Tuesday: A Fire in His Bones
Jeremiah’s harsh words to Pashur and the nation (Jer. 20:4-6) weren’t his own; they were not uttered out of his anger at having been locked in the stocks for a day. They were the Lord’s words to him for the people.
What comes after, though, comes directly from Jeremiah’s own heart, written down under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It is the heartfelt cry of a human being who simply doesn’t like the situation he is in and is crying out about it.
Read Jeremiah 20:7-14. What is he saying?
What does this teach us about his humanity, and our own humanity as well?
His words at first seem almost blasphemous. One wonders, though, why he would say that the Lord had deceived him when, right from the start, the Lord had warned him that he was going to face fierce opposition. Nevertheless, he complains, Whenever I speak, all I am speaking is ‘violence and destruction.’ No wonder people are against me.
At the same time, what is the crucial significance of what he says in Jeremiah 20:9?
He would have liked to have given up and stopped preaching, but God’s word was like a fire in his heart and a fire in his bones. What a powerful metaphor of someone who knew his calling and, despite the personal pain, was going to follow that calling no matter what. (We find similar thoughts written in Amos 3:8 and 1 Corinthians 9:16.)
All through these verses, we see the struggle Jeremiah faces; we can see the great controversy raging both outside and inside him. One minute he’s praising God for rescuing the needy from the wicked; the next (as we will see tomorrow), he’s cursing the day he was born.
Why is it so important, especially in terrible circumstances, to praise the Lord and to dwell upon all the ways that He has revealed His love to us?

Why was there a sense of burning in Jeremiah’s soul? (Jeremiah 20:9) Perhaps one sin which was especially an affront to the Creator was described in Ezekiel 8:9-18. After revealing a series of idolatrous actions the Lord showed the prophet a greater abomination. Men were in the temple in a worshipful posture with their faces toward the rising sun, and their backs toward the temple, perhaps expecting mercy from the sun (Ezekiel 8:15-17; Jeremiah 23:11).
Sun worship and its related rituals were made substitutes for the Creator’s institutions, principles and practices of worship, and all this in God’s sacred temple, which was dedicated solely to Him. Private idolatry and public weeping for Tammuz were detestable, but the last act was ultimate disrespect and reached a tipping point. This provides context for what follows in Ezekiel 9.
This act was a forerunner to the work of the little horn of Daniel 8:9-12. The open insult of overturning the systems of worship, including trampling on the day of worship was one reason the Spirit placed a fire in Jeremiah’s bones, notwithstanding the stress he had to endure. When Judah was overtaken scripture records, “the land enjoyed her Sabbaths” (2 Chronicles 36:21).
The mark of the beast accomplishes the same thing shown to Ezekiel, and it is done in the Lord’s name and house, effectively replacing the Creator with the authority of the creature. It serves the Lord an eviction notice from His own place; but no one expels the Creator.
While walking the earth the only time Jesus is recorded as using force, although He is not said to actually touch anyone then, was in cleansing the temple, a form of judgment (John 2:14-17).
To touch or profane what Jehovah holds dear it can hardly get worse. This is the lesson of Uzzah who interfered with the ark containing the holy commandments of God (2 Samuel 6:3-7). No wonder the Creator declares recipients of the mark of the beast will incur wrath without mixture (Revelation 14:11). How much burning is there in your soul to share the last warning message?
In time of adversity of doing the Lord's errands especially when all you get in return if ridicule, hatred and persecution, it is best to let it all out to God and He will never scold nor curse you, for you are just crying out to Him to console you and He will accept you and give you peace to endure. I have made it a point to do that and saw the mercy and understanding of my Abba Father. For who else would we share our predicament and lost hope to, Christ did it on the Cross, though He finally said let your will be done. So it is just humane thing to do, it shows the trust, reliance and a good intimate relationship one has with the Father. It is not a sign of rejection of the call nor a sign of weakness but just letting it out to someone who understands and the complainant is sure God will understand Him,if not He would not have dared to question Him and His sending him. Do you have this kind of closeness with your Heavenly/Abba Father? I urge you to get to know Him personally and always confide in Him your hour of trouble et al.
When we take God's word and live it,we will feel the zeal of telling every one the the trurh about the coming saviour. The most challenge we face and that makes us afraid to is not at times opposition but our lifestyle that does not reflect the message. Do we all have His word in our heart and minds that can burn till we say it out. Let's all pray to be used regardless of opposition and it that also let humanity be crushed and God be lifted as He provide to us the calm and serene spirit that can fire in our bones.
was the fire spoken here imagination. provided that it was in bones I.m a bit unconvinced and confused.
Hi Bernard
The fire is a reference to how Jeremiah felt compelled to share the Word of God which was impressed by the Holy Spirit upon his heart. We too as we allow the Word of God to be hid in our hearts(Psalm 119:11) by the power of the Holy Spirit will naturally be led to share it with others so that they too can experience the saving grace of Jesus. The love of Christ filling our hearts will move us to do this(2 Cor. 5:14).
We should praise God in trials, because we know that with every trial God is working for our good , he is removing every dross from our lives and fitting us for His eternal kingdom.
In Desire of Ages EG White mentions many times how Jesus, when He saw the people in need, he had compassion for them. I like to think compassion is co - passion, or empathy, He felt in His heart for them and He was moved by this compassion to act on their behalf.
I believe Jeremiah cared for his people so much that no matter how hard he had to give them the messages so that maybe some of them would believe and return to Jehovah.
I constantly am amazed at the story of Jeremiah, and wonder how many of us would be as faithful as he was in such a difficult situation and trials. We all need a closer walk with God to receive the strength to live as Jeremiah did. I pray that God will help us- He is our only hope!
The lesson reads: "He would have liked to have given up and stopped preaching, but God's word was like a fire in his heart and a fire in his bones. What a powerful metaphor of someone who knew his calling and, despite the personal pain, was going to follow that calling no matter what."
And, thus, he did not relent. He did not water it down. He did pretend that the warning message was all good! Yes, he was weary of the political correctness, but stuck to the principals, the truth, and reality of God's message to the people.
Do we relent and water it down?
I perceive that there was a form of universal spiritual blindness that characterized God's people. Why were they unable to see wisdom in listening to God through His prophet and hasten to obey Him. My concern right now is whether we suffer from the same eye disease today. In what ways may we be stubborn and failing to adhere to the message that God is communicating to His people?
Thank you, people of God. I am studying with you the will of God almost everyday but my request is that you stand with me and plead for the fire and more fire to fire the brick that 'll make another pillar in the Divine Temple.