Sunday: Love as a Foundation of Unity
A clear message flowing out of the Creation story in Genesis Chapters 1 and 2 is the overall harmony that existed at the end of the week of Creation. God’s final words that all was “very good” (Gen. 1:31) refer not only to aesthetic beauty but also to the absence of any element of evil or discord when God finished making this world and the humans who were to populate it.
God’s original purpose in Creation included the harmonious coexistence and interdependent relationship of all life forms. It was a beautiful world created for the human family. All was perfect and worthy of its Creator. God’s ideal and original purpose for the world was one of harmony, unity, and love.
Read Genesis 1:26-27. What do these verses teach about human uniqueness in contrast to the rest of the earthly creation as depicted in Genesis 1 and 2?
Genesis says that God created humankind in His image, something not said about anything else in the Genesis creation account. “Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness. …’ So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them” (Gen. 1:26-27, NKJV). Although theologians have debated for centuries the exact nature of this image, and the nature of God Himself, many passages of Scripture present God’s nature as love.
Read 1 John 4:7-8, 1 John 4:16. How can these verses help us to understand how we were originally created and how this could have impacted the original unity found at the Creation?
God is love, and because humans also can love (and in ways that the rest of the earthly creation certainly can’t), to be created in His image must include the ability to love. Yet, love can exist only in relationship with others. Thus, whatever else being made in the image of God entails, it must entail the capacity to love, and to love deeply.

I hope others can see the profound significance of what is being touched on in today's lesson.
As the quotes from 1 John allude to, the very foundational essence of God's character (ie way of being) is "love". What kind of love? Not the kind that is the subject of popular songs and movies and novels. But Agape love - the kind of love that is self-renouncing and instead makes the true benefiting of others its entire focus. This kind of love is well described in Desire of Ages pgs 20 and 21. These pages are well worth reading to get a clear understanding of the magnitude and extent of self-renouncing Agape love throughout ALL of life across the heavens.
Not only is this kind of love THE core principle underpinning all other attributes of God's character, it also underpins the functioning of nature in unfallen worlds and the functioning of all created beings in those worlds. Consequently, self-renouncing love is THE core principle that underpins eternal life because it is the only basis that is capable of perpetually contributing to life. Without the principle of self-renouncing love, eternal and "abundant" (Jn 10:10) is impossible!
So thankful to God for the gifts of wisdom and love that have driven you to share this with us. Thank you for remaining faithful. God bless you
Phil, I would agree, and also add that today, we are in a vastly different world than what came fresh from the Creator's hand, and find ourselves prone to be prideful, which is the polar opposite of agape(self renouncing) love. This is why the message to "repent(of sinful pride) and believe the Gospel" must be the message to sinners. Telling a sinner they must exhibit self-renouncing love toward all others is like demanding someone born without legs to run and win a race.
Today, this love-based unity will only take place among sinners who have repented and believed. If unity does not exist, then we can safely conclude that repentance and faith have not yet been exercised. Anyone can successfully join any organization and abide by it's rules(don't smoke, don't cuss, pay tithe, keep sabbath.....)without being repentant and converted. But outward conformity to "rules" does not bring true unity, as we have painfully discovered.
While agape is the goal, the message to lead to this must be the same message Jesus brought to this fallen world(Mark 1:15) if this unity, which He prayed for, is to be achieved. His methods alone will work in reaching the ideal He came to restore among sinners.
Knowing the "remedy" is important, but it will only work if correctly applied.
Hi Robert
You are correct in noting that there are additional factors involved in how a person comes to adopting self-renouncing love as the basis for their life and living. You are correct that telling someone they "must" do something rarely works well. And you are also correct in noting that Jesus "methods alone will work in reaching (though I would say progressively growing towards) the ideal He came to restore among sinners".
While you have referred to Mark 1:15 as relevant to Jesus method/s, it would be important to also emphasise that Jesus spent a lot of time "drawing" people to Himself via the loving way He related to them (eg the Samaritan woman at the well). Thus, Jesus awakens love within a person - in conjunction with the Holy Spirit's prompting to conviction.
I would not dream of telling a person that they must exhibit self-renouncing love to others. However, I do explain to people who are at a point of readiness that this kind of love is the basis of the abundant life that the Kingdom of God offers and contrast that with the self-indulging basis of the life that this world offers. Then I invite them to consider which kind of life they want to live.
"I would not dream of telling a person that they must exhibit self-renouncing love to others."
The demonstration of self-renouncing love is the most convincing form of evangelism. In fact, it is the gospel in verity. "Let my love seal your heart, let it be the source of your strength; for my love is stronger than death; its passion overcomes the grave. It flashes like a raging fire, the flaming essence of the Lord." Song 8:6.
Because self-renouncing love is THE foundation to eternal, abundant living, I would propose that the statement in today's lesson be modified from:
"God’s ideal and original purpose for the world was one of harmony, unity, and love."
God's ideal and original purpose for the world was one of harmony and unity that inevitably arise from a foundation of self-renouncing love.
Love as a Foundation of Unity
The soft ground destabilized the leaning Tower of Pisa's foundation.
If our foundation is not anchored on the rock of Christ, the foundation will eventually collapse.
The main purpose of the foundation is to hold the structure above it and keep it upright.
What made Paul stand up for Christ to the death?
What made the apostles who were selfish to become selfless and pour out their lives as living sacrifice?
It is AGAPE.
When the love is anchored in Christ Jesus nothing in all creation will be able separate us from the love of Christ.
How is the foundation anchored in your life?
Is it money, position, power, or popularity?
Be submissive to him who is above all things to free us and anchor us unto himself.
1. God's love is kind and patient, never jealous, boastful, proud or rude. Love isn't selfish or quick tempered. It doesn't keep a record of wrongs that others do. Love rejoices in truth, but not in the evil. Love is always supportive, loyal, hopeful and trusting. Love never fails. 1 cor13:4-8.
This is the description of "agape" the God-kind of love. It is self giving and never selfish. It puts others first. It takes no record of wrongs. It never fails! It doesn't change even if the behavior of the one to whom it is directed changes. It is eternal eph 1:4-5. It is inclusive. It is unconditional. It is divergent, it spreads outwards to include everyone and everything in the universe.
2. This is absolutely different from fallen human love which is possessive, fickle and selfish. It doesn't stand the test of time. It lasts only as long as the object of that love confirms to its expectations. It is based on natural emotions and desires. It is exclusive. It is conditional. It is convergent,it focuses on one or more persons. Man loves to have his own wants fulfilled. He loves with an agenda.
3. In 1 John 4:7 there is something given to the believer when they are born of God. The God-kind of love "agape" is imparted to their life that they did not have before.
If love is of God, then those who claim to be born of God and claim to know God must be able to love one another.
This creates the difference of the kind of love that is found in those who are born of God 1 John 4:7 and those who are not born of God 1 john 4:8.
Scripture asks this question:
"Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" Amos 3:3
The obvious answer is no they cannot. True unity MUST be based upon TRUTH. "Love" is subject to all kinds of emotions. Truth is consistent, does not change and Christ said the TRUTH will set us free! Christ and The Father are One. Is it because They love each other OR is because they AGREE on EVERYTHING?
Hi Daniel.
With respect, may I propose that while it is true that the popular conceptualisations of 'love' are emotion-based, self-renouncing/Agape love is distinctly different. This kind of love is commitment-based and therefore is frequently exercised despite, or independent of, felt emotion/s.
1 Cor 13:1-3 and especially verse 13 outlines how foundational this kind of love is to everything else.
You are right to identify the importance of truth. It is truth that this kind of love is the foundational underpinning to everything else pertaining to life within the Kingdom of God.
The truth is a unit, so powerful that our enemies cannot controvert it. Therefore they try to excite jealousies, to create variance, among brethren, that they may be led to separate their affections from God and from one another, In unity there is strength. In Luther's time it was considered a great misfortune when differences arose among the believers, because it strengthened the opposition of their enemies. There was a time when the Reformation was carrying everything before it, and if the leaders had been united, it would have been, through God, a still more powerful agent for the pulling down of the strongholds of Satan; but variance arose among them, and the enemies of truth greatly rejoiced. {HS 125.3}
It is the Lord's plan that physicians well versed in Bible truth shall unite with ministers laboring in the cities and aid in giving as a whole the harmonious message of warning that should be given to the world. Some of the very best-qualified men in our institutions should be chosen for this work. {CH 545.3}
"For their sakes I sanctify Myself," Christ said, "that they also might be sanctified through the truth." The Lord Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life; and those who unite with Him, putting Him on, will work as colaborers with Him, by conforming to the principles of truth. By beholding, they become imbued with truth, and unite with Christ to transform the living temple given to idols, that human beings may become cleansed, refined, sanctified, temples for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. {FE 466.1}
The truth stands firmly established on the eternal Rock--a foundation that storm and tempest can never move. . . . Do not lower the banner of truth . . . in order to unite with the solemn message for these last days anything that will tend to hide the peculiar features of our faith. {AG 30.6}
Four mighty angels hold back the powers of this earth till the servants of God are sealed in their foreheads. The nations of the world are eager for conflict, but they are held in check by the angels. When this restraining power is removed there will come a time of trouble and anguish. Deadly instruments of warfare will be invented. Vessels with their living cargo will be entombed in the great deep. All who have not the spirit of truth will unite under the leadership of satanic agencies, but they are to be kept under control till the time shall come for the great battle of Armageddon.--7BC 967 (1900). {LDE 238.3}
Over and over we see truth is the basis for unity and the enemy of all souls does all he can to attach truth therefore separating us! There is an old military saying "divide and conquer."
Thank you for the time and effort to provide a reply comment. Your perspective is stimulating me to think and study.
Yes, Truth is central to the Kingdom of God - as lies and deception are to the Kingdom of Darkness although the Kingdom of Darkness promotes these lies and deceptions as truth.
And yes, you are correct when you point out that those who agree on what truth is will be united. Those constituting the Kingdom of God will be united in their agreement of what truth is. However, those constituting the Kingdom of Darkness will also be united in their agreement of what truth is (as per the tower of Babel experience, for example). Both groups will be united within themselves on the basis of what they hold to be truth.
Truth is a description of what is real. So there is the truth of how life within the Kingdom of God operates and leads to abundant, eternal life - this is truth. And then there is the truth of how the Kingdom of Darkness operates and leads to death - this is also truth.
If I go a step further, it is truth that the Kingdom of God operates on the basis of self-renouncing/Agape love and that such a basis is necessary and essential for genuine abundant eternal life. And it is truth that the Kingdom of Darkness operates on the basis of self-gratification/induglence/promotion/etc that it insinuates (eg Gen 3:5) will lead to an even more abundant life.
So we have the truth of what is actually real. And then we have the actual underpinning reality itself that distinguishes between what truth is actually true: between the one that actually leads to abundant eternal life and the one that claims to lead to even more abundant life but in actuality, truthfully leads instead to death.
It is the underpinning reality that actually underpins the nature and character of life within the Kindgom of God that I am attempting to draw attention to.
Thanks again for your dialogue...
Note that Jesus Himself said, the "I am the Truth," and He is love.
Any "truth" separate from Him is no truth at all.
Furthermore, divisions in the church have historically arisen from differing motions of truth which totally eclipsed Christ's character of love.
Things are no different today. There are divisions in the church based on differing convictions of truth, and the love of Christ is trampled underfoot in self-righteous argumentation that disparages the opposition.
From what I have seen, too many of the professed people of God are intent upon forcing others to agree with their understanding of truth in order to bring about "unity."
man is flesh. man is carnal. man cannot Love. the Holy Spirit is Love. The Holy Spirit abiding in man can Love.
The lesson says "God is love, and because humans also can love (and in ways that the rest of the earthly creation certainly can’t), to be created in His image must include the ability to love."
Not sure I am understanding this section. I have seen lower animals interacting and they certain display love(sometimes self-sacrificing) yet they were not made in the image of God. How do we explain such?
Could it be an instinctive drive? Is it the same reason (the drive) that there are some humans who do not display real agape love? . I know some will blame it on the "not being born of Christ" arguement. However there are some persons who are not even believers who would show kindness and love or give their lives for others they dont even know? The natives from Malta were called barbarians yet they were able to show such love and kindness to Paul and his shipwrecked friends. How do you explain that, or even the good Samaritan who was an outsider from the religious sects of his time? Could it be that Love is just a law of nature that even the animals or people (whether they know God or not) choose to obey or disobey?
*Sorry, I think there are too many questions.It's just me again trying to find answers.
Hi Georgia
You asked the question "could it be that Love is just a law of nature that even the animals or people (whether they know God or not) choose to obey or disobey?"
You are on to something.
Ellen White would essentially agree with you - except she would go on to say that rather than being 'just' a law of nature, it is in fact the underpinning law of nature upon which all other laws arise (that is, they all are based on the principle of self-renouncing giving). If you haven't already done so, take a look at Desire of Ages pages 20 and 21 where Ellen points out that, in addition to being foundational to God's nature and character, is also "the law of life for heaven and earth" that was subsequently broken by the entrance of "self-seeking".
Daniel, as I read yours and others comments it takes me back to the beginning of the conflict between God and Satan. Satan claimed that love is not an adequate foundation to run the universe and that it makes God's creatures subject to enslavement.But earths history has demonstrated just the opposite under Satans rule. God's law of love promotes harmony, unity, peace and unselfishness while the enemys law promotes the opposite. I am grateful that God wants to share His principles and character with us so we can experience it personally and be free of the negative emotions and desires which can enslave us.
H. Lee I understand what you are saying BUT Satan disagreed with what God did. Left him out of the council. Began to become jealous of Christ. No longer agreed with God's Law and left his first estate because he believed he had a better way. Nowhere in Scripture do we find that love is what unifies. Why? Because again love is subjective. I love wife, I love my truck, I love spagetti etc. Different aspects of Love. True love, agape, CAN only be manifested in and through us WHEN we are united with Christ. THAT only happens when HIS word dwell in us! TRUTH!!
As I see it, one place in scripture that I find love being linked with unity is Jn 13:34-35. "Love one another" is not a phenomeon that can be experienced apart from unity. Jesus is talking here about the Agape love that characterises the Kingdom of God - not the subjective love of this world.
You are correct in stating that "true love, agape, can only be manifested in and through us when we are united with Christ and that that only happens when His word dwells in us". However, I would propose that His 'word' encompasses far broader than just 'words'- hence why it is "living and active" (Heb 4:12). If agape love is the core attribute of God's character that underpins all other attributes, as 1 Jn 4:8,16 note and Ellen White amplifies further in DA 20-21, then God's 'word' would also be foundationally characterised by agape love. Thus agape love would characterise the unitedness or unity we have with Christ - and it would also characterise the unity we have with others as per Jn 13:34-35.
This idea of love being the foundation of unity can be very misleading in THIS present world. Our ideas of what love is will vary with different experiences, knowledge, understanding and purpose. What is the Standard of this “love” being promoted? How is it manifested in one's daily life?
Example: I have seen where “Love” was being experienced in a way that brought great sorrow, pain and separation to two families. So it cannot be such love that brings unity. We must also define what unity is. Being in unity with one group will put us in complete opposition to another group.
There will soon come a demand for universal unity, which will place one in opposition to God and His holy law.
You are right to hilight that 'love' has been so distorted in its presentation within this world and that, consequently, there is much need to grow in our knowledge, understanding and application of true, self-renouncing/Agape love so that is more and more progressively replaces our conditioned tendencies to self-referenced 'living'. This transformational process is an essential part of the necessary 'rebirth' that Jesus spoke with Nicodemus about - without which it is not possible to be part of the Kindgom of God (because self-renouncing/Agape love is the only basis on which true/abundant life is viable).
This kind of love is not so much a 'standard' as it is a nature and character of being that progressively grows to greater and greater maturity via both the Holy Spirit's indwelling work and our exercising the results of that indwelling work in our daily walk. This concept of growth until maturity is reflected in Eph 4:13.
And how is it manifested in one's daily life? Broadly speaking (because the specific application in a specific situation depends upon the specifics of that situation), it means that all my attitudes, intentions and interactions with another will be characterised by my having the other's best interests at heart - rather than my self-interests at their expense. What does best interests involve - that which promotes the "abundant life" that Jesus talked about in Jn 10:10, yet which also respects another's right to not want that if they so choose. And when that is the case, this kind of love then seeks to limit the scope of harm that occurs as a result of a person's choice of a way of life that "steals, kills and destroys".
Being motivated by Agape love enables 'us' (generically) to, in love (Eph 4:15), dialogue, debate and even disagree about views and perspectives, yet still be in a spirit of unity because of the attitudes and intentions of our hearts.
That all sounds great, but I cannot "agree" when others in the church want to teach ideas that oppose truth. This is not unity to simply "agree to disagree" when truth is perverted. This is how compromise creeps in and before too long, the foundation has been removed. This is how the papal church emerged from the apostolic church.
So when talk of "unity" based on "love" begins to swell, I become very cautious. I've seen it turn in a wrong direction enough times.
This is why Jude urges all to "contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints". Yes, love is the fulfilling of the Law, and never a departure from it.
Thanks for your reply.
There are a range of situations reflected in the scenarios you outline. And different situations can call for different specific applications of relevant principles.
Self-renouncing/Agape love is not possible apart from a connection with God - as you have mentioned previously.
Where 2 parties are each/both genuinely in connection with God, each party will be anchored in Agape love and there will be unity between them at the most fundamental level. That level is that neither party will be operating from self-interest and neither party will be trying to harm (a term covering a broad range of specific impacts) the other. Upon this foundation, there may well be disagreement of perspective and opinion - even in regard to matters of biblical truth - but there will not be disunity. The dispute between Paul and Barnabas in Acts 15:36-41 is an example of such a scenario.
An example closer to home. I believe I have a sound biblical basis for certain views on the nature of God and salvation, etc. Other people will similarly believe they have sound biblical basis for different views on these same topics. Thus, while we do not share a uniformity of views and may well disagree on biblical interpretations that we each see as important truth/s, at a deeper level we are still unified if we are each connected with God and anchored in Agape love in our orientations toward each other. Which of us is departing from the law when we are each in genuine connection with God and each genuinely trying to understand and apply His law in our lives? It is possible that we may not find out the answer to that until we are in heaven and able to see reality/truth in far greater fullness. In the meanwhile, in this kind of situation we can agree to disagree and no harm is caused because of the principle expressed in Rom 14:12.
As for the example of the papal church emerging from the apostolic, that would be an example of a different scenario. Wherever there is one or more parties that are not in connection with God, then it is not possible for those parties to be anchored in Agape love. Rather, of the underpinning basis of those parties will be self-reference (in some form or other) and will result in promotion of harm (self-reference can't not do that). Romans 14:10 is an example of this dynamic happening within a church context. In such a situation there is no unity (it is not possible) and harm will be inherent.
Agape love calls for a different response when harm is the underpinning intent. Sometimes that response is to try and assist the other party to realise/experience what they are risking by the course they are taking. Where that doesn't stop them, then it may be necessary to leave the other party to reap the inherent consequences of their course of action. Romans 1:24,26 and 28 is an example of God doing just that. This approach is more likely to be when the only one harmed is the person themselves.
At other times when harm to the innocent or vulnerable is at risk, then stepping in to limit the impact of that harm would be more appropriate. 1 Cor 5:5 would be an example of this scenario. In a domestic violence situation within a church context, as another example, an Agape love response might be reporting the person to the relevant authorities or helping charges to be brought against them because it is not in the person's best interests to be allowed to continue abusing someone else. And so on...
I understand your concerns/cautions regarding talk of unity based on 'love'. And I agree. That is why I am taking pains to refer to self-renouncing/Agape love as the only kind of love that is capable of producing healthy unity and also why I am distinguishing between unity and uniformity.
Thanks again for your thoughts thus far. It is good to dialogue with you and hopefully other readers are also being challenged by our conversation and feel free to weigh in with their thoughts and perspectives too...
God is love. You cant be like God without God. True Love is from Heaven, it is a fruit of Lord’s spirit. Our Works wont give us God’s love, Our church Pride wont give us Agape love,ONLY through unwavering Faith in Jesus it is possible to LOVE. I
A very stimulationg discussion on love based unity and truth based unity. I am just reminded of the message Christ gave to the church of Ephesus. There seemed to be a truth based unity (Revelation 2:2). However, there was no love based unity (Revelation 2:4). So Christ was about to remove the church out of its place (Revelation 2:5). The whole situation reveals a separation from Christ and a separation of the believers separating from each other for lack of love based unity. So it seems to me that complete unity consists of both: truth based unity and love based unity. One cannot be without the other
Winfried Stolpmann
Many here I am sure remember Tony Palmer's speech dealing with the alleged end of the Reformation. His basis was based upon a shared experience. In Alfred H. Phoh''s book "17 Reasons Why I left the Tongues Movement" chapter 16 he wrote the following:
"I wish I were wrong, but all signs at the present indicate that the Charismatic Movement could be the common denominator for a worldwide ecumenical organization or church. In the past, all attempts to bring about ecumenicity on the basis of faith, belief or doctrine, have failed. But in the Charismatic Movement, unity is attained, not by unanimity of doctrine but on the basis of a common religious experience. To them largely, doctrine is not the important thing. But the experience is. So it is not surprising that in Charismatic circles people of many denominational backgrounds and doctrines can all worship and fellowship together, not because they agree on doctrine but because they agree on a common religious experience. This is a very dangerous trend! Why? Because setting truth aside in order to have unity will ultimately put the One Who is "the Truth," the Lord Jesus, outside the Movement."
Words of wisdom from a non-Adventist! IF unity is based soley upon the "experience of loving one another" are WE also in the end facing a very dangerous trend? I am convinced the Godhead's unity is based upon the fact they are one is "doctrine!" They are united on the plan of Salvation, upon EVERY aspect of the Law which represents ALL three's Character, thoughts and feelings!! Yes Godly Love is there BUT without Them being in complete agreement that love is diminished!
Hi Daniel
As you state, you are "convinced the Godhead's unity is based upon the fact they are one is "doctrine!"". Therefore I am not writing this to try and convince you otherwise as it would be wrong of me to try and do so - for each of us is to be convinced in our own minds (Rom 14:5).
At the same time, there are readers reviewing the posts we are making and because your comment touches on the key issues of today's postings, I would like to contribute a response in regard to those key issues.
1) If self-renouncing/Agape love is not phenomenologically and characteristically distinct from the feeling of a "common worship experience" that is being referred to in the quote from Alfred Phoh --if it is nothing more than the emotional "experience of loving one another" that you refer to, then my point that self-renouncing/Agape love is the basis of unity falls to pieces.
2) Similarly, if that same self-renouncing/Agape love is not the foundational basis of (a) all of the law and the prophets (Matt 22:36-40) and (b) or the foundational "... law of life for earth and heaven; that the love with "seeketh not her own" (which) has its source in the heart of God..." (DA 20), then again my point that this pure, unique form of love is the basis of all also falls to pieces.
I trust that we can remain in unity even though we share a different viewpoint on this topic.
I was thinking about mankind being made in God's image and being given dominion over the earth. To my thinking, it seems clear that God's intention was that Love would have dominion over this earth. The Serpent changed that dynamic for one of his devising: deception, coercion and death would be the tools of his dominion over the earth.
The Son of God (the Father's love) displayed on the coercion of the cross is God's tool to reassert his dominion of this earth in the face of all that Satan could do.
"See from His head, His hands, His feet,
Sorrow and love flow mingled down!
Did e’er such love and sorrow meet,
Or thorns compose so rich a crown?
Love so amazing, so divine,
Demands my soul, my life, my all."
Love personified is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Some very good thoughts Richard. You are on to something...
You have correctly stated "it seems clear that God's intention was that Love would have dominion over this earth". Have you had any thoughts as to why this this was God's intention? Was this just an arbitrary intention by God or was there some important reason behind this intention?
You also said "Love personified is the Way, the Truth and the Life". That is spot on!
I do believe this particular quote would help in this discussion:
And here is more:
Living in union with God, operating on and from a foundation of self-renouncing love, and living in harmony with all that is God's truth: all are necessary components for the kind of life God designed us to experience. And the inevitable outcome of all who live this way is unity even where there is diversity.