HomeDailyTuesday: The Demise of Jerusalem    


Tuesday: The Demise of Jerusalem — 20 Comments

  1. I got an understanding that only those with faith of Jesus Christ, where, are and will be saved.

  2. Mduduzi, Those whos' sins are forgiven will be saved. The faith of Jesus is important. However there are a number of other admonitions that are equally important.

    • I have been reading Matt 24:15 regarding the abomination of desolation and foot notes for Daniel 8 and Dan 9. It has been a while since I have covered this territory, so am a bit rusty. Without getting into the 70 year destruction of Jerusalem, I was focusing on some of Daniel 8:19. There was a recent discussion about when will be the time of the end. Dan 8:19 says, at the latter time of the indignation. I wondered among a number of other things, what is that time? What does indignation mean? Strongs figurative Hebrew means, fury, anger, rage. One might refer to end times as the final end of time as we know it, or the end of the indignation that God has caused. Knowing what the extent his wrath will be. In reading the prayer of Daniel 9:1-16 he confesses and causes the inquisition of the sins of wickedness and rebellion in Israel. Dan 9:17-19 finally brings needed Hope.

      • The question as to the end of time is a very relevant one to think about. Thank you for bringing up this question in starting maybe further discussion in preparation for the coming sabbath school lesson to be considered within the church. I am just trying to give a partial answer. Inasmuch as Christ`s teaching about the end of time contains apocalyptic features and material, this question, I think, has to be looked at from the viewpoint of apokalyptics.

        The end of time in apokalyptic literature (Daniel and Revelation), I think, has basic features. Daniel 2 is depicting a series of successive kingdoms illustrated by symbols. The end of time is arrived at by the emerging mixture of iron and clay. The smashing of the whole statue by the stone, filling up the whole earth, is symbolizing the establishment of the kingdom of God. The time occupied by the mixture of iron and clay is the time of the end climaxing into that eternal kingdom (Daniel 2:43-44).

        Daniel 7 is basically repeating this line of history using different symbols climaxing at events in heaven and on earth. A time of persecution of the saints of the Most High on earth during the period of 3 and 1/2 times is leading up to the investigative judgment in heaven (Daniel 7:25-26; Daniel 7:9-10). The son of man receives dominion and glory and kingdom in heaven to pass it on to the saints of the Most High (Daniel 7:13-14.27). These last day events, marked out as taking place in heaven and on earth, after the prophetic period of 3 and 1/2 times, is the time of the end climaxing in transfering the kingdom to the saints of the Most High (see also Matthew 25:34).

        Daniel 8 is basically repeating history with other symbols different from those before, climaxing at the heavenly event of justifying (restoring, cleansing)the sanctuary in end time as Gabriel, the interpreting angel, explains --- which is reaching into the new covenant with the heavenly sancturary in view. The 2300 evenings and mornings are also, as Gabriel explains, belonging to the time of the end (Daniel 8:14.17.19). The indignation mentioned in verse 19 seems to be directed at the power that is magnifying itself against the Prince of the host and attacking that sanctuary (Daniel 8:11-13) as well as persecuting the saints (Daniel 7:21-22. 24-25Daniel 8:10). This action is connected with the end of the 2300 evenings and mornings and will have to be looked for within the history of the church. Time and space does not permit to go into further details.

        The book of Daniel is ending with an end time climax. Michael is saving his people from being wiped out from the earth within the great time of trouble (Daniel 12:1), climaxing in the resurrection of the dead (Daniel 12:2).

        Fuller knowledge of all these events is expected at the time of the end as tied to the time prophecies in the book of Daniel until history will have been more fully enfolded (Daniel 12:4). This is reaching, I think, beyond the new testament time and expectation, inasmuch as all these historical events had not been enfolded yet as seen in developments of later historical events. The apostle Paul, quoting from Daniel, knew of such events without knowing all the minute details as we do today. Paul knew that history would enfold along these lines in furture (2 Thessalonicans 2:3-4; Daniel 11:36). Thus, the apokalyptic time of the end seems to reach beyond the time of the early church, although in a general expectation they believed in the soon coming of Christ (Nahverwartung), inasmuch as they believed to live at the end of time (1 Korinthinas 10:11; 1 John 2:18; Hebrews 10:37-39).

        As we are studying the synoptic apokalyptic account of signs climaxing at the second coming, it seems to me that the apokalyptic mode of expression and meaning as to the end of time should be taken into consideration inasmuch as Christ is using apokalyptic material in his discourse (Matthew 24:15.21.29 from Daniel 12:1). Further Matthew 24:29 from Joel 2:30 RSV), also Matthew 24:30 taken from Daniel 7:13-14).

        The question of the disciples as to what the the sign of Christ`s coming and the end of the world will be, has an apocalyptic connotation. The coming of the son of man (Matthew 24:30; Revelation 14:14) is the consequence of Christ receiving the kingdom and passing it on the the sanints of the Most High (Daniel 7:13-14.27; Matthew 25:34). The end of the world is the end of this evil age of sin and depression as to its negative quality (Galatians 1:4; Matthew 13:22; Mark 4:19). The end of the world as the end to this old age is the harvest of good and evil at the execution of the final judgemant (Matthew 13:40-43;Revelation 14:15-20). Hence, the question of the disciples is an apokalyptic question with Christ giving an apokalyptic answer with signs on earth and in the heavens leading up to the apokalyptic eschaton, the coming of Christ.

        The apocalyptic mode of expressing, the end of time, being measured after the longest prophetic time periods (3 and 1/2 times and 2300 evenings and mornings) and before the coming of Christ, is a certain time period that contains urgency of time, of waiting, of preparing, of accepting and living out Christ`s righteousness in view of the ushering in of a new creation at the second coming of Christ. A just general expectation in between the time of the early church and the coming of Christ would not serve this purpose.

        With regards

        Winfried Stolpmann

        • I apologize for some typing mistakes. The german term for believing in the soon coming of Christ is misspelled and should be "Naherwartung". 2 Thessalonians 2:3-5 was misspelled, which was related to Daniel 11:36. Editing the text and correccting misspellings I have overlooked these.


          Winfrie Stolpmann

  3. The Word of God has many warning messages for us where the consequences of not heeding to these message is clearly outlined. Through the strength of God let is live in accordance to the light that has already been revealed to us so greater light can be given for our spiritual growth.

  4. I have a question;
    as we are waiting for the second coming of Jesus, will the tribulations of Matthew 24 repeat itself? if its yes how will we know that this is the right time to flee the cities?

    • If I can ask a question in return. Why are we concerned about the time to flee the cities? Perhaps the Lord is asking us to work in the cities now in sharing the Gospel, and when the time comes he will make it quite plain that we need to leave the cities. Could it be that we are more concerned about saving ourselves than we are about saving others? There is nothing to be gained by sitting on a mountain top when those in the valley are perishing.

    • Janery, I have a suggestion.

      Matthew 24:15 explains that the signal for the first century Christians to "flee to the mountains" was when they saw the "abomination of desolation... standing in the holy place".

      For the early Christians this was literally when they saw the Roman standards set up around the city of Jerusalem, announcing the beginning of the siege. As soon as the Christians had opportunity they fled to a place called Pella.

      From the book Great Controversy p.26:
      "The Saviour warned His followers: "When you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place... then let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains." Matthew 24:15, 16; Luke 21:20, 21. When the idolatrous standards of the Romans should be set up in the holy ground, which extended some furlongs outside the city walls, then the followers of Christ were to find safety in flight."

      This literally happened in AD66, when a Roman general named Cestius brought an army against Judea and Jerusalem. (See GC p.30; Josephus, Wars 2.19.7; History of the Jews, Milman, vol.1. p.513)


      But for the end-time Christians it will be when the Sunday law is seen standing in the holy place. That is, when the Sunday law is seen standing in the place of God's law.

      "As the siege of Jerusalem by the Roman armies was the signal for flight to the Judean Christians, so the assumption of power on the part of our nation in the decree enforcing the papal sabbath will be a warning to us." (5Testimonies p.464)

      So the signal for us will basically be the Sunday law.

      • If there is a Sunday law as described, how impending might that be? 100 or more years? Applicable to whom? I have noted in another place. During my life time 60 plus years, some SDA church members were in the process of eliminating possessions and moving to isolated areas due to literal applications in Matthew 16,17,18. Obvious a bit premature, as I also have noted. We do not know when our next breath will end? So If, is still the question.

  5. Listening and heeding a warning is so important
    We shall be destroyed for not being obedient to Gods call

    • What is God's call? Is it a call to save ourselves, or to save others. Is Job's statement, "Though he slay me, yet will I trust him!" have any meaning in this context?

      • I don\'t know what God\'s call is for whom ever is being called. Our denomination can and does, publish a multitude of media outreach with world wide coverage. Yes there is still much to be done. If we neglect opportunities, their is some guilt that the conscience will often bring to light.

  6. I think the question at end of the lesson reinforces just how important it is to read, study and pray the Bible in its entirety, as a whole.

    • Natalie Lovelace the signs are already repeating now. dont we see famine and people even dying because of famine? day in day out we hear of wars all over.. nations attacking nations...and it is in these last days that a son would hold a panga and cut off his mother's head, a father raping his own daughter:talk of love between brethren growing cold! the 'sorrounding of jerusalem is not literal but we can liken it to what the devil is doing right now.. he is working hard for he knows his time is over. a call to flee from the cities is a call to turn away from evil. to abandon our was that are not pleasant to GOD..and we shall be saved.

  7. Starting from the beginning of the end. Christ combined the events that have to take place before His second coming. His outline included events that was to precede the destruction of Jerusalem/second coming- all this time is the beginning of the end. The falling of stars, the darkening of the sun, the great Lisbon earthquake these already took place( world wide events) as precursors to His His coming. There are yet events to take place as outlined in His Word. In short, events that have not yet come to pass we should expect them, those passed are gone.Let us bear in mind that we are in the 'time of the end' the time of the end stretches way back, we can look at the time when the stars fell-1833, Lisbon earthquake-1755.

  8. Self denial is pivotal in relevance to heavenly kingdom inheritance. much to be done should be via action and not just the words of mouth. there is need for the great pillars of a Christian to be into practice on a daily basis that is praise, word and prayer in order to attain the spirit and strength to stand tall and preach the good news to entire world for the end of age is at hand

  9. Clinging to the Decalogue and setting it into the synopsis ,we find that we should love God and then love man.This will be applicable to any willing S.D.A member to flee to safety before destruction.Let us take The whole amour of The Lord for safety to avoid being destroyed.What we preach to the neighbors should mold and transform us before we reach out to others.Our actions MUST reveal the True Character of Christ.


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