HomeBeliefs About SalvationChrist's life death & resurrection - Fundamental Belief 9The Messiah in Prophecy    


The Messiah in Prophecy — 3 Comments

  1. Glory be to GOD for this timely present truth message to seek the ‘righteousness which is of GOD by faith.’ It was my objective to list the Old Testament prophecies fulfilled in JESUS’ first coming when lo and behold you had already done it and in tabulated form just as l had planned. Thereby saving me time. Thank you so much and GOD richly bless you and the other precious souls on this platform.

  2. Whenever I go for a visitation and asks that I help her/him for peace in the house, I sigh within myself and say does this person really know what peace is and is he/she really know what peace is. When Jesus said "my peace I give you" then we pray for that peace, are we really ready for it when it comes?


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