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Sunday: Walking in the Spirit — 9 Comments

  1. To walk in the Spirit is to be first be baptised by the Spirit and to live by Spirit will result in your daily life to display the fruit of the Spirit in all that we do. I desire this for my life. But every time I fall I know Jesus is right there to pick me up. May we fall less and grow more in the Holy Spirit of God.

    • Perhaps, one way of thinking about this is that "walking in the Spirit" means actively seeking to share the love and relationship with Jesus. Sometimes we spend our time talking about "falling", when we should really be talking about growing and sharing.

  2. Another difference from OT "Walking," is that of walking by faith and not by sight." walking by "Sight," is the same as "Righteousness by works." walking by "Faith," is "Walking by the spirit," which is also walking in "Righteousness by faith." God meant for his ot people to walk by faith and not by sight but it was not until his son Jesus appeared that walking by faith and not by sight became more apparent by Jesus' own life of living by faith and also walking in the Spirit.

  3. In our society, people walk as a form of exercise so that they can keep fit. Paul was saying to the believers and to us today that we can only keep fit as we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, let His love transcend our being and our behaviour will demonstrate who we belong to.

  4. Deuteronomy 13vs4. Ye shall walk after the LORD your your God, and fear him, and keep his commandments and obey his voice, and ye shall serve him, and cleave unto him.

    The law of God is the only true standard of moral perfection.That law was practically exemplified in the life of Christ. He says of himself, " I have kept my father's commandments" (John 15vs10). Nothing short of this obedience will meet the requirements of God's word." He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also to walk, even as he walked" (John 2vs6). We cannot plead that we are able to do this, for we have the assurance, " My grace is sufficient for thee" (2 Cor.12vs19). As we look into the divine mirror, the law of God, we see the exceeding sinfulness of sin, and our own lost condition as transgressors. But by the repentance and faith we are justified before God, and through divine grace enabled to render obedience to his commandments.

  5. How do we achieve this victorious life? Having a relationship with our God. In Christ, In the Spirit. It is in Him we find our victory. "Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest"
    It takes work for us to be still. Come just as you are and behold His face and He will do the transformation.

  6. The metaphor "walk" as used in the Bible is instructive in that it is a daily continuous walk. It is a pattern of life for a child of God to walk in the Spirit. Walking in the Spirit involves surrendering our hearts daily to the will and purpose of Christ. Galatians 2:20 says: “I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me” The Spirit brings us into intimacy with God. He illuminates the Scripture so we know exactly what the Word of God calls us to do. Christian living is then transformed into a Spirit-controlled life. As you walk routinely in the Spirit of God, communing with the living God in an intense and continual prayer attitude and being fed continually on the Word, you discover that your thoughts are in step with God's thoughts. Paul said I die daily. This day-by-day walk is an enriching experience as its done in humility, purity, contentment, faith and becomes a walk in love, light, wisdom, and truth. (Romans 13: 13; 1 Cor 7: 17; 2 Cor 5: 7; Ephes. 5: 2, 3, 8, 9, 15, 16; 3 John 3 and 4). Lets all take a daily, moment-by-moment walk with Jesus and we will find that it makes all things right.

  7. If you want an explanation or example of walking with God, turn to Genesis 5:22,23,24. Enoch walked with God and now is in Heaven. When we stop to consider the comparison of our life today, and what our future hope is, with the gift of Enoch the thought is, Wow! We believe that Moses and Elijah are there also. God be praised for our Hope! Enoch walked with God for 365 years. How often do we walk with God? A sobering thought.


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