on Jesus saving grace and His promise that He will return for His people. There remains so many people who are asking questions as to the worlds mounting issues. Like no other time in history we as Seventh day Adventists having Gods unblemished truth at our fingertips have so much to offer those who are weary, clarifying the beginning of sorrows (Matthew 24:8) with the world events. We are not to be date setters but we are called to be Watchmen. There is a great difference. Thank you God for using William to remind your people that we must be prepared now to meet you while telling this sin sick world that Jesus Christ will come back to claim His faithful people one day.

  4. It is impossible for Jesus to not come again. Why? Because he has promised to come back.
    He came the first time, and while here on this Earth, He said "I will come again" John 14:3. He spoke about His second coming on many other occasions; for example in Mat 25:31 He said "When the Son of man shall come in His glory ,and all the Holy Angels with Him"
    He describes it "as the lightening comes from the East and shines even to the West, so also shall the coming of the Son of man be" Mat24:27.
    The Apostle John writes "Behold He cometh with clouds, every eye shall see Him". Rev.1:7.
    The Apostle Paul tells us "The Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout.1Tes 4:16
    If Christ does not return then John 14:1-3 would have no meaning. If the second coming is off, then Christ's words cannot be trusted, and we are preaching a false gospel; and what the angels told the disciples at the ascension of Jesus in Act.1:11 would not be true. If the second coming is off, then Rev.22:7,and 12, could not be trusted, and "Behold I come quickly, hold fast that which you have, let no man take your crown " in Rev.3:11 would not make sense.
    But He is faithful that promised Heb.10:23
    The Apostle Peter warned us that in the last days scoffers would say "where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as from the beginning" 2 Peter 3:3-4.
    But" courage my brothers, soon Jesus will come, for Whom we have waited so long"; so "lift up the trumpet and loud let it ring, Jesus is coming again. Coming again, coming again, Jesus is coming again."
    Dear Lord, keep us ready, for your name's sake.

  5. Thank you, William, for your insights. For me, the "soon-ness" of the coming of Jesus has always been the challenge. I would suspect most SDA Christians believe that Jesus will come again. The question is "When?" What does "soon" mean? As one who teaches Bible to high school students, I have ceased emphasizing the concept of "soon" as something that could happen tomorrow or at anytime that we can quantify. Rather, I emphasize the promise that He will come and we should be ready by maintaining a personal relationship with Him. For most of us living today, "soon" will be within the next 15-70 years because most of us will physically die within that time. As someone has already commented, when we die, the Second Coming in essence has come for us because there is no ability to change our relationship with Jesus after death! And because no one has any idea how long they are going to live, "soon" is "now". We should be in a saving relationship with Jesus "now" - not just because He is coming again or this could be our last day on earth - but because we absolutely love Him! Ready or not, Jesus is coming! Thank God that we can be ready by trusting in Him today.

  6. I believe that Jesus 2nd coming will happen when the world is at its lowest in deep sin, and confusion, just like his first coming, the world was at the lowest in horrible need of a savior. So it's not bad enough, even though we think it is, it's going to get worse, much worse, but that can happen overnight, so be ready continually.

  7. I always look for William Earnhardt's posts in my first lesson study comments search, because to me he always seems to hit the nail right on the head. However, I got stuck on Sunday's topic and the connection with the text John 14:1-3. I believe John 14:1-3 with all my heart, I never stopped believing it. I was kinda glad Jesus didnt come prior to Dec. 2018 because I know I was not ready. I didnt quite totally understand what readiness and settling into truth was all about until I joined a prayer group headed by a Jesus-transformed gentle lady who turned 80 in October. Now, it does not matter to me when He comes. I know He will. I still do not know how to convince people who do not believe in the Bible that what I believe is true or truth. Except to say that the Creator of Heaven and earth has said that it is so and I am His creation and it seems wisest to follow His Instruction Manual. I never know how an orange or apple will taste until I taste it myself. A more sure word of prophecy seems like a good start but I cannot seem to get past Sundays topic in helping persons who were only just introduced to the Bible and Adventism, to be certain of Christ's Return. Such persons just keep on saying "You SDA's keep on talking about Christ soon return". Their expressions are of disbelief or maybe rather - questions of where is your evidence?

    • Hi Leola

      “I still do not know how to convince people who do not believe in the Bible that what I believe is true or truth.”

      In my experience, I have found it is not actually healthy to try and convince people into anything. People genuinely change their beliefs when they are convicted within themselves and the role of convicting is the work of the Holy Spirit (Jn 16:8,9).

      So what can/are we to do?

      First and foremost is to live out our beliefs. This is what Jesus meant by saying we are to BE light and salt. People won’t care what we believe until they believe that we care.

      Second, when people express an interest, share what YOU personally believe and the benefits that YOU personally experience. (This is different from trying to convince people about what they should believe).

      Third, invite people that you would be happy to talk further with them if/when they are interested.

  8. Anyone who truly asks this question does not yet personally know Jesus. How many promises of His return must He give before He is trusted on it? This subject comes with the clearest assurance for any who have faith even the size of a mustard seed.

    Who could doubt the promises of Jesus who took up OUR cross for us? What more could He do?

    • I think anyone who has a faith experience has moments of doubt. The journey of faith is not one of continual understanding. Sometimes we need to step back and re-examine our faith. I have a background in science and technology and as you can probably appreciate, I face serious challenges to my faith. I often say that my faith is a hard-fought faith and I am always appreciative of those who understand and encourage me in my faith.

      • Reading your comment, Maurice, reminded me that Jesus at times said to various struggling people, “oh, you of little faith”. I was taught that theses were statements of rebuke, which matched the view of a condemning God I was raised under.

        Consistent with what you are saying, I have since come to see that they are more likely statements of compassionate empathy. Yes, it was truth that people were experiencing struggles in their faith. And although Jesus was victorious over the struggles of human experience, He nevertheless was intimately acquainted with those struggles (recall His Gethsemene experience) and retains that awareness that informs His compassion toward us (see Heb 2:18; 4:15,16).

        There may be those who think I am conveying a ‘soft’ view of God who is permissive. This would be a misunderstanding of what I am attempting to convey.

        • Phil, do you presently believe Jesus does not rebuke? If so, why is that?

          Secondly, do you believe God needs to condemn, even the vilest sinner?

          • Thanks for your questions.

            If I take the typical dictionary meaning for rebuke (express sharp disapproval or criticism of someone), then no, I don’t find Biblical support for Jesus rebuking people. When I look at the Greek words that can be translated ‘rebuke’, I find that Jesus only rebuked Satan, demons, and adverse weather. So, no, I do not believe that Jesus rebukes people.

            In regard to God condemning even the “vilest sinner”, no I do not believe God condemns nor needs to condemn. This is because I believe it is sin, by the fact of its nature as “lawlessness”, is self-condemnatory. The analogy I might use is a condemned house. A suitably qualified person may pronounce a house as ‘condemned’, but neither that person nor their pronouncement made the house condemned. The poor state of the house itself is what makes it condemned - no longer capable of fulfilling the purpose for which it exists. I believe this is reflected in, for example, John 3:16, 17.

          • Phil, regarding whether or not doubting is faith or not, see John 20:27. I would also recommend Ellen's comments regarding Jesus' "mild rebuke" of Thomas' expressions of doubt. Also, consider Rev 3:19.

            Regarding God and whether or not He needs to condemn anyone, I believe your reply is correct. Look at what Jesus taught Nicodemus(John 3:17). God is not concerned with condemning anyone. Yet God does rebuke/reprove/correct in order to save. It is the very purpose of His inspired word isn't it(2 Tim 3:16)?

            A parent who never corrects an erring child does not truly love that child, if we believe scripture.

          • "Yet God does rebuke/reprove/correct in order to save."

            I sat through a sermon this past Sabbath that the speaker warned from the outset was going to be about rebuking and reproving those who believed in women's ordination and all homosexuals. It was a very unpleasant sermon.

            There are two ways a child can experience discipline. One is to have a punishment applied, the other is to be allowed to experience the natural consequences of their actions. (Of course, when it comes to children, sometimes the latter is too dangerous and therefore the former is supplied as a 'substitute' discipling method).

            I believe that God's rebuking/reproving/correcting is via this latter method whereby we learn the 'hard way' via experiencing the natural consequences.

            I am reminded that God is compassionate (Ex 34:6). This does not mean "soft" or permissive. It is God's kindness that leads (Rom 2:4) us to repentance.

            And I am reminded that God's ways are higher than our ways (Isa 55:9). I believe this also includes God's ways of 'discipline' being higher than what we typically are used to.

      • Maurice, when you say "challenges to my faith", what do you mean? Could you share a practical example, not necessarily personal?

        My understanding of what faith is and how it is demonstrated is shown in the life of Jesus. Interesting to note that the redeemed will "have the faith of Jesus", and not that of, say, Thomas, the doubter.

        Do you believe that a person who truly knows Jesus as He has revealed Himself, will genuinely question/doubt His promise to return? Is such doubt a normal expression of faith as you understand it?

        • Interestingly the issue that challenges my faith also challenges atheists. Existence. What is it and why did God create? My atheist friends ask what is existence and why is it there (or here), not surprisingly perhaps, we have very similar answers because at this level atheists have to exhibit faith too.

          I agree with you about the faith of Jesus, but "doubting Thomas" moments come too. If I do not question what I believe, how can I be sure that what I believe is correct?

          • Doubting moments come with the absence of faith, or when faith fails, if we believe Jesus. The faith of Jesus never had a doubting moment, but we have them until we learn of Him, die His death and rise up in the newness of His resurrection. Remember that "faith comes from hearing, and hearing, from the Word of God". This will remove every doubt if we are persistent in our search for truth and the knowledge of God, and not the assumptions about Him. If it is our greatest desire and we pursue it with all our heart, we will find that faith, for it is promised.

          • I infer your ‘question’ to be partly: “Why are we here?”
            If so Scripture has some answers, which the atheist, in himself, would dispute always.

            • It is a related question Kenny and much easier for Christians to provide an answer than atheists. Except that sometimes I see atheists living the "why" less hypocritically than some Christians. That is a challenge for us.

    • All due respect,Mr. Whiteman, that is an unfair statement. Thomas virtually lived with Jesus for three years, saw Him turn water into wine, feed thousands with a few fishes and loaves, and bring a man back to life who had been in the tomb for three days. Yet he doubted that Jesus had come back resurrected after the Crucifixion. If Thomas doubted,when he had a personal, living, face-to-face connection with Jesus, why is it a surprise that we have moments where our faith fails us?

      • Karen, just look at what Jesus told Thomas, and realize that doubt not repented of could lead to eternal loss. Faith does not doubt.

        Our doubts can be our best teachers if we will examine ourselves prayerfully. Doubt is failure, but God is merciful if we turn to Him for help, confessing our need and asking to receive what He has promised. "The fear of the Lord is strong confidence", and God has given us His word that we might "know the certainty of the words of Truth". So where does doubt fit in all of this?

        • Robert Whiteman: Where is this doubt not repented of coming from? All Jesus said was that those who do not have tangible proof and yet still believe are more blessed than Thomas. He never told Thomas that his doubt was equivalent to eternal loss. What do you have to say about Peter? He denied Jesus three times, after all. Nor did he believe the women who reported that they had seen a risen Lord, but had to go to the grave and check for himself. You seem to think Thomas is the only one who doubted....I think that he was just the only one who spoke them aloud.

          • Also, Mr. Whiteman: In terms of examples from Job, I do have specific verses, namely Job 23:3,4 and Job 24:1. I will say that I misspoke when I said God's response was "Come, let us reason together." That is actually Isaiah 1:18. What God does do is basically remind Job is that God is in control, not Job, and that Job, being only human, cannot understand the mind of God. However: His last words are not a rebuke to Job for a lack of faith -- they are a rebuke to Job's erstwhile friends. He tells Eliphaz that He is angry with them, for they did not speak the truth about God, although Job did.

      • “If Thomas doubted,when he had a personal, living, face-to-face connection with Jesus, why is it a surprise that we have moments where our faith fails us?”

        I agree with what you have said. And I find that acknowledgement of human frailties paves the way for growth much better than denial of such. This is not the same as making excuses, it is an explanation of the reality of our human frailty.

        • Who is denying that doubts exist? I am saying that faith will not doubt. Or perhaps I should state that doubting is not faith.(?) Why else would Jesus rebuke those who expressed doubts after their experiences with Him? Entertaining doubt is perilous if we don't address it. Remember the plea of the father of the lunatic son(Mark 9:19-24)?

          The fight of faith is real, yet so many doubts are expressed by so many still.

  9. Bro. William like my brethren above, I look forward each week to your post. I’m struggling and at times feel destitute. I never doubted His return but I’m far from what God desires me to be. After reading your post tonight and the 1st 3 responses, I feel the ember of my faith and zeal rekindling. I love God but I know I’m devoided of His power and need His help. My prayer is for the Holyspirit to Transform me and use me to the honor and glory of God. Thanks for your timely message. God bless!

  10. I will add, Mr. Whiteman, that your comments on doubt are not the experience that I and many of my brothers and sisters have. Not to mention, not even the experience that Job had. Even he, who was one of the best men in the Bible, questioned the wisdom of God. And God's response was not tell Job that he lacked faith! Instead, He said, "Come, let us reason together." Are you also forgetting that even Jesus, for a moment, asked why God had forsaken Him? That cry from the cross was not an accident. That appeal came from the human side of Him that does not always understand God's plan. I cannot accept your assertion that if we have the faith of a mustard seed, all will be well. Doubt is part of our human existence. It is in working through that doubt, not denying it exists, that faith is strengthened.

    • Just to reiterate the dynamic aspect of the faith experience and expand on the idea: A mustard seed that sits in the ground, doing nothing is dead. The whole point of the mustard seed example is that it grows. Growth is not just expansion but the total experience of testing new environments, moving out of comfort zones, feeding and watering, and so on.

      If you don't ask questions of your faith, how do you know it is faith. It may just be that you are maintaining the status quo.

    • Karen, God DID withdraw from Jesus, which is why Jesus, as a man, felt that withdrawing of God's presence. THIS was the "wrath" of God against sin, which all the impenitent will experience at the end. We would all have this experience if Jesus hadn't suffered it for us.

      How did Job question the wisdom of God? Do you have a passage you could share? Also, is asking God (or anyone) a question about something we truly do not understand considered a doubt?

      • Again,Mr. Whiteman, all due respect: I think you miss the point. The divine part of Jesus understood that God would withdraw; the human side of Him wanted the comfort of His Father who loved Him. As we all would when we were dying. And if we didn't feel that Presence, we would wonder why.

        • Karen

          You are on to something. It is very unlikely that it was mere coincidence that the words Jesus uttered on the cross were a direct quote of Psalm 22:1. Why might that have been? Could it have been that Jesus intentionally wanted to draw the attention of people to this Psalm?

          Psalm 22 is a very interesting psalm for more reasons than just being prophetic. It begins by honestly expressing what things feel like. But then in verse 19 it switches from feeling to exercise of faith. Verse 24 is particularly interesting in that it directly contradicts verse 1 by revealing the reality of what is occurring in the Divine realm.

          This Psalm confirms the essence of what you are saying - that arriving at expression of faith is a continuous journeying that occurs within us as humans. There are moments of 'doubt' where our feelings dominate (especially when we are under strain) and there are moments that faith shines through. The reality that our faith is a reflection of is somewhat like the sun. The sun is always there, but sometimes our view of it is obscured by clouds and darkness, and in those times we don't feel its warmth or see so clearly. While we are on this sin-infected earth, clouds and darkness will come and go and come and go and come and go... and we will experience, and re-experience the journey of Psalm 22 many times along the way.

          May God bless you and I would encourage you to keep sharing your insights...

          • Dear Phil: I will have to study Psalm 22. Did you know that Psalm 13 also speaks about doubt? It was written when Saul was trying to kill David, and David had fled to the cave near Gath. It's short, but very to the point, and it's clear that David felt God had abandoned him. In The Message version of those verses, especially 13:1--4, the words are even more powerful....and heartrending. Only the final two verses speak of faith and trust, much like the sun breaking through the clouds as you described. Jesus made it clear, didn't He, that David is a man after God's own heart? Despite his failures. Despite his doubts. So I will stand on that, as well as the insights you so beautifully shared above. Thank you for the kind words of support. I wish God's blessings for you as well!

          • I would simply add that we will always be tempted to doubt, and despite any past failures, we can "grow in grace, and in...knowledge...", and become overcomers. If we don't, we cannot hope to succeed. We have a vital part in exercising faith. Without exercise, our bodies would become unfit and more prone to disease. Faith is no different.

            If/when we give in to the temptations to doubt, it reveals our need. So vital to act on it by exercising faith.
            How? Confession/repentance, much prayer and study.

          • Robert, what you state is technically correct. At the same time, how that plays out is less 'clean' than you portray it.

            What do I mean by this? Hebrews 11 is an interesting chapter. It recounts the lives of people who were "overcomers" without any mention of their sin. There is no mention of Noah getting drunk, no mention of Abraham doubting God's protection and therefore lying about his relationship with his wife on two occasions. How can this be?

            Could it be that 'overcoming' is a less 'clean' process that we might make it out at times? David was the man after God's own heart - yet we know what he got up to in his life. And we know that he was more distressed in the latter part of his life after the affair and murder episode. The psalms are filled with expressions of feelings of doubt, yet invariably they end up proclaiming faith.

            I do not think that anyone here is advocating for giving in to temptation to doubt. Rather, I believe people are advocating for acknowledgement of the process and journey of overcoming - that although faith shines through eventually, along the way it can get quite messy and dark.

            I often reflect upon the experience of Jesus and the woman 'caught in the act' of adultery (Jn 8:1-11). There were many gathering around this woman who wanted Jesus to condemn her, just like they were doing. And Jesus could well have done this. But He didn't. He didn't ignore or condone what she had done, but neither did he point out to her what she had done - she was already well aware. Instead, Jesus treated her with such compassion that she responded to his 'drawing' her forward to a life of overcoming. Yes, He did say to her "go and sin no more", but I believe this was said to inspire her in her walk, not as a stern warning. Jesus would have known that she would sin further in her life as she journeyed towards greater and greater overcoming. But He didn't say, "don't sin again, or else".

            I believe Jesus knows well that acknowlegment, compassion and encouragement help and inspire people along their journey of overcoming. But overcoming is a journey and it is often a messy one.

    • “It is in working through that doubt, not denying it exists, that faith is strengthened.”

      This is very well said Karen.

  11. Is the second coming of Christ still a date? Yes it is a date, but not a day, hour, or year. Time in Bible prophecy stopped in 1844. That is why we need to prepare for the last days and be ready. Soon before my father died, I said to him, I am going to be there(meet you in heaven). Because I knew that was his enduring desire. A couple of years before my mother died she said. “I am ready for Jesus to come, you be ready too. Of course our ultimate incentive to be there is to see Jesus face to face. Yes and you are right we must ‘see Jesus now, to know Him, to know Him is to love Him, to love Him is to spend time with Him, thus to be ready for Jesus to come. Thank-you for your insightful article, it is very inspiring.

  12. At one time I was preoccupied with Christ's second coming to the point I couldn't live in peace today worrying about whether I would be ready. This a common SDA dilemma. It is constantly drilled into the mindset by a church that thinks it's responsibility to hasten Christ's return by "getting out the message." It's like you have to live in a constant state of prophetic alarms going off all the time. It'll be too soon if I never hear another revelation seminar. I long for Jesus to come and put an end to all the misery down here on earth. But I'm not wasting another minute worrying about it.

  13. Thomas, I do believe that Williams emphasis was on preparing for the Lord to come, and preparing others for the same. Preparation dissolves worry. Let’s spend our time in preparation. We have a quarter of Revelation seminars right before us, which is vital preparation, as well as prayer, supplication, meditation(spending time with Christ), study and restudy of His Word,and related books, these all keep us in the preparation mode rather than the worry mode. Yes you are right,worry is a wast of time. Rather prepare, participate, and proclaim, Christ coming is still on.


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