HomeSSLessons2016d Book of JobThursday: Answers at the Cross    


Thursday: Answers at the Cross — 18 Comments

    • Which is more important to us: That we have the promise of eternal life, or that we can share that promise of eternal life with others?

      • After we claim that promise, then we can share the promise of eternal life to others. We must first claim the promise, then being a witness, we have a testimony because we see the reward of the promise, we will not be afraid to tell the world what God has done for us.

        Then, our Faith will make us Whole, our Virtue will make us Strong, our Hope will make us bold. No forgetting, that we are in the School of Christ, He will continually increase our knowledge, for higher than the highest is God\'s ideal for His children.

  1. Let us not allow Satan to take credit for actions or behaviours that we take in our lives. We should always give credit to Jesus through doing good and following the commandments. The devil is ultimately a deceiver.

  2. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! The story of Job is intended to help us understand how much the devil hates and how much God loves us.
    Sad to say more often than not we do not recognize the devil's antics. We still wonder why all the evil exists.

    • The Spirit of Prophecy says that \"nothing bothers the devil so much as to when he knows that we know or understand his tricks. It is to his advantage when we are ignorant of him and his tricks. May we pray for discernment and a teachable spirit, especially in the closing scenes of earth history

  3. If Jesus had not died on the cross, we would be born, we would live, and then we would die, and that would be the end of the story. The Bible would be just a book of good bedtime stories. We would have no knowledge of how the world begin or how it will end. I thank God for the "Great Controversy", and the "Plan of Redemption" for if we remain faithful, no matter the "fiery trials", God has given us the right to eat from the "tree of life".

  4. We can rejoice because jesus proved to us that we too can live without sin. When Jesus came he took our nature, which means he took our weaknesses, despite that, he did not yield to temptation, he received all his power from God. He had a connection with God, he alway seeked God in everything. The devil would say that God's law is not possible to live with, because of our nature. That's why the plan of salvation is excellent. It gives hope, it reveals things to us. This is why we can be happy, because we know and we have proof that we can do all things through christ.

  5. The book of Job is similar to Matthew in how Satan shows up early , yet most of the rest of each books is how Job & Jesus had to deal with those who do not know God or are Satan's agents. Jesus spent most of His confrontation time with those who were of their father the devil..the Jewish clergy. The book of Job has much on how Job had to deal with his miserable comforter friends..who "did not speak right about God" JOB 42:7

    Remember that 99% of Christian clergy do not support all 10 commandments and especially the commandment that gets more exposure in the gospels than all the other 9 put together.

    • Jim bob, I wonder how much time we spend criticizing others while we look for the mote? It may be that our salvation is in question until we reach perfection. When Matt 22 mentions loving our brothers "neighbors" it may be more difficult to apply than we are willing to admit. Job prayed for his miserable friends and apparently the sacrifices were an indication that God had forgiven them for the misinformation they caused.

  6. It marvels me to see how well the apostles understood, like Paul when he said, for me to die is gain, and for me to live is Christ. For we are more then conquerors through him that loved us.

  7. At the Cross, Jesus died for the sins of the whole world. Everyone who makes faith in him, he will not be condemned. Jesus has defeated Satan. Nothing can separate me from the love of Jesus. I'm proud for Jesus who died for me. There is no condemnation anymore, because I'm linked with him. May the Lord strengthen us, and remind us that Jesus is ours. Satan's Judgement has finished. Amen.

  8. Job story leaves us with a lot of questions unanswered but the cross of Jesus becomes answers all questions of the great controversy.Lets look to the cross"if I am lifted up I will draw all men unto"

  9. Faith, hope, and love, but the greatest of these is love. 1Corinthians 13:13. God's character is love. It was with love that He gave His only Son to die for us once. 1John 3:1-7. Let us not forget where our faith and hope comes from. Love beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. 1Corinthians 13:7. Out of love we share our faith and hope in Jesus Christ. 2Corinthians 13:5
    Examine and test and evaluate your own selves to see whether you are holding to your faith and showing the proper fruits of it. Test and prove yourselves [not Christ]. Do you not yourselves realize and know [thoroughly by an ever-increasing experience] that Jesus Christ is in you–unless you are [counterfeits] disapproved on trial and rejected?
    2 Corinthians 13:5 AMPC
    I find if I read from the amplified version also, I have a better understanding of Paul's big words and sometimes difficult to understand writings.


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