Sunday: Flee Pharisaism
Of the more than 80 references to Pharisees in the Gospels, approximately 25 percent of them are found in Luke. Pharisees were noted for their doctrinal conservatism, as opposed to Sadducees, who were known for their liberal ideas.
Pharisees were often legalists who, while professing to believe in grace, taught salvation by the keeping of the law.
Read Luke 11:37-54. What is Jesus warning about, and how is this same principle manifested today? How can we make sure that we, in our own ways, don’t reflect some of the things that Jesus warned against?
A review of the woes (Luke 11:42-54) pronounced on the Pharisees and the scribes shows how much the call to true religion crosses every generation, including our own.
For example, while tithing is a joyful acknowledgment of God’s provision, it can never be a substitute for the basic demands of love and justice in human relations (vs. 42).
These same ones who neglect justice and the love of God
love, instead, the most important seats in the synagogues
(vss. 42-43, NIV). Talk about missing the point of true faith!
Jesus warned, too, that those who equate true religion with outward rituals alone are really unclean, somewhat like those who come in contact with the dead (Luke 11:44; see also Num. 19:16). How easy to confuse what’s trivial with what’s sacred in the eyes of God.
Also, Jesus pronounced a woe on the experts in the law who used their education and experience to place intolerable religious burdens on others while they themselves do not touch the burdens with one of [their] fingers
(Luke 11:46, NKJV).
Meanwhile, the Pharisees honored the prophets no longer alive but worked against the living ones. Even as Jesus spoke, some were plotting to kill the Son of God. What is important is not the honoring of prophets but the heeding of their prophetic message of love, mercy, and judgment.
The last woe is a terrible one. Some who had been entrusted with the key to God’s kingdom had failed in their trusteeship. Instead of using the key wisely and letting God’s people come into the kingdom, they had locked them out and thrown away the key.

Majority of us are over burdened by sin without knowing, but us we allow our hearts to search and know the true God we serve, all will be okey and many we be saved through us.
I have seen this happen in different churches. That is why I have searched long and hard for the truth for many years. This gives me the incentive to go and tell others in any way or means. We have to help those whose minds are blinded.
Jesus said, "Blessings be on those who listen to the word of God and then practice it." Luke ll:28
We have to understand how we were saved from darkness and brought into this New Light in Christ. it was by Grace alone with unconditional mercy if acknowledged by the repentant sinner so we should have this care, love and to do justice in our horizontal relation with our neighbors and fellow humans whether church members, infidels/backsliders or non church members.
Pure clean heart without strings attached that was what my Savior showed and showered me with that once I saw these that He first loved him unconditionally without bias I loved Him back wholeheartedly.
Of all the woes ever pronounced upon the wicked servant to me probably the most terrifying thing that Jesus ever said is found in the next chapter, "But if that servant says in his heart,`My master is delaying his coming,' and begins to beat the male and female servants, and to eat and drink and be drunk, the master of that servant will come on a day when he is not looking for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in two and appoint him his portion with the unbelievers. And that servant who knew his master's will, and did not prepare himself or do according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes" (Lk. 12:45-47 NKJV). I say this because the phrase "cut him in two" reference the extremely cruel practice of cutting people to pieces in some cases by scourging. Other translations render the phrase as "cut him in pieces" (Lk. 12:46 NAS), "cut him to pieces" (Lk. 12:46 NIV). Or as Gingrich's lexicon says, "cut in two, though in the context of Mt 24:51 and Lk 12:46 punish with utmost severity is a likely meaning" or as Louw-Nida Greek-English Lexicon states, "to punish with great severity - 'to punish severely."
Yes Tyler. Knowing the truth but not living truth...or understanding and receiving light but not living in that light...scary stuff alright, and knowing my own fleshly heart and how easily turned aside into so many pointless directions and rabbit trails makes me determined to cleave to Jesus every day without dedicating myself in prayer and surrender to the Holy Spirit I have discovered can be costly and means taking that ground again later.
It is quite frightening realizing how utterly weak we are but so encouraging knowing how mighty our God is. Without Jesus we are nothing.
Of all the legitimate charges made against the Pharisees and lawyers, including their pride, unwillingness to submit and entitlement spirit (Luke 11:43), perhaps the most troubling was that they led others astray (Luke 11:52). It is one thing to make a free will decision about one’s own sinful course; but to use one’s influence against God’s cause in such a manner as to make disciples of another master is to multiply evil.
It is not honorable to teach or give people the impression all they need to do is believe in Jesus, and continue to do as they please until they feel differently about their conduct. Through the comforting idea that grace covers all sins some are led to wait for a personal impression from the Spirit on matters which are already communicated by inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The impression may never come.
While no mortal being can absolutely prevent the salvation of another to suggest parallel paths or broadening the road to salvation in witnessing sets up sinners for failure. Christ did not receive sinners by making them comfortable in their sins, but by showing them the narrow way (John 8:11).
Jesus strongly cautioned against false teaching concerning His commands, and in this context indicated that conscious false teachers effectively exclude themselves from the kingdom (Matthew 5:19, 20). Conversely there was divine commendation for faithful teachers.
Hugh, I have a different view of their problem because in their mind they didn't realize they were leading anybody astray, in fact, they thought they were correct. So to me the charge of hypocrisy is the one with a bite because it is preaching one thing yet knowingly doing something quite different.
In the text I use in my comment above, for instance, it says "that servant who knew his master's will, and did not." Being unaware of something even though it is wrong is vastly different than knowingly making a choice against what one knows is right, "Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin" (James. 4:17 NKJV).
In saying this I am in no way saying that error is ok. It is a very serious thing to teach error in any form but when one does it ignorantly then "these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent" (Acts 17:30 NKJV). Moses spoke of unintentional sins that were to be freely forgiven (Lev 4; Num 15) yet when it comes to those we know about and continue to stubbornly do them then it becomes another matter altogether that can end up being the unpardonable sin.
Yes, they certainly thought they were correct and in line with their pride self-contentedness and their unwillingness to admit the possibility of error. They "had Moses and the Prophets", but refused to believe them. They were so self assured of their rights according to lineage, they couldn't comprehend any possibility of their being anything other than righteous. Their "way" was right so of course they taught everyone else to trust in the same false philosophy of genealogical surety which locked others out of the kingdom as well...which concept the gospel turned on its head, giving keys to the kingdom and unlocking its blessings to all. They thought because they ran the vineyard they were safe. They forgot what the vineyard was for. Bearing fruit. Let us not forget.
I've been around for thirty five years in the Adventist church and my religious philosophy is simple, forgive and you shall be forgiven. People often think or act in the kindling of their own fire. Some of us realize our departures from the Way and repent others, the proud and the self sufficient continue hardening their hearts until the day of trial reveals their characters to be wanting. Walk humbly my friend, know it all's are the majority around here not the exception.God preserves the simple.
I'm expecting a divine commendation based on my faith in what God has done for the entire onlooking Universe in Christ on Calvary. If it doesn't come and I am not pronounced good or righteous or holy matters not God is still good and I know it by the experience of grace not works.Go ahead save yourselves by your traditional thinking maybe The Lord will pardon your ignorance[redacted].I'm going to trust that my soul is in capable and caring Hands.
The Gospel hasn't been changed. Fear is still cast out by perfect love.To him/her who is spiritual all things are lawful. He who is born of God does not sin.And if I myself continue to seek Him He shall be found, for He is everywhere at all times and it is only through the merciful Savior's merit that any of us lives and moves and in Him have out being.I'm saved by grace through love and he who loves is born of God.Assurance of salvation is always missing in the lives of those (heathen) religions that figure that some part of the free gift was earned by works. The law says love God,and respect His character and as you learn to do that , love your neighbor as yourself. Christ does fulfill that law through grace continually
Oh and please don't expect the blind Pharisees to see their own wretchedness for more than a minute second.The fear of God is not to them respect and awe but rather anderlying contempt and anxiety about keeping themselves in the lies that obscure the truth about God's divine hand of love in all things. Peace out!
Keep yourselves in the love of God.He does not force therefore it is up to the individual to keep the relationship between himself and God alive, whatever his profession.This relationship is based on continually receiving a fresh supply of grace which through His love saves the soul.
Only God's grace and uconditionnal love we was saved through
But we struggling so much in this world so we have to make sure if we are not going in the same trap as Sadducees and Pharisees
God bless you people of God
Indeed, today's message was for an Adventist such as I. May my prayer remain "Lord increase my faith.
I have read the comments. Lord, soften my heart, bring me back to your flock, forgive me of my sins, help me to live for Jesus and be an honest witness