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Sunday: Peter at Pentecost — 10 Comments

  1. I truly believe that if you are not annointed by the Holy Spirit in these last and closing days of the time of the end, you will end up being lost!!! It is time to wake up and pray as ever before you can no longer desire the Holy Truths of God's Word: the Holy Bible,and be saved!!!

    • God takes into consideration that we are all individuals and none are exactly the same. The Holy Spirit is with us as a gift from Jesus. John 14:16. Plus the gifts that He brings are listed in 1Corinthians 12:1-11. A change of heart, a change in priorities that eliminate self, is what is needed as I see it. Asking for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and to walk in the way that He leads, with His help.

  2. Scripture states that God is not willing that any should perish (2 Peter 3:9). So why does the Lord of the harvest not arrange for a continuous Pentecost given that people are dying daily in sin while the laborers/reapers are scarce? (Luke 10:2). And what about the lost who are held in check behind curtains of terror or in remote places yet unreached or otherwise shielded from contact with the gospel?

    Did the Savior give up His life and more only to leave it up to feeble and faulty mortals to rescue all the perishing, if they are up to it? If the overzealous evangelist pushes too hard or makes mistakes with approach or is not so skillful with the word will it cost the loss of souls? Will the negligent believer who passes by on the other side cause eternal loss of others? Some may answer yes, and may even be paralyzed by fear given such a burden of responsibility.

    In the plan of salvation the Redeemer is doing more than is apparent. God himself examines every heart, case and circumstance and makes decisions. When He destroys a whole people group He already does the examination (Genesis 18:32). When people are unreached they still get His attention and evaluation (Genesis 18:25). Salvation is not observable (John 3:8; Luke 17:20)

    The lost neither get their only chance nor best chance at salvation through imperfect saints. The Holy Spirit works while believers are sleeping (Mark 4:26-29) to get the job done. This is how the field becomes ripe for harvest (John 4:35). God does not need or depend on believers, but simply invites the saints to get involved so He may restore in them His image and prepare same for Heaven.

    There is no need to panic or be intimidated by evangelism or sharing. The important thing is to do what the Master says (John 2:5). The call to witness is a privilege. When we decline it is not so much others that we let down, but God.

  3. What choices can we make in order to be more attuned to the Spirit’s leading?
    Daily prayer and meditation on the Word.

  4. When you read about Peter\'s apprehension with non Jews it is easy to criticise him. These are things we face daily. How do you relate to your non sda friends. May the Lord give us guidance and love.

  5. In Galatians 2:11-14 we see how Paul confronted Peter and accused him of hypocrisy because he didn't want to eat with the Gentiles when other Jews were around. Yet Paul makes the same mistake after this incidence on his visit to Jerusalem (Acts 21:20-26). He bowed to pressure and deny his own teaching about the necessity of outdated practices. This shows how we need to be humble even as teachers for we are prone to make the same mistakes we preach against.

  6. Only the Holy Spirit can implant the desire in our heart to reach out to those that are perishing, if we do not feel sadness and urgent need to share the gospel with others we are lost. When Christ comes into our heart the selfish old man dies and behold a new heart is in implanted in its place. The new heart reflects the character of Christ and Christ could not see heaven without you and I. If we do not feel the desire to reach the souls that are perishing around us, we need to pray as never before because we are in a very sad condition from which only the Lord Jesus Christ can rescue us.

  7. When the word of God becomes settled in our hearts and we walk by faith, Then the Holy Spirit becomes unstoppable in our ministry. 4 steps to become effective in God's vineyard. 1. Seek God and confess all known sin. Pray. 2. Deal with and get rid of anything doubtful in your life. Commit. 3. Be ready to obey the Spirit instantly. Listen. 4. Confess Christ publicly. Witness. His power will be unleased when we allow Him to reign supreme in our lives.

  8. We are co-worker with the Holy Spirit in spreading the gospel message. We are to ask for the Holy Spirit each day that we can move with power. Knowing that we are not alone. Christ will enable us to work with the Holy Spirit to reach those who are searching for the Master.


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