Wednesday: The Second Coming of Jesus
Jesus’ response here in Matthew 24 was in regard to “the sign of Your coming” (Matt. 24:3, NKJV); that is, of Christ’s coming to reign.
What other warning does Jesus give in the context of events before His return, and how has this been seen through history? Matt. 24:23-26.
Here’s Jesus, from a worldly perspective nothing but an itinerant Galilean preacher with a small following, yet He predicts that many will come in His name, claiming to be Him? Of course, that’s exactly what has happened through the centuries and even into our day, a fact that gives us more powerful evidence for the truth of God’s Word.
Read Matthew 24:27-31. How is the Second Coming described? What happens when He comes?
After warning that many will come claiming to be the Christ, Jesus then describes what His return will really be like.
First, the second coming of Jesus is personal, and literal. It is Jesus Himself who is coming back to the earth. “The Lord Himself will descend from heaven” (1 Thess. 4:16, NKJV) is a blatant refutation of those who claim that Christ’s return is an ideal or simply a new era in human history. His return is going to be visible, like lightning across the sky. “Every eye shall see him” (Rev. 1:7). The trumpet imagery reveals that it’s going to be loud, loud enough even to wake the dead! And most important, if the First Coming was one of humiliation, at the Second, Jesus will come as a triumphant King (Rev. 19:16) victorious over all of His (and our) enemies (1 Cor. 15:25).
At a time of so much turmoil and uncertainty in our world about the future, how can we learn to draw personal strength and hope from the promise of the Second Coming? |

This is the ultimate hope, that Jesus is coming again not as a humble human being but as the majesty of the universe! This is the hope of all who have slept in Christ, the hope all Christians have, even the redemption of the saved.
To have this blessed assurance of Jesus second coming, encompasses many promises of deliverance from what we currently face living in a sinful world. To know our problems of life are only temporary is something we can draw strength from so we can smile at the storms of life knowing that they will soon be no more, but instead there will be real joy in the presence of our Lord and Saviour and eternal King.
What a wonderful God we serve he prepare us hence we have no excuse but to take heed.
Jesus focused on His second coming more than He did on Him going to Calvary why was this so?
There are those that imagine differently,the prospects of what the future has to hold. Is it good news or not so good news? Matthew 24:21,22 doesn't particularly have an optimistic tone. I can remember 50 or 60 years ago taking these verses literally. People were selling property to move to areas in mountainous settings and hearing of the day many stars fell and being told about when the sun was dark at noontime. We have heard of many major wars in our life time. So what is your feeling? Optimism or pessimism ? Those that have positive outlooks would undoubtedly benefit from any available encouragement. Be it strong or weak. The word Faith, comes to mind.
Jesus' coming again is not just our hope, it's our assurance! What a blessed assurance to have! Thank You Jesus! Even so Lord Jesus come quickly, amen!
This is the hope of a Christian. The blessed assurance that Jesus is coming again not as the son of a carpenter riding on a colt but as the King of kings. Even so come Lord Jesus!
2 Peter 1:16-21 has always given me more assurance on Christ's second advent and I believe we become more certain of His promises.
We as SDA church members we do believe that time is near for Jesus as the signs of his coming it's already happening.
We can see from the signs of the times that our Lord coming is near. We cannot afford to be caught up with the foolishness that is happening because we are warned. We are told to stand fast holding onto our faith as His coming is eminent and closer than when we first believe. Let's stay focused and take this gospel to all the world.
Preceding the second coming of Jesus Christ our Lord, will be world shattering events that take place. It will be a spectacular climax of the propagation of the gospel and will usher in the commencement of God's eternal kingdom. The coming of the the Lord is the inflexible promise of our Lord and its our blessed hope. The Bible says every eye will see Him, even those who killed Him. This great event will be visible to all humanity and a literal display of the Son of God's majesty. Satan will not be able to simulate the event in its fullness. He will try but fail miserably to mislead the vigilant. Clearly therefore, to doubt the reality of the Second Coming of Christ is tantamount to doubting the validity and truthfulness of the Word of God.
Jesus wants to save us and transform our bodies into immortal beings. (1Cor. 15:52-53). He wants to take us to heaven with Him so that we may "inherit the kingdom prepared for (us) from the foundation of the world." Matthew 25:34. He wants to expunge sin, pain,tears and death. He has not come back yet beacause He is giving us sufficient time to make the right decision. 2Peter 3:8-9 What would keep you and I from accepting Christ's invitation today? Please give your heart to Jesus.
Jesus pliz remember me the day you are coming to take your beloved
The large sample survey SDA Global DATA Project in 2011-2013 revealed that 60% of SDA don't agree that the end of world will take place in 20 years ..(meaning Jesus' 2nd coming). That was 3-5 years ago already..
Not saying they are right or wrong...just letting you know.