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Thursday: A Truly Wealthy Wife — 9 Comments

  1. Times have changed as far as the place of women in western society is concerned. This story is about church employment in the late 60s and early 70s. When I got married, I took my wife away from a primary teaching job in New Zealand and set her down in Western Australia where I had a job, and she was jobless. I thought that was normal. Carmel had applied for a teaching job in Western Australia but had not received an offer. During the second school term, she got a full-time job relieving for another teacher. Then during the third term, I received a call to teach in Victoria in the next year. So we went to Victoria where I had a job and Carmel just had to tag along and do the best she could. She worked in a sandwich bar for a while – she considered that one of the best educational experiences she ever had. Then she got a job teaching in primary schools. I was moved to South Australia, and once again Carmel had to go job hunting, while I had a secure job. And that is how it essentially went for the first 15 - 20 years of our married life. The wife just tagged along and got a job suited to her talents as best she could. Of course, children came along and that complicated things further. I should also add that through most of this time a woman was paid about 80% of what a man was paid in the same job.

    For the last 30 odd years of our working lives. I had a job in one place and Carmel was able to have full-time teaching work including School Principal and Head of Primary. It was obvious that she was a talented teacher and a caring and principled principal. The work was both challenging and fulfilling and there was no sense that she had to have a job just because her husband had a job close by.

    I mention this story because the change that has really happened in my lifetime is the recognition that women are not to be regarded as tag-along accessories to husbands but equal performers in the play of life. This was a massive social change that has occurred, not just in church circles but in the secular world as well. And I might add parenthetically, sometimes church views are lagging behind the rest of the world.

    The Virtuous Wife is not an ode to what a woman should be able to do, but rather a reminder of the value of a woman as an equal partner in the journey of life.

  2. Amen, so many things have changed. I agree equal partners. GOD put Adam and Eve by his side not under his feet he took a rib.

  3. The best example of a woman that I can think of is my mother. Eventhough she is not perfect, but the characteristics that she showed throughout our growth is similar to those described in Proverbs. She faced widowhood but never gave up showing a super desire to provide (and she did) for her 2 kids, while managing to give us every educational tools that she could. She even took some postgraduation while working in order to grow in her career. I don't have a better example of a woman. She wrote technical and inspirational books just to mention her legacy not only to the family but to society. She got married only after me and my sister were already out of the house and independent. For me, she is a super hero and none of her limitations faded the light of faith that she still is!

  4. I get that the lesson is in no way lessing the value of a woman. I understand it to say that a woman is vital in the family. She manages to be a caretaker, a provider and still maintain her virture. I understand that society has changed in the role of a woman, however, we also see that the change has greatly affected the family values.

    • Delores, would you like to expand on how societal changes have affected family values? I sense an interesting and informative discussion around that topic.

  5. Truly all men are created equal, men usually are stronger than women in strength but our God love them both. Men may think as the leader in their relationship but he should not forget that the one he is leading has strength too. In many home parents love their children wether it’s a son or a daughter, their parents can see each one’s talent and gifts and encourage them all. May our youths be Godly men and women and regard each other tender heartedly as equal in the sight of God and mankind. This can prevent many heartaches and failures in life. Be kind to one another and don’t be selfish or egoistic.

  6. I enjoy this site, but it would be easier to find the next day's lesson (yes, sometimes I need to read 2 in one day) if there were direct links to the next day's study on EACH page so one did not have to backtrack or return to the home page. For instance, there is no quick way to go to Friday's study from today's. Thank you.

    • We're glad you are enjoying this site. 🙂

      There are links to the next and the previous post at the top and bottom of each day's lesson. (Some of these posts may not be directly on the lesson topic, however, so you may have to click two or three times.)

      If you want to see all the daily lessons on one page, follow our Daily Lesson link either in the sidebar or under the Adult SS drop-down menu on the main menu.

      I hope that helps.

  7. Amen, so many things have changed. I agree equal partners. GOD put Adam and Eve by his side not under his feet he took a rib.


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