HomeSSLessons2018a Stewardship: Motives of the Heart2018a Teaching HelpsStewards After Eden – Teaching Plann    


Stewards After Eden – Teaching Plann — 3 Comments

  1. How do many of us understand and apply the above texts? Further, if we read the bible on a daily basis, are any of those texts on our to do list? Most of those that I am familiar with, are Gods promises for our encouragement. Stewardship is not priority for some. Stewardship for some, may have a completely different prior opinion, as to what the focus of the subject will likely be. I have to confess I am not familiar with "Shebna". Isiah 22:14-18.

  2. You make lesson study interesting. I would like to draw attention to how the artist makes the lesson more interesting is that the showing of 'hands' may indicate what Deut 8:17,18 indicates of as the source power that God uses is the hand that belongs to man which we cannot afford to forget as God's loyal and faithful servants


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