HomeDailyTuesday: “For Such a Time as This”    


Tuesday: “For Such a Time as This” — 15 Comments

  1. The lesson is quite unique for it demands different approach and decisions that is Mordecai a type of Daniel versus Esther who should remain silent on her nationality, that is nothing wrong or coward on Esther's stand but tact and wisdom in such situation. This means that we need let a situation be a standard criterion for any given situation we face but to be on our knees and fasting when it concerns our loved ones and in this case the nation or church of which Esther is a member. I like and appreciate her for she should be our model on how to approach those we are to evangelize in this modernity and its philosophical influence of the world's populace as literacy has taken hold of most countries to which philosophical influence and thinking has been accepted as the rule and norm of societies that has permeated all works, walks of life and has influence all religions and cultures.

    Therefore we need to study Esther approach for I always likened her tactful and calculated approach to Jesus approach of the Samarian Woman at the Well in John chapter 4. Both studied, contemplated and foresaw the objections that could arise and then came up after fervent prayer and meditation on how to counter these objections and the best approach to get through to the prospect.

    Esther's approach is like that of the Colporteur in that you have to be careful when approaching prospects with your books or they will either chase out of their house or respectfully ignore your books or give excuse to buy your books thus you have failed for being too callous, ignorant, arrogant and naive or too lazy to contemplate the seriousness of evangelism which is a complex and a serious business that determines the life and death of souls you are trying to save or you not being put in a dangerous situation and persecution. Most of the times persecution on saints are done on our carelessness, we have to be smart and that is ESTHER.

    Just as Daniel and the 3 were unique in standing true to their identity without fear, so was Esther who like Jesus sometimes did not wish for the disciples to let the public know of His Divinity. We need to be vigilant for this is war of Good and Bad, Jesus versus Satan and we are to be master tactician like Alexander the Great (sort of) on choosing which strategy to use in combat for different conquests. Jesus said that before we do something we need to plan and visualize how to accomplish the mission if not then we should not have started in the beginning.

    in conclusion each missionary attempt of ours as individual or church should be prayerfully planned and contemplated for it determines both us the missionary and the prospect for heaven.

  2. The heathen Ninevites fasted and put on sackcloth and ashes when they sought the God of Heaven (Jonah 3:5). The chosen Jews in Persia did the same when they were in trouble and sought help (Esther 4:1-3, 16). By these and other examples one may get the impression that rituals are a means of getting Jehovah’s attention when in a desperate situation. Some may even view fasting as a kind of penance to purchase divine favor.

    Putting the body through physical stunts, pain or torture is not a requirement to secure help from above. This is a pagan idea (1 Kings 18:26-29). The Lord works with people where they are, but desires that all come to understand He is far more interested in the spiritual attitude (Isaiah 58:3-10). Rituals are only useful to the extent that physical stimuli may help individuals to adopt a right frame of mind of humility and penitence.

    With oil anointing it is intended to help bolster the faith of those who sense a need (James 5:14). Some believers actually rest their faith in olive oil, and anoint themselves, applying it like a magic potion, and maybe even without prayer, taking the practice into the realm of superstition. It is in vain people are anointed with oil without a right heart attitude. Further, it opens to the roaring lion an avenue of deception as the final movements approach (1 Peter 5:8).

    Fasting adds little value to prayer except when it removes distractions and makes clearer the mind to rightly relate to Jehovah. If in fasting the mind is kept longing for that from which one has chosen to abstain it is probably better to break the fast and release the mind to communicate more freely with God, which is the real objective in the first place.

    Jesus did not require much fasting of His disciples for they were early and often already in His presence (Luke 5:33-35). In Heaven and the Earth made new there will be no affliction of the body or need of fasting; for the redeemed will dwell in the presence of the Lamb (Revelation 21:1-3).

    • You are correct, it is in vain people aniont with oil without the right heart attitude.
      Fasting adds little value to prayer except when it removes distraction and make the clearer the mind to rightly relate to Jehovah. Thank you words of wisdom

    • Sackcloth and ashes were used as an outward sign of one’s inward condition. Such a symbol made one’s change of heart visible and demonstrated the sincerity of one’s grief and/or repentance. It was not the act of putting on sackcloth and ashes itself that moved God to intervene, but the humility that such an action demonstrated (see 1 Samuel 16:7). God’s forgiveness in response to genuine repentance is celebrated by David’s words: “You removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy” (Psalm 30:11).

      Sackcloth and ashes were also used as a public sign of repentance and humility before God. When Jonah declared to the people of Nineveh that God was going to destroy them for their wickedness, everyone from the king on down responded with repentance, fasting, and sackcloth and ashes (Jonah 3:5–7). They even put sackcloth on their animals (verse 8). Their reasoning was, “Who knows? God may yet relent and with compassion turn from his fierce anger so that we will not perish” (verse 9). This is interesting because the Bible never says that Jonah’s message included any mention of God’s mercy; but mercy is what they received. It’s clear that the Ninevites’ donning of sackcloth and ashes was not a meaningless show. God saw genuine change—a humble change of heart represented by the sackcloth and ashes—and it caused Him to “relent” and not bring about His plan to destroy them (Jonah 3:10).

  3. Act 17vs 26 says, "From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth and He determined the set times for them and the exact places where they should live" From this verse we learn that God in His infinite knowledge has allowed us to be living in the end times, He has enabled us to be the custodians of the true gospel so that we can preach it to all nations, races and tribes. We have been entrusted with the true gospel for such a time as this when false prophets are on the increase, falsehood is upheld and God's word is regarded in vain. It is time we realize as Adventist that we have been raised up, " for such a time as this".

  4. The God of creation is in control of everything known and unknown and He does everything to save us.Trusting God to deliver from all evil and doing our part in the plan of salvation is crucial.God will surely deliver His children no matter where they are.We must call on Him and He will answer our prayers.

  5. Again wee see, just as in the case of Darius and Daniel, the king was tricked into making a law to destroy God's people. The same way that earthly powers will be tricked into making laws that will place God's last day people in danger.

  6. Knowing how God works things out for his good, gets me to understand that no matter where we are in life whether on the job or in situation to where his power and glory will be reveal. We must never think it's about us we may be where we are to show the power of the Lord as well as to witness for the God we serve. She could have kept silence and fear for her life would have only cause great grief for all those in the region yet with what was taught to her from her childhood something only come though fasting and praying the matter came before God who placed both in a situation where their faith was tested. Has he not done the same for us all when we believe in the God who's very breathe is in us all.

  7. We are now nearing the time of the enforcement of the Sunday law. Shall we be able to demonstrate our Adventism like did Mordecai. Shall we be able to risk our lives in oder to rescue our brothers and sisters who would be facing persecution.

  8. In Esther, you do not see the word GOD, but when you read "fasting and praying," it means praying to God. As much as we are required to talk about God all the time, there comes a time - see Esther and Mordecai are in a foreign country!- when it is more acceptable to know in your heart than talk about it that you belong....

  9. we are living in such a time,when Protestant churches have declare no more protest,i.e they are uniting with roman Catholic.
    As people of prophecy we know what such Union portents.God knows why we are living as Adventists in such a time as this.

  10. Esther’s case was hopeless; she faced death. She needed a saviour. I appreciate how she surrenders herself first to God then to her husband and king. Our case is hopeless too; we have an enemy who wants to destroy us because we keep a different law (all the 10 commandments) and are scattered throughout the world. Jesus saves us from our enemy and the death that the enemy planned for us will be for him. I love the story of Esther; she teaches me to trust Jesus and surrender my live to him and He will save me from death. I need a saviour too.

  11. Through Esther the Queen, the Lord accomplished a mighty deliverance for his people. at a time when it seemed that no power could save them.
    we live in a time where there is no middle ground, is either the world or God. Esther is a great example to us being a Queen did not cloud her mind as did King Ahasuerus with his pride and drunkeness

  12. The story of Ester shows me how God uses everyone in their strengths to accomplish his plan,especially Vashti,and Ester.


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