Tuesday: The Attack on the Sanctuary
Read Daniel 8:10-12. What kind of activity is the little horn depicted as doing here?
In Daniel 8:10, the little horn attempts to replicate, at the spiritual level, the efforts of the builders of Babel (Gen. 11:4). The terms “host” and “stars” can designate God’s people in the Old Testament. Israel is designated the host/armies of the Lord (Exod. 12:41).
Daniel also depicts God’s faithful people as shining like the stars (Dan. 12:3). This is obviously not a literal attack on the heavenly bodies, however, but a persecution of God’s people, whose “citizenship is in heaven” (Phil. 3:20, NKJV). Although thousands of Christians were murdered by pagan emperors, the focus now is on the vertical activities of the little horn. Thus the ultimate fulfillment of this prophecy must be linked with papal Rome and its persecution through the ages.
Also, Daniel 8:11 talks about a “Prince”, who is elsewhere mentioned in Daniel as “Messiah the Prince” (Dan. 9:25), “Michael your prince” (Dan. 10:21), and “Michael” the “great prince” (Dan. 12:1). No one but Jesus Christ could be the referent of this expression. Jesus Christ is the Prince of the aforementioned “host” and our High Priest in heaven. Therefore, the papacy and the religious system it represents obfuscates and attempts to supersede the priestly role of Jesus.
In Daniel 8:11, the “daily sacrifice” is a reminder of what happened in the earthly sanctuary to designate the various and continual aspects of the ritual services — including sacrifices and intercession. It is through these services that sinners are forgiven and sins are dealt with in the tabernacle. This earthly system represents Christ’s intercessory ministry in the heavenly sanctuary. So as the prophecy predicts, the papacy exchanges the intercession of Christ for the intercession of priests. By means of such counterfeit worship, the little horn takes away Christ’s intercessory ministry and symbolically casts down the place of Christ’s sanctuary.
“And he cast truth down to the ground. He did all this and prospered” (Dan. 8:12, NKJV). Jesus declares Himself to be the truth (John 14:6) and also points to the Word of God as truth (John 17:17). In contrast, the papacy prohibited the translation of the Bible into the language of the people, put the interpretation of the Bible under the authority of the church, and placed tradition alongside the Bible, in theory, but, in practice, tradition is placed above the Bible as the supreme rule of faith.
What should this study tell us about how precious and important the knowledge of biblical truth really is in contrast to human traditions? |

In Daniel 8: 13,14 we read:
The cleansing of the Sanctuary has been connected to the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) in this passage so it is worth reviewing just what happened on that day in the original temple service.
The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) is described in three places in the Bible:
Leviticus 16: 1-34, Leviticus 23:26-32, and Numbers 29: 7-9
It is celebrated on the 10th day of the 7th month of the Jewish calendar (It moves around a bit in the Julian calendar due to differences in the way the calendars are constructed. In 2020 Yom Kippur will be observed from sunset, September 27 – nightfall, September 28)
There are some differences between the three passages, but here is essentially what happened in the Temple prior to and on that day.
In modern times Yom Kippur is still the most solemn Jewish day in their calendar and is observed with the following restrictions:
There are five prayer services offered during the day. It is the one day that even secular Jews attend the Synagogue (a bit like Christians who only attend Christmas services)
Features of the day include public and private confessions of sin and guilt and almsgiving.
Hey Bro Maurice, thanks for this information. It seems to be a part of tomorrow's topic. I need some clarification on today's lesson though. Can you touch it in a simple way?
Sorry Redva, my time is a bit short this week so I decided to concentrate on the cleansing, atonement, judgement issue and not the timing. To really seriously study this topic from basics we need much more time.
The pioneers view on the daily was different from the view promoted here. The word "sacrifice" is not part of the original text but this is being ignored by theologians.
The pioneers of 1831-1844 followed the hermeneutic principles of the Bible as its own interpretor and used the book of Revelation to define the words of the book of Daniel. They explained the words: 'daily taken away' of Daniel 8:11-13 and 11:30-31 by the definition of Revelation 13:2 which describes the transfer of 'power, seat and great authority' Rev.13:2. The transfer from paganism or Imperial Rome to the Papal Supremacy No. 1 took place in A.D. 538, when it started its reign for 1260 years over Europe.
The Spirit of Prophecy confirms the "old view".
Those who gave the 'Cry of the Judgment Hour' understood that the 'daily' referred to the sceptre of 'power', the 'seat' or the 'throne' of the government and 'authority' to reign was removed from the Emperor of Rome and given to the Roman popes which governed for 1260 days over Europe.They understood Revelation 13:2 as meaning: '.... the dragon (Satan acting through Imprerial Rome) gave, him (to the papacy), his power,and his seat, and great authority.' Rev.13:2."Then I saw in relation to the "daily" (Daniel 8:12) that the word "sacrifice" was supplied by man's wisdom, and does not belong to the text, and that the Lord gave the correct view of it to those who gave the judgment hour cry. When union
existed, before 1844, nearly all were united on the correct view of the "daily"; but in the confusion since 1844, other views have been embraced, and darkness and confusion have followed. Time has not been a test since 1844, and it will never again be a test. {EW 74.2}
I believe this refers to Christ's ministry in the holy place, which the "horn" tried to replace.
Also, the word "sacrifice" was NEVER attached to the "daily" or the "hattamid" in these verses by Daniel. This is significant, as it is speaking of a ministry AFTER Christ's all sufficient sacrifice was already completed.
The horn actually tried to keep the sacrifices going with their Eucharist ideas of the priests offering Christ again and again in a "bloodless" sacrifice.
Now let’s look at the verses containing the words “daily” and “abomination” which replaced the daily.
Daniel 8.11-13 Yes, he (the horn) magnified himself even to the prince of the host (Jesus), and by him (the horn) the daily was taken away, and the place [base] of his sanctuary was cast down. And an army was given him to oppose the daily by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practiced, and prospered.
Then I heard a holy one speaking; and another holy one said to that one speaking, "Till when is the vision, the daily, the trangression of desolation, and giving both the sanctuary and the host to be trampled underfoot.
Daniel 11.31 And arms [military forces] shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily, and they shall place [assign, consecrate], the abomination that makes desolate.
Daniel 12.11 And from the time that the daily shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up [consecrated, put in place], there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.
All of Daniel 8, where we see the first reference to this "taking away of the daily", is filled with sanctuary language. The Ram and the Goat (sacrificial animals) represent nations in control while the “daily” was operating in the earthly sanctuary. Then we have no more “sacrificial animals” (signifying that the sacrificial system has come to an end) but now we see A HORN magnifying itself to heaven, (where Christ has entered the heavenly sanctuary as our High Priest) yet this horn is seen lifting off the daily from HIM, and casting the PLACE of the sanctuary down and truth is trampled to the ground, but finally we hear that the heavenly sanctuary will be cleansed!
There has been some debate on the term "take away" the daily in Daniel 8:11. However, the "ruwm" used in this verse is the "hophal" form which means "to be taken off, or lifted off".
The little horn attempted to lift off the daily from Christ and place it upon it's self.
The word "tamid" or "daily/continual" in the types, referred to the continual work of the priests in the courtyard and in the holy place of the sanctuary. It does not refer to the priests work in the Most Holy Place. That comes after the 2300 years.
The daily was Christ's work in the heavenly sanctuary in which He was engaged until 1844-- before the "cleansing of the sanctuary began", that we first see the horn was attacking, reaching into heaven to attack.
In the earthly type, there was the daily, before the day of atonement. The Hebrew word "tamid" means "standing" as in perpetual or continual. In the type, the lamps were continually burning, the bread was continually on the table of shewbread, the incense was continually burning in the altar of incense, and the morning and evening lambs were a continual sacrifice.
We need to understand the "tamid" or "daily" if we want to understand the "atonement" or "Yom Kippur" that follows.
Christ, the once and for all sacrifice, standing for His people, covering their confessed sins with His blood, and carrying them into the sanctuary. Like the priests in the type, carrying the blood into the sanctuary and sprinkling it on the veil as a record of forgiven sins.
Satan has sought to obliterate the "tamid" or daily ministry of Christ from the minds of the people, so they wouldn't comprehend the meaning of the atonement or "Yom Kipper".
Thank you, sister. I was going to write something along these lines but it would not have been as informed or cogent as what you have written.
In 508 A.D
The taking away of the daily marks the beginning of the 1290 days according to Daniel 12. And it is done with "an army".
Dan. 8:10
And an army was given him to oppose the daily ....
Daniel 11:31
And forces shall stand on his part, and they shall profane the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily, ...
This takes place before verses 32-35 in Daniel 11, where the saints are persecuted, giving us a clue that the 1290 day/years begin before the 1260 day/years.
The lifting off the daily, clears the way for the "abomination that causes desolation" to be set up.
The two events are not the same, one prepares the way for the second. The daily is abolished "with the purpose" of establishing in its place the "abomination that causes desolation".(Dan. 12:11; 11:31)
With the conversion of Clovis, King of the Franks, came an army, and Catholic history turns this rather cruel king into the "eldest son" of the church in 508 A.D.
The battles fought between 508 and 538 were largely against Christian tribes who did not accept the papacy's form of governing religion, and they were uprooted. Pagans were also pressed into the church, with the help of armies.
And so began the dark ages, as the light of Christ daily work in the sanctuary, was eclipsed by man made counterfeits.
But there was light at the end of the tunnel -- Christ would cleanse the sanctuary, and through the sanctuary, cleanse His saints.
I read the explanation you presented, but it seems very complicated. The plain reading of Daniel 8:13-14 is:
The text clearly indicates there will a 2300 day/year period when the temple ministry will not be functional because of the little horn power(s). Daniel 8:10-12 indicates that this 2300 day/year period starts at the desecration activity of the little horn power(s). So my question is: In what 2300 day/year period of history was the heavenly sanctuary not functional because of the words and actions of the little horn power(s)? A heavenly sacrifice (that is, Christ’s death on the cross) could not occur during that 2300 day/year period; otherwise, “the temple and heaven's army no longer be trampled in the dust” would not make any sense; that is, how could a heavenly sacrifice take place in the same time period the heavenly temple is being desecrated by the horn power(s)?
Hi Richard,
The heavenly sanctuary has always been functional, but the attack came during the dark ages when men were directed to an earthly priest instead of confessing our sins to Jesus who is our High Priest.
While I firmly believe in a literal heavenly sanctuary, I believe our hearts and minds to be the Sanctuary. See Ephesians 2:22. Our minds (sanctuary) must be cleansed from Satan’s lies so we can fully appreciate the atonement of Christ.
Hello William,
I appreciate your comment. The true sanctuary is in heaven, so the little horn power of earth would not have direct physical access to it, so in a literal sense the sanctuary was functional. But one might actually see this situation differently from a functional perspective. Like the Pharisees of Christ’s time who effectively shut up the kingdom of heaven against men (Matthew 23:13ff), so the little horn blocked access to the sanctuary, effectively wiping out true worship, as Daniel 8:11 states:
So even though the sanctuary might have been physically inaccessible to the little horn, spiritually, that horn power made it functionally inaccessible to mankind, that is, the sanctuary was not always functional as you have suggested. So this still leaves my questions unanswered:
1) In what 2300 day/year period of history was the heavenly sanctuary not functional because of the words and actions of the little horn power(s)?
2) How could a heavenly sacrifice (that is, Christ’s death on the cross) take place in the same time period the heavenly temple is being desecrated by the little horn power(s)?
There is one additional question related to the above. Daniel 8 is all about the desecration of the heavenly sanctuary by the little horn power(s) and Christ’s judgement and vindication (poorly translated as “cleansing” in the KJV and NKJV) against that horn power. Yet the theological focus of Adventism is on the sins of the saints. The question is: How did the sins of the saints get conflated with the work of the little horn(s)? This is completely unclear to me.
Hi Richard thank you for your comments and I especially appreciate your analogy of Matthew 23:13. to answer your questions:
1. Again the sanctuary has always been accessible, it is only through believing in Satan's lies that we do not enter. In the cleansing of the sanctuary our minds are cleared of Satan's lies which opens the way into the sanctuary.
2. I did not know it was.
3. In the cleansing of the sanctuary self is to be denied. This is why in the Old Testament service they people were to deny themselves and do no works. In other words crucify the flesh and forsake the works of the flesh. My previous post kind of touched on this. It is self that needs to be removed. The problem with the little horn is it exalts self. The spirit of Babylon (self) shows up not only in the papacy but as you also pointed out in Matthew 23 self was also the problem with the pharisees. Self was the problem at the tower of Babel and in Daniel 4. The problem is not limited to a system. It is limited to an attitude of exalting and depending on self. That issue is not limited to Pharisees and Catholics. Adventists need to overcome self as well. To me the little horn represents more than just the papacy. Beyond that it represents self. The spirit of Babylon which is self is not limited to any one system.
I agree.Amen
Ultimately, we´re all going to have to decide, whether we want to follow what God wants for us or men. Some may think that while following their own ideas they find freedom! But we´re all basically influenced by someone else´s ideas. We may look with all our reason for freedom, but in a world that became a prison in itself this may sound just sort of a legend. There is only one way for real freedom, and this is the way of love. A love that supersedes all emotional traps we might be caught on. Love that opens our minds to forgiveness, to satisfaction, fulfillment, and at the same time brings us everlasting joy. God´s love for us has a name, a name that became our ticket to eternity! The only way out of this crazy mess we, as humankind, placed ouselves by choice. When we follow our own hearts without this mirror of love, we don´t see right where we´re going. True Freedom has a Name.
What did this mysterious Pompous, Persecuting Power do?
Why did the sanctuary need to be cleansed, restored and vindicated?
1. he trampled on the people of God
2. made himself as high as the Prince of God’s people
3. took away the continual sacrifice Ex 29:39
4. the dwelling/sanctuary of God was cast down
5. he cast truth down to the ground
6. skilled at intrigues
7. destroyed the powerful and the holy people
8. caused deceit to prosper
9. he magnified himself in his heart
10. by peace he destroyed many
11. he stands up against the Prince of princes
2Th 2:3-4 Let not anyone deceive you by any means. For that Day shall not come unless there first comes a falling away, and the man of sin shall be revealed, the son of perdition, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, setting himself forth, that he is God.
2Th 2:7-12 For the mystery of lawlessness is already working, ... 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the breath of His mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming, 9 (the lawless one's) coming is according to the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 and with all deceit of unrighteousness.
Rev 12:7-9 And there was war in Heaven. Michael and his angels warring against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels warred, 8 but did not prevail. Nor was place found for them in Heaven any more. 9 And the great dragon was cast out, the old serpent called Devil, and Satan, who deceives the whole world. He was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Rev 12:4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and cast them onto the earth.
The specific form of the Hebrew word used for what is happening to the sanctuary in Daniel 8:14 (wenisdaq) is not used in any other verse in the bible. The word from which it is derived is tsadeq which has a range of meanings: to cleanse, to vindicate, or to be or make right/righteous (with righteous meaning the way something ought to be). Not surprisingly, when you review a range of Bible translations, all 3 meanings are variously used. Thus there is no clear consensus.
Which interpretation do you believe best matches the flow of what is being reported in Daniel 8 - and especially the details and concerns reflected by the "holy one" in the question being asked in Daniel 8:13?
A key concept to keep in mind is that the literal earthly sanctuary was and is a metaphor for a concept - the dwelling (tabernacling) of God with humanity. This dwelling was in place at creation but broken by the fall of Genesis 3. Hence the need of restoration of this dwelling - the restoration of at-one-ment. This is the reality behind the metaphor.
What is equivalent to daily sacrifice of the old testament for us Christians.
It is the time spent on daily devotion. We die to self each morning so Christ can reign in us through the day. In the evening we confess and accept His sacrifice to cover us.
How is your day today?
Let him take control of your life. Let him cover you by his righteousness.
This is what the LORD told Moses to do at the beginning and to continue to do. Note the use of the following words - offering, atonement, cleanse, anoint it, sanctify it, be holy, continual, morning & evening.
Many offerings were made for atonement for sin and in addition a lamb was offered every day morning and evening - I believe to cover the people between their sin offerings.
There was always an offering on the altar continually.
There are a couple of issues in this lesson with which I struggle:
1) The link of the horn in Daniel 8 (from the four horns of the goat) to the horn of Daniel 7 (from the beast with the iron teeth) seems tenuous. All of the commentaries that I read do not make that link. The author of the lesson cites the Daniel 8 horn as coming from the four winds. That seems a rather artificial construct. It seems more appropriate to apply the four winds to the four horns and the little horn comes from (one of) the other horns.
2) The connection between the sanctuary desecration by each of these little horn powers and Leviticus 16 escapes me. It is the horn powers that desecrate the sanctuary, not God’s people, so the Day of Atonement ritual cannot apply. It is this desecration, not the temple ministry of God for his people, that God deals with in Daniel 7 and 8. God judges against these horn powers and destroys them, and judges for his people by the restoration of his presence through his temple ministry.
The purpose of the little horn powers that become great is to subvert and break the relationship God has with his people. These powers accomplish their objective through deception and artifice. God deals with this by judging these powers and destroying them, so that his relationship is again established with his people. Putting the onus for the desecration of the sanctuary on God’s people seems entirely inappropriate given the visions of Daniel 7 and 8, but this seems to be what the lesson proposes.
I am trying to understand why there appears to be a diametrical difference between what Daniel 7 and 8 are saying and what the author of the lesson proposes.
One of the members of the Hope SS commented that in Hebrew the "winds" of Daniel 8:8 are of the masculine gender and in 8:9 the "them" in "one of the them" is also masculine. This would link the little horn as coming out of one of the winds. I checked this on http://www.qbible.com/hebrew-old-testament/daniel/8.html#9 and confirmed that this is true. So an accurate literal translation would be that the little horn came out of one of the four winds, not out of one of the four horns.
Interestingly, although the genders of "horn" and "wind" in both French and Spanish are the same as the Hebrew, both translations attribute the little horn as coming out of a feminine "them", that is, out of one of the four horns, a mistranslation in those languages of the Hebrew text.
Nevertheless, it begs a question: Does it make sense for the little horn to come out of a "wind" or out of a "horn" when prophetically horns normally appear out of other horns or beasts?
Your findings illustrate the necessity to go beyond only comparing English translations when unpacking details of important understandings.
In reflecting on the little horn arising from the four winds, it would appear that ‘horn’ - a biblical symbol for strength - is descriptive of nature and character rather than point of origin.
I would like to respond to a sentence in this Tuesday’s lesson;"In contrast, the papacy prohibited the translation of the Bible into the language of the people, put the interpretation of the Bible under the authority of the church, and placed tradition alongside the Bible, in theory, but, in practice, tradition is placed above the Bible as the supreme rule of faith." (copy paste lesson text). Ellen G White said as well in "pacific conqueror" (french version). A "thus says the Lord" should not be placed next to a "so says the church" or "so says the state" (p.60 and 61 from the aforementioned book).... currently the trend in some of our churches is to put the tradition above the mighty authority of God teaching....
Please let me suggest it seems that we should try to understand the fulfillment of the Day of Atonement not only from the quarterly which confines its references to the Torah but equally from Hebrews and the life of Christ. As Adventists we have a view that called us into being and we should praise God for that. I do not think we should canonize our view as having discovered it all and should go to scripture and “test” what we have not just repeat what has been told to us.
When did type meet anti type? When was the Day of Atonement fulfilled? I would submit to you if you study Hebrews especially 6-10 at His ascension Christ went to His Father. There is no veil that I can find in Revelation when Christ is presented to the Father. The “sin” problem was solved at the cross. All that is left for Christ to come back as the glorious king.
Our view that in 1844 Christ finally could go into the Most Holy where God dwells stretches credulity and I challenge each of us to find Biblical support for that.
1844 is important to us not for the “truth” of the Investigative Judgment, but rather God calling us to fulfill the gospel commission and preach the 3 Angels messages. The third is most important and EGW describes it as “righteousness by faith in verity”.
I personally believe we get so caught up trying to prove we are “right” that we haven’t lived out or preached that message.
Earlier this week we were challenged to search the Bible. We are also reminded that EGW did not believe we had it all figured out. She specifically states in Counsels to Writers and Editors somewhere around page 35-39 that “ we have many things to learn and many, many things to unlearn..,”. Does it concern anyone else that she uses many, many to unlearn and only many to learn. I think we can easily suffer for eschatological hubris.
A large dose of humility coupled with renewed study of Scripture on our knees might help us more than simply repeating our dogma. More prayer, more study and an willingness to learn from each other seem sorely needed. The quarterly does not seem to encourage this. Few symbolic things can be made to stand on all fours and fulfill all dates. What they DO seems much more important than who they ARE at least to me. This week’s lesson mixes Satan and the conflict on heaven as portrayed in Revelation with acts continued here on earth until Christ comes and ends it all.
I don’t want to destroy anyone’s faith or belief and yet if we get so fixed to one and only one possible view what happens to our faith if we are possibly incorrect. EGW seems to suggest that we have more to unlearn than learn so let’s be more humble and questioning rather than we “have the answers to it all” and just believe like us.
So you do not believe that a pre-advent judgement began in Heaven at the conclusion of the 2300 years of Daniel 8:14?
Did I understand you correctly?
Is this one of the 'many many things' we have to unlearn?
I read in Lev 16:15 That the blood of the goat was sprinkled in the Most Holy Place. Doesn't say the sins of the people were transferred into the Most Holy Place. This seems like an assumption. The blood is characterized by the blood of Jesus who purifies us, so then symbolically Christ's blood was sprinkled in the Most Holy Place. I don't get that the sins of the righteous contaminate the Most Holy Place. What did I miss?
Carol, I struggle with our 1884 message of the investigative judgment(IJ). That is a complex discussion and think if you want just email me at dbechrd@aol.com.
I DO believe God raised up this church at the time of the second great spiritual awakening in the US and Europe because he wanted His final message of righteousness by faith taught and demonstrated to the world.
I also DO believe that Jesus cleanses is from all unrighteousness and throws my sins into the depths of the sea as far as the East is from the West. That illustration speaks volumes because as opposed to a North South analogy where if you walk far enough north or south you will begin to walk the opposite direction once you reach either pole. You can’t do that walking East or West. You always walk the same direction which means your sins are gone by the blood of Jesus Christ. Romans 8:1 is one of my favorite texts as a struggling sinner who clings to Jesus. Please help me understand how we are judged other than on how we accept and believe in Jesus. I think we intermix “sins” with “Sin”. We want to somehow cling to an idea that Christ pleads His blood for us so that God and all the unfallen universe will let me into heaven. Either we are saved and have the assurance Christ gives us or we worry about are we good enough or do we have an unforgiven sin in our past. That is not the Gospel as I understand it.
So back to your question about 1844. I don’t know exactly what happened other than our church was called. The Atonement was when God accepted Jesus in the Most Holy Place (MHP)at His side. Our church has used a moveable throne to get God and Jesus back out of the MHP or denied Hebrews and Revelation that he went straight there so we could preserve 1844 and the IJ.
It is complex and I do not have many answers but refuse to accept tradition versus trying to let the Bible lead.
I don't believe you have missed anything Carol.
You are correct when you point out the symbolic nature of the sanctuary, its rituals and its festivals. Blood literally is incapable of purifying anything once it is outside of the circulatory system of a living, healthy creature - at best.
I believe a huge underpinning truth has been overlooked by taking too literal an interpretation of blood and its role in the sacrificial system and the Day of Atonement.
Leviticus 17:11-14 is an absolutely essential passage regarding the rationale for inclusion of blood in sacrificial events and the Day of Atonement in particular.
I believe that the regular sacrifices were to reinforce experiential awareness of 2 key aspects:
1) any and all sin/lawlessness is - by the nature of what sin as lawlessness is - a BIG deal with BIG consequences. Namely, any and all sin breaks connection with abundant/eternal life. Hence Paul's summary statement that the wages of sin (wages paid directly by the sin itself) is death (Romans 6:23).
2) sin affects innocent others - therefore again reinforcing that sin is not only a big deal individually but also has big ramifications beyond the individual.
And I believe the Day of Atonement in particular was also designed to teach the precise means by which the sin problem would need to be and would be 'fixed'.
Rather than the typical conception that God essentially must have our 'blood' as a punishment-based payment for our sins otherwise He isn't 'fair and just' (this is a very human perspective and reflective of our 'lower' ways as per Isaiah 55:8,9), the Leviticus passage is at pains to point out that the blood makes atonement by means of its representation of life - for the life of all flesh is in its blood.
What does this actually mean?
This is where a basic understanding of Paul's reference in Romans 5 to Jesus as the second Adam is vital. Here is as brief a summary as I can overview:
* Adam and Eve were living the abundant life that Jesus is about (John 10:10) when they were created. Living the abundant life is based upon having a 'heart' (the symbolic place of your deepest core desires as per Genesis 6:5) living in accordance with the principle of Agape love: non-self-seeking love. While Adam and Eve lived in accordance with this principle for a while, unfortunately one day Satan seduced and deceived them into exchanging this principle for self-seeking instead. While non-self-seeking promotes life, self-seeking precludes life just as God had outlined it would in Genesis 2:17. Thus, in that moment and on that day, humanity went from abundant life to terminal. And this inheritance of terminal death was inescapably passed on to all Adam and Eve's descendants (as per Romans 5:14).
How could this situation be actually (not magically) fixed?
* Jesus entered humanity from outside of humanity. By entering from outside of humanity He was able to bypass the situation spoken of in Romans 5:14. But He actually became human and therefore became a valid representative of humanity - the second Adam as Paul refers to.
And what did Jesus do as the second Adam?
* Jesus re-walked the path of the first Adam except that this time He did not deviate from holding to a heart based on non-self-seeking. If the first Adam had done the same, humanity would never have entered a terminal state. Thus it was Jesus life of holding on to non-self-seeking that gave Him the 'right' to abundant eternal life. And because He did this as a human, one member of the human species was non-terminal and thus the human species as a species was no longer exclusively terminal. It was through Jesus holding on to his 'heart' motive of non-self-seeking no matter what that actually re-connected humanity as a species back with God in at-one-ment once again. It is this life of obedience unto death (with death on a cross being Satan's consummate temptation for Jesus to abandon non-self-seeking and instead embrace self-seeking (recall Jesus agony experienced in Gethsemane and His final choice in response to that agony: Luke 22:42) that gained atonement for humanity as a species (see Romans 5:19 in conjunction with Philippians 2:8 and Isaiah 53:12). This view perfectly aligns with a careful reading of Isaiah 53 where Isaiah 53:4 explicitly states that to consider that Jesus died because God killed Him (allegedly in place of us) is a mistaken assumption that has been made by many.
Thus, Atonement of humanity as a species was achieved by Jesus - as the second Adam representative - life of obedience (to the principle of non-self-seeking) unto death. Further backing this up is the sentiment expressed in John 15:13 where Jesus willingly laid down his life. This is what the Day of Atonement goat that was sacrificed was pointing to - an innocent party would become involved in the Atonement process and in so doing would willingly lay down their life (as the supreme expression of non-self-seeking love) - as symbolised by 'shed blood'.
I believe this is vital background context to the discussion of Atonement and sanctuaries and as such reveal the mistaken notion of sins being actually transferred to a building that then becomes contaminate and then needs actual blood to somehow purity that contamination.
In addition to the above, Jesus ongoing atonement ministry is to 'draw' as many as possible to partake in the atonement of the human species on an individual level (hence I am not promoting universalism). This is God in Christ continuing the reconciliation process to its final destination with each willing individual as per John 3:3-6.
The metaphors were always meant to point to the reality - they were never supposed to be the reality in and of themselves.
Carol, I don't believe that anyone teaches that any blood from the Day of Atonement sacrifice contaminated the sanctuary. On the contrary, the Day of Atonement sacrifices *cleansed* the sanctuary.
When the people brought their offerings for sin and transgression during the year, they confessed their sins over the heads of the animals before taking their lives. The blood was caught by the priest and some of it was carried into the sanctuary, thus, in figure, transferring sins to the sanctuary. For some offerings, there was no blood carried into the sanctuary, but the priests were to *eat* the sacrifices, thus, in figure, bearing the sins of the people as Christ bore the sins of those who believe in Him.
On the day of Atonement, the sanctuary was "cleansed" from these sins that were, in figure transferred to it. The same word translated as "cleansed" is also accurately translated as "set right" and this applies particularly to the prophecy of Daniel in which the sanctuary is "set right" or given its proper place in the lives of believers when the sanctuary truth is re-discovered in 1844.
The heavenly sanctuary is also "cleansed" in the sense that the onlooking universe learns that sin is not God's fault. It is the work of Satan.
In another sense, the sanctuary is "cleansed" by the process of cleansing the hearts of believers from sin. That is the work Christ is doing right now. He is seeking to form a body of believers that will rightly represent His character to the world in contrast to the character of self-seeking worshipers of a false religion symbolized by Babylon in the Revelation.
The truth portrayed in these prophecies is multi-faceted, and I believe we create problems for ourselves when we try to make everything fit into one facet - the same as we create problems when we focus on only one aspect of the atonement to the detriment of all others.
If we keep repeating that Christ's death is the ultimate "atoning" sacrifice then why wasn't the Heavenly Sanctuary cleansed immediately at Jesus' ascension after His resurrection but only to happen many years later in 1844?
What makes you think it wasn’t “cleansed” or even needed “cleansing”? Heaven’s sanctuary is any illustration of the work of salvation. I cannot believe all the sins of everyone for all time has been accumulating in heaven. The earthly sanctuary was a likeness and the Day of Atonement an object lesson for people used to animal sacrifice to understand Christ and God’s ultimate solution for the sin problem. I my opinion we try to make all the wondrous and fearful images something we must make fit our thinking as opposed to trying to see the bigger picture.
Let me illustrate one simple point that is skipped in the lesson - this little horn in verse 11. Doesn’t this horn have a history similar to that described in Revelation when Satan wars against the army of heaven and a third are cast down.
Could it not be that this horn is anything or anyone that competes with God for our allegiance? The papacy did, Protestants did to Catholics, Islam did to Jews and Christians alike. All were acting like Anti-Christ AND each generation from Daniel to now took great courage that God delivers and vindicates. It was “present truth” for each generation. Can you imagine everyone from Daniel to 1844 thinking there was no deliverance until centuries later.
This is why I keep asking that we read with prayer and the Bible and not just sit back and pat ourselves on the back that WE have God’s prophecies all figured out.
I don’t think there is an entrance exam to get into heaven except how you relate to Jesus Christ. If the “cleansing illustration” and teachings make you more Christlike to your fellowman then it has accomplished its purpose. If it doesn’t then perhaps we are need to study in a way that makes us share a Jesus who loves me enough to die for me. I know for me that is the greatest wonder in the universe that God knows me better than I know myself and He still loves me. It is simply amazing.
How does Papacy, the little horn attack Christ’s ministry in heavenly sanctuary?
there are two princes that are struggling for the souls of human beings. One of them performs a continual ministry of salvation in the heavenly sanctuary by pleading the blood of His one and only sacrifice before the Father (the altar of sacrifice). He feeds His people with the Word of God (the table of showbread), keeps the light of the church burning by the power of the Holy Spirit (the candlestick) and forgives those who come to Him in penitence and prayer (the golden altar of incense).
The other prince, unable to usurp the heavenly ministry of the Prince, establishes a counterfeit continual ministry (the mass, tradition, the confessional, the pope) in the earthly temple—the church (see II Thessalonians 2:3-4). By getting people on earth to focus on his counterfeit ministry, he casts down the place of the sanctuary and deprives human beings from discerning the saving work of Christ! Without being able to discern the saving work of Christ, souls perish in sin!
To answer this question, we need to understand the DAILY - in relation to the sanctuary services. The daily ministration of the priest in the court and in the holy place of the sanctuary. In other words, the little horn was going to attempt to take away from the Prince of the host His ministration in the court and in the HOLY PLACE (never the most holy place) of the sanctuary. This is another reason why the little horn cannot be Pagan Rome, because it was never a counterfeit of Christ's ministration in the heavenly sanctuary.
A fact to remember is that Christ ministers in a LITERAL TEMPLE in heaven, as well as a SPIRITUAL TEMPLE on the earth in His church. (Remember the principle of prophetic interpretation: what was literal became spiritual and global after the ascension into heaven, and vice versa).
So then, what is meant by the little horn taking away the ‘daily’ from the Prince and killing His hosts? It cannot mean that the little horn literally and personally traveled to heaven and deposed the Prince and destroyed the angels. Rather, Daniel 8:11 tells us that the little horn cast down the place of the Prince’s sanctuary. We have already shown that the place of the Prince’s sanctuary is in the literal heavenly Temple and in His church on earth.
With this background, let's explore the answer to our question:
The altar of sacrifice - The teaching of the once-for-all death of Jesus is counterfeited in the Roman Catholic sacrifice of the mass.Instead of coming boldly to Jesus at the throne of grace in heaven believers are taught that they are being nourished by feeding on the literal body of Jesus on earth. In fact, the host is stored in a flower-like artifact called the Tabernacle. At the center of the artifact is the round wafer-like host and coming forth from the host are the rays of the sun. When the tabernacle is brought forth before the congregation, the faithful are taught to bow and worship the host. This is simply a refined system of sun-worship.
Table of Shew bread - In the Bible, it represents Jesus as He is contained in the written Word of God. Secondly, it is continually available to all of God’s people. And thirdly, if assimilated, it will nourish the life spiritually and provide victory over sin. Roman Catholicism substituted the traditions of men in place of the Word of God. The word of a supposedly infallible magisterium was placed above a ‘thus saith the Lord’. The number of unbiblical (or shall we say, anti-biblical?) traditions is legion: Purgatory, limbo, celibacy, auricular confession, an eternally burning hell, lent, processions, the mass, relics, canonization of saints, the rosary, bowing before images, the immaculate conception, the assumption of Mary, baptism of infants by aspersion, novenas, the observance of Sunday, etc. And what was the end result of these traditions replacing the Word of God? Spiritual malnutrition and a moral laxity.
Candlestick - Seven represents totality and oil represents the Holy Spirit. But, what does the candlestick itself represent? Revelation 1 gives us the clear answer. The seven-branched candlestick represents seven stages in the history of the Christian church from the days of the apostles till the end of time. At times, it looked like the light of the church was about to be extinguished. Particularly during the period of Thyatira the light burned dim. This is why the period of papal oppression is known as the ‘dark ages.’
Golden altar of incense - the prayers of God’s people which are mingled with the precious merits of Christ’s blood and therefore are acceptable before the Father.Roman Catholicism has established a counterfeit priesthood to whom the faithful confess their sins. That is to say, instead of people directing their prayers to Jesus in heaven for forgiveness, they utter them to a human priest on earth who cannot forgive. In this way, the intercessory ministry of Jesus is cast down from heaven and placed on earth!! Furthermore, the faithful in Roman Catholicism offer their petitions to Mary and the saints instead of to Jesus. In consequence, the eyes of people are taken off of Jesus who can truly hear their petitions and forgive their sins.
How does the Papacy attack Christ's ministry in the heavenly sanctuary?
By lifting it off from Christ, and applying the ministry to itself.
During those 1260 years, a whole earthly priesthood was established eclipsing and hiding Christ's heavenly priesthood from the minds of the people.
The mass
The confessional
The supposed control over whether a person went to heaven or hell
The PLACE of the sanctuary was "cast down" not the heavenly sanctuary itself. But people looked to the wrong PLACE, to have their sins forgiven