HomeDailyThursday: The Church at Laodicea    


Thursday: The Church at Laodicea — 19 Comments

    • That's right. It is the only church that gets no commendation from Christ. The good news is that Christ is knocking at the door and is willing to come in.
      Without Christ, this church has nothing to offer.

  1. Laodicea was the wealthiest of the seven cities in Asia by then. It was well known for its flourishing banking industry, manufacture of wool, and a medical school which produced eye-salve. But this church had become lukewarm and thus were not strict Christians adherents.The believers didn't stand for anything. By neglecting to do anything for Christ, the church had become hardened and self-satisfied.They felt fulfilled, and thus didn't have Christ's presence in them. He knocked at the door of their hearts, but they were so busy enjoying their worldly pleasures that they didn't notice He was trying to enter.
    Laodicea was known for its great wealth- but Christ told them to buy their gold from Him. Christ was telling them true value was not in material possessions and achievements were valueless compared with everlasting future of Christ's Kingdom. Why does God reveal to John the great promise of salvation to this lukewarm and even lazy church?

  2. "And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed." (Romans 13:11)

    Laodicea, wake up!

  3. Miserable, wretched, poor, naked and blind--these 5 indicate a serious lack of that which separates us from God and His purpose for us. It is mending the separation that's important for all! Mend and we heal; don't mend and there's perdition. Lukewarmness basically is a 'don't care' attitude; why have such? Let's mend the breach, folk.

    To be miserable, wretched, poor, naked and blind is to say we're not for God and don't care. Why be in such a state and just not care?

  4. So we're down to the last church, the people of judgement- prophetically that means us, God's present day church. There is no commendation for Ladodicea, but stern rebuke, a true assessment of our condition of lukewarmness, but it's is also a call to repentance and to heed the invitation of "the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness" (Rev. 3:14), before He spews us out of His mouth. It is not a hopeless situation.

    The hot bath water used in the famous Laodicean health resorts, often lost its steam after traveling for miles through the pipelines to reach its destination. Obviously, this rendered it practically useless for the purpose of providing the hot baths that the spa was famed for. As well, the mineral rich water, when taken lukewarm, became insipid to the taste. Most of us, I think, have experienced tasting water that is neither cold nor hot and it's so horrible that you want to spit it out of your mouth, right? Well, this is our spiritual diagnosis given in the letter to laodicea, but if we accept the remedy prescribed in (Rev.3:16-22)the cure is guaranteed, for it is the "Faithful and True" who will do the treatment.

    So as people of judgement, the last light-bearers before Jesus returns, let us take courage and allow the reproofs to touch our hearts as we realize how wretched, naked, poor, blind and naked we are, so that God's promises and purposes may be realized in us.
    Remember Jesus invites us to supper with Him but we must have on the wedding garment.

    The judgement has set,The books have been opened;
    How shall we stand in that great day,
    When every thought, and word, and action,
    God, the righteous Judge, shall weigh?

    How shall we stand in that great day?
    How shall we stand in that great day?
    Shall we be found before Him wanting?
    Or with our sins all washed away?

  5. It's almost like a dream to read about this church.
    Are they for real? Can we be so blind naked and poor?
    May we take Jesus advice seriously invite Him in and get to know Him daily He's our only hope in this controversy.The battle is His
    These lessons are so powerful and relavent for today
    May we all seek to feast daily on these words of life

    • Luke warm people do not live by faith; their lives are structured so they never have to. They don’t have to trust God if something unexpected happens-they have their savings account. They don’t need God to help them—they have their retirement plan in place. They don’t genuinely seek out what life God would have them live—they have life figured and mapped out. They don’t depend on God on a daily basis-their refrigerators are full and, for the most part, they are in good health. The truth is, their lives wouldn’t look much different if they suddenly stopped believing in God. This last church reminds me of the parable Jesus told about the "Rich Fool" we find in Luke 12:16-21.

      To be miserable, wretched, poor, naked and blind is to be total indifferent to Jesus's love. At least we find encouragement from Paul's pen in Romans 7:24-25. "O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? I thank God- through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin." Paul is advising us to run to Jesus and to take Jesus daily with us wherever we go to face the dart of the Adversary. Revelation 3:20 "Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him and he with Me." Brothers and sisters open the door of your heart and invite Jesus to come in and to dine with you.

  6. In this message to Laodicea, Jesus calls the church today to exercise faith, which will result in the justification/sanctification of His people. His knocking for entrance is the same as the invitation of Matt 11 to “come unto Me” for rest, and to “take my yoke...and learn of Me” who is “meek and lowly of heart”. This is the work that will place the Seal of God upon His Servants.

    What Jesus bids us to buy of Him is purchased through repentance, and the results will be a church that is Holy, even as God is Holy. It is from Laodicea that the 144,000 will come. No others who are redeemed from among the earth will sing the “song” of this people, who's salvation is fully matured before Jesus will come. No trace of sin will be found in them (symbolized by the gold, white robe and eye salve) who are presented faultless before God's glory. In this group the restoration is complete, and God will be glorified in them(Isa 60:1-3).

  7. And they strain out a knat but swallow a camel. What is evil except a man know that it is evil? To him who knows to do good and does it not, to him it is evil and a departure from the Living God. (Paraphrase ). He who would save his life will lose it...and the first shall be last. ..and he who loves is of God...these are the weightier matters of the law, Justice and mercy...when was the last time that I loved an enemy or prayed for someone who desitefully used me...for that matter, when was that last time I mingled with men as someone caring for their good...? Despised oppression and didn't count the cost of my generosity toward the world God loves the world and I am told to hate fellowship with it..? Meaning...that my motives for mingling with the world is that I might learn to help God bring about the salvation of many. God is good and He rewards those who diligently seek Him for the sake at ion of souls and the vindication of His character of love.

  8. Have you lost track of how many times a pastor and/or sabbath school teacher has addressed the audience, over the years, as Laodicean? Think of inviting people to church or of outreach/evangelistic efforts which result in baptisms. How soon before new members or regular visitors are told that they are poor , blind, naked lukewarm Laodiceans? Is there something about the usual church approaches that promotes Laodicean lifestyles?
    Many sabbath school classes never get to the Thursday SS lesson portion. What are the chances this week?

    • Jim, the important matter of this message is how many times will we lose track of the counsel of the True Witness to Laodicea? This message causes the shaking that prepares the people of God for His Seal. No generation yet has gotten it. How tragic! Evidently we still "knowest not that [we] are poor...."

      • "Is there something about the usual church approaches that promotes Laodicean lifestyles?"

        Anyone care to try to answer this?

        Do people think they already have enough "gold", "eyesalve", white robes?
        How does on "buy"?

        Is the counsel to the Laodicean ambiguous,obscure in English? What are the complications in overcoming?

        Is it just so simple...buy or become extinct/die in the 2nd resurrection?

        What makes it so church members do not want to buy?

        • A Laodicean is one who takes Jesus' name, but not His life.

          Sinners do not naturally surrender their lives, but Jesus' example is for us to follow. He is "meek and lowly of heart", which is the polar opposite of prideful.

          Notice how Isaiah describes Laodicea in Isa 4:1. Does this help to answer your questions?

          Repentance is how we buy what Jesus would "sell" us. It's that simple, and yet the generations keep passing away that failed to buy.

        • Laodicea is self-deceived. Self-deception is deadly because it prevents us from seeing our need. I believe it goes along with Christ being outside the door. When we have no clear view of the righteousness of Christ, we can look pretty good to ourselves. The good news is that Christ is ready to come in, and he has the remedy for all that's wrong with us.

  9. we tend to be contented that we know God like Laodicea and we loose it by faith,so I call upon lets be practical in faith as the hot water is seen by the strong steam let our faith also be addressed in action as James letters it in his teachings of faith and action.
    The more we think we know God the more we we take him as a priority and even when is knocking we don't hear.

  10. Being a member at Laodicea church is not bad/sinful since it is just the last church living closest to the end of the earth.Besides, Jesus declares a call of repentance to all churches implying that though spiritual status of these churches significantly varies none of them is perfect. Jesus is knocking at the door of each member in Laodicea church. Let us welcome Him and surrender our lives unto Him now and then, Amen.

  11. It is so good to know yourself, so nice to know who a you but it is most excellent to know who do you belong to and where do you fit.as Christians we should comprehend ourself that we are sinners we are living just by grace.therefore we must depend from God whatever stuetion.

  12. The church of Laodicea being described to be "neither hot nor cold" (Rev 3:15) shows us that faith of the church was really defeated. In reality, it was but of no more 'vivid'
    value-as are many churches today. The Lesson here comes to warn (reprimand), and assure us of God's
    everlasting compassion-even for the 'worst of faith' if they repent.


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