Sunday: Gethsemane- The Fearsome Struggle
At the dawn of history, God created Adam and Eve and placed them in a beautiful garden blessed with all that they needed for a life of joy. Soon something extraordinary happened: Satan appeared (Genesis 3). He tempted the first couple and then plunged the young earth into a mighty controversy between good and evil, between God and Satan.
Now, in God’s own time, another garden (Luke 22:39-46) became a mighty battleground where the war between truth and falsehood, between righteousness and sin, and between God’s plan for human salvation and Satan’s goal for human destruction raged.
In Eden the world was plunged into the disaster of sin; in Gethsemane the world’s ultimate victory was assured. Eden saw the tragic triumph of self asserting itself against God; Gethsemane showed self surrendering itself to God and revealing the victory over sin.
Compare what happened in Eden (Gen. 3:1-6) with what happened in Gethsemane (Luke 22:39-46). What was the big difference in what happened in both gardens?
Gethsemane stands for two crucial things: first, for a most vicious attempt of Satan to derail Jesus from God’s mission and purpose; next, for the noblest example of reliance on God’s strength to accomplish His will and purpose. Gethsemane shows that, however strong the battle is and however weak the self is, victory is certain to those who have experienced the strength of prayer. As Jesus so famously prayed: Nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done
(Luke 22:42, NKJV).
All the hosts of Satan were arraigned against Jesus; the disciples, whom He loved so much, were numb to His suffering. Drops of blood were falling drop by drop; the betrayer’s kiss was just a breath away; and the priests and the temple guards were about to pounce. Yet, Jesus showed us that prayer and submission to God’s will give the needed strength to the soul to bear life’s great burdens.
Next time you are severely tempted, how can you have the kind of experience Jesus had in Gethsemane as opposed to what Adam and Eve had in Eden? What is the crucial factor that makes all the difference between them?

One of the beauty in the differences between the Garden of Eden and the Garden at
Gethsemane is the genuineness of the the 2 Adams to solve the dilemma in which Eve was in. Firstly as she came to Adam, He took the fruit so that (in his thinking) TO AVOID Eve being alienated or worse replaced by another new Eve which would mena being taken away from him and Eden for she was his flesh and bones, the thought of her being alienated or even lost from his side made him eat the fruit.
Adam's concern was genuine but very selfish and naive for he should have waited for his creator to solve the problem however the 1st Adam should be applauded still, but at the same time his reprimand was justified for he had restricted God's role as their creator and redeemer thus he was at no position nor had the jurisdiction to decide what the solution to this dilemma to decide the best solution in front of Him, he should have left it to their Creator.
On the other hand the 2nd Adam, was unselfish for even if there was to be only one sinner like Eve (if first Adam had not partake of the fruit), he still would have willingly to let God's will be done by still going to Golgotha to die for that one sinner.
In summary the First Adam in the first Garden (Eden) had an idolatry love for his neighbor or flesh and bone while the 2nd Adam (Jesus Christ) had true genuine Agape Godly love to his brothers, sisters, and neighbors/others, that is the difference between the 2 gardens which I would like to highlight that doesn't mean that there are not other differences, but I would like to highlight my insights into these 2 gardens and the 2 Adams.
You make an interesting point - Adam tried to usurp God's position as Eve's redeemer!
I don't think Adam was trying to redeem Eve, he simply did not want to be separated from her and chose rather to separate from God, which is why Adam sinned the sin that brought the curse upon the earth. (Gen 3:17-19)
Redemption was not heard of by anyone outside of the Godhead until later that afternoon, where it was revealed to all creation. Adam only knew that death was the result, and some might say his choosing to die with Eve was very romantic, rather than simple unbelief in his Maker, and all the evidence of God's goodness that surrounded them, and that brought them each breath.
"Thou shalt have no other gods before Me" is not a threat, but a promise. God alone is our only hope of Life. Self is the only other god possible. Think about that.
Adam had to choose between self and God without the knowledge of the salvation that would come. His choice had to be from faith, and not self-serving.
Adam made a choice based only on the statement of "death if the fruit was eaten". He knew not of "Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." Do the followers of Christ today know more than Adam did?
Adam's act of eating the fruit was not from a selfish motive. The thought of living life with out eve must have been painful to him. Life without her must have been a terriable struggle. He choose to die with her. Think on this thought. We are made in Gods image. God himself could not bear the thought of losing the human race, yet it was a struggle for the Father to give his son a ransom for our sins. living eternity without man is so much deeper than we can comprehend. It was settled in the chamber of peace. God will die than to lose something he loves.
You see the comparison.
will save man
Did it seem like Jesus was about to shrink from the mission to save in the garden? Not for a moment was the Savior in doubt whether He would act to save mankind. His whole life was focused on redeeming the human race (Luke 19:10). However the path to the cross and redemption was more difficult than the human Jesus anticipated.
The pressure and strain of the sin of the world (2 Corinthians 5:21), and His Father beginning to withdraw His favor (Matthew 27:46) appeared to Jesus virtually unbearable, and so He questioned whether there was another way to save (Luke 22:42).
The weight of sin did reach an unbearable point. It was then an angel showed up to strengthen Jesus (Luke 22:43). Left alone Jesus would have died in Gethsemane, but not in the manner God determined.
Being crucified on a cross was not the actual punishment for the sins of the world; for many others were crucified before and after. Something more took place in Gethsemane and on the cross. The Father not only withdrew favor previously bestowed (Luke 2:52), He also executed punishment which was postponed from the Garden of Eden, to spare the fallen race.
That the followers of Christ may be required to take a difficult path (Acts 14:22), even an unprecedented one (Daniel 12:1) is not cause to draw back (Luke 9:62), even if it appears unbearable. It is okay to ask if there be any alternative, but keep the end in mind (2 timothy 4:8) and the Lord’s will uppermost.
The Father will provide all the needed support, including in the form of angels. The faithful will get through their Gethsemane and be able to bear their token cross (Mark 8:34).
When you are at your lowest point God will send angels to lift you up. He is great!
james 4:7 says submit urself to God, resist the devil and he will flee from u. 1 peter 5:6,7 says humble urself under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt u in due time
casting all ur care upon him, Bcoz he cares 4 u
From the example of Jesus, in order to overcome such temptation needs total
submittion and obedience to God
When we love Jesus completely God the Father will love us the same way He loves Jesus His Son, Jesus Himself said this. I am beyond amazed at such truth.Let us live each day knowing that God loves us the same way He loves Jesus.
In Gethsemane the "faith of Jesus", which is to be found in the Remnant(Rev 14:12), was exhibited. Entire surrender is the result of this faith. Jesus is waiting for this exhibition that He might seal His servants. Our path to the very presence of God must also go through Gethsemane. This is the great fight of faith all must win, but not in their own strength. Yielding brings the power of God into the life, by which we go forth to overcome the world. This is how we come to "have the Testimony of Jesus" (Rev 19:10), and able to be His witnesses (Acts 1:8).
Just simply reiterating the fact that the walk with Christ takes perseverance, forbearance and deep dependence on him who called us. Think not that every battle is won with ease....we are in a spiritual warfare and need to realize that we have a part to play although victory has already been afforded us. The enemy desires our souls and unless we enter into deep supplication and communion with him who walked the path before us...we will not partake of his glory. Adam hastily made a decision, Jesus wishing that the cup could pass endured the mental torture and agony that preceded ultimate victory. Let us keep in mind that our way though logically and strategically planned may not be the best way, instead let's just resolve like our brother Jesus to ask of the Father that "his will be accomplished" matter how unbearable and dark things seem...So help us Lord, Amen.
I like the 2 gardens brought to view in this lesson. I see that in both gardens the enemy's aim was to thwart God's plan for man to live eternal in bliss. The desire for self exaltation brought a fall to humanity whereas meekness and lowliness brought victory through total dependence upon and obedience to God.
The cross as an instrument of shame, the human Jesus looked at it and simply made a request, is there no other means to save the sinners? Nevertheless, He surrender His will to the father. When you are face strungle today who/how do surrender?
What is most interesting to me is the fact that Jesus didn't pray for a way out once, He did it several times. So I ask is it wrong for us to question or even struggle with the direction we are going in even if it is biblical?
Tyler, our humanity will struggle often. This is the fight of faith over ournatural desires and feelings. Once we have a clear conviction, further struggle is expressing doubts. God realizes that our abilities are very limited and as with Habakkuk, permitted the "argument" which allowed God to enlighten the prophet who understood and ended up praising the goodness of God. Faith must prevail over everything else, or we fall to the sin of unbelief. The humanity of Jesus expressed His natural fear of what was before Him, asking "IF", not demanding. Each asking was surrendered to "Not my will but thine be done."
There is no victory without a struggle. Read "The Shaking", EW 269.
Robert, I appreciate your point of view because I think it is the same view that most Christians have. Even though I say this I still will disagree to a great extent.
When giant drops of sweat and blood fall from Christ's brow in the garden and He asks for prayer you just know there is more to this whole thing than to just have faith and poof everything is fine and dandy. Jesus was really struggling, just read Desire of Ages on the garden experience.
Tyler, are you replying to my thoughts or someone else's? While faith brings us salvation and perfect alignment with God's will, the fight over natural inclination, desire and feelings is real.
Jesus calling the disciples to prayer was for THEIR sake. Jesus knew what would soon come to them and already gave Peter a clear view of his own present condition. He urged them to watch WITH Him for the sake of their souls.
Did you read what I shared from EW? It parallels the Gethsemane experience of Jesus. Our path to God takes us on the same path that Jesus took. We can't imagine what we must yet confront by faith.
thanks so much @Hughs Dalhouse.
U have really been a blessing to me.
The battle to fight good and evil is God. All what God says is real but mankind wants to fight the battle of good and evil alone. Victory is no where until we submit to the will of the father as Jesus did.
That's very true Chiku
I don't think the situation in the garden of eden and in gethsemane should be compared,because Jesus has a mission and that is to save the humanity.Maybe, we can compare them of the kind of temptations they have encounter.And for me what had Jesus experience is worst and incomparable to anyone in this history,satan uses the people that Jesus loved so much and it really made Jesus felt so down and hurt yet His love towards us is much bigger that the pain he felt and through the help of the Father,our Savior successfully saves us.
We only have to trust God's word fully unlike eve and adam,doubts should not be entertained.