HomeDailyTuesday: Jesus’ Healing Ministry ~ Part 1    


Tuesday: Jesus’ Healing Ministry ~ Part 1 — 17 Comments

  1. The Bible records 37 miracles of Jesus in the Gospels. Of those, about 28 of them had to do with healing or raising from the dead. And the Gospel writers made it clear that they did not record everything that he did.

    One could be excused for thinking that there would be been a touch of cargo cultism in those who followed Jesus because of the miracles, and that was indeed true. Jesus denounced those who had witnessed these miracles but whose lives had not been changed. Listen to what he had to say:

    Then he began to pour out his denunciations against the cities where he had done most of his miracles, because they hadn’t turned to God.

    “Woe to you, Chorazin, and woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the miracles I did in your streets had been done in wicked Tyre and Sidon, their people would have repented long ago in shame and humility. Truly, Tyre and Sidon will be better off on the Judgment Day than you! And Capernaum, though highly honored, shall go down to hell! For if the marvelous miracles I did in you had been done in Sodom, it would still be here today. Truly, Sodom will be better off at the Judgment Day than you.” Matt 11:20-24 NLT

    That is pretty strong stuff, coming from Jesus.

    We sometimes chide ourselves about the lack of miracles within our faith community these days, and we would do well to remind ourselves that miracles in themselves are not faith-changing. The big miracle that Jesus asks us to become involved with is the miracle of changing lives. Now I know that is the work of the Holy Spirit, but we need to accept that the Holy Spirit does its work in and through us, It is not a magician that we can call on to do the work for us. We have to be willing to take part.

  2. Yes, Maurice - and the incredibly wonderful, life-transforming miracle is, that the Holy Spirit is not only present in the Written Word to impart Truth, but is wholly present in acts of the believer who accepts Him and allows His guidance and expressions in all areas of life.

    Yes, "he does not do the work for us". Accepting that He spiritually transforms us in mind and heart, we are filled to overflowing, motivated and excited to let Him express His life-giving Truth through acts of kindgness in all their various forms.

    Accepting the leadership of the Holy Spirit by faith and living by His light gives expression to the new nature as we experience the living Faith; the new nature is the manifestation of the Holy Spirit.

    Eph.2:10 - 'For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained(prepared) that we should walk in them'.
    Walking in them is not possible for the flesh. These are not our works, these are the fruit of the Holy Spirit springing from a joyful spirit who has accepted the Path of Light to faithfully walk in it.

    • "Yes, "he does not do the work for us". Accepting that He spiritually transforms us in mind and heart, we are filled to overflowing, motivated and excited to let Him express His life-giving Truth through acts of kindness in all their various forms"
      I really like this statement! rivers current will sweep anyone on it. same way, when we yield to the holy spirit, he carries us on our mission. not I, but Christ and the Holy Spirit, working in and through me.

  3. Are people being healed in our day? Yes, absolutely, our doctors not only bind up peoples wounds and supply herbs as in Jesus' day but are much more skilled in the healing arts. In addition we have inspired messages to show us how to have a healthy life style, what a blessing!

    What else was included in Jesus' healing ministry? Part of Jesus' announced mission was to heal the brokenhearted Luke 4:18 KJV, Isaiah 61:1. So even if I am not part of the medical or health ministries I can follow Jesus' example in healing the brokenhearted by caring for those with whom I interact, showing empathy, listening to them, being a shoulder to cry on, reminding them that no matter what happens Jesus cares for them now and has promised a future without pain or sorrow. Php 4:6-7
    1Peter 5:7 KJV cast all your cares on Him because He cares for you

  4. Sometimes, through the relieving of a neighbor's suffering, our own is addressed. While helping others we ourselves are helped. But if we ever feel like our own problems are unsolvable, God has the power over them! Jesus can heal anything, in God's will! Our best chance might be to give these up to Him!

  5. I was feeling sick in the morning but I believed in Jesus for healing and He stretched His healing hand upon me and I am now well. Thanks to the Almighty God that His healing ministry continues today.

  6. How do I know the deepest heart desire of someone when s/he does not know what that is? Jesus knew that of the woman at Jacobs well and she did too. The sick, lame, blind that Jesus raised know what they wanted, but did they know what they deeply desired? If I were Lazarus, gone to sleep, waiting for the resurrection, only to be called back earlier than the eternal resurrection, then I Jesus and I would have a serious conversation. What is our deepest heart desire/longing? What if that longing has nothing to do with what God wants for us? Just thinking.

  7. Miracles are a tricky thing in my mind. We have all heard people tell stories with outcomes that can be nothing other than miraculous. I will give one brief example I am personally aware of to help make my point; the birth of quads to close friends of mine.

    The couple tried for years to have a baby but it was discovered after several miscarriages, that the wife could get pregnant but the eggs would not attach to the uterus. Thus, they hired a surrogate to carry the babies. When the babies were born prematurely, one of the four dId not take a breath for, I think, 22 minutes. Way too long for that child not to have brain damage even if the breathing started immediately. It was decision time which started with a group prayer. You guessed it, lo and behold as the prayer came to a close, the baby started breathing. They would not know for some time that along with the breath of life, came a normal functioning brain. Truly a miracle.

    Now I turn to making my point about miracles. When I hear of something like this or one person living in a plane crash while the person next to him/her did not, I sometimes cringe. I have six friends right now battling some form of life threatening Cancer. I have no idea who, “gets the miracle cure”. Maybe none of them, maybe all of them. I am happy to know God has a plan and it is in His hands but I do find it very uncomfortable when people make a big deal about their miracle, particularly when the declaration happens in a large group where there are likely other people who God did not “bless”, despite their prayers. It often comes off, by the story teller, that it happened because they had “enough“ faith.

    In the end it just goes one way or the other because it’s God’s will and we simply have to accept it, whatever the outcome.

    Romans 5:2-5, 2 Through him we have obtained access[a] to this grace in which we stand, and we[b] rejoice in our hope of sharing the glory of God. 3 More than that, we[c] rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, 4 and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, 5 and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us.

    I invite any and all opinions and comments. I have learned much from many of you

    • You raised a very good point brother Jim. We believe that God still has the power to work miracles. Publicly testifying about a miracle God has wrought in our lives serves to encourage others that they put their trust in God. The problem arises when we begin to take some credit for the miracle. We need to recognize that God, in His wisdom, allows certain requested miracles to occur and sometime He does not answer our prayers in the affirmative. In all cases, we need to learn to accept God's will and continue to trust Him even if He does not respond in the way we want Him to (Daniel 3:18; Matthew 26:49). God bless.

  8. If any man be in Christ he is a new creature, old things are pass away, behold all things are become new.

    There is a song that says- the things I used to do I do them no more, place I used to go, the things I used to eat, etc. It’s a great change since I was born. Born of water and born of the Spirit. The physical and spiritual are closely connected. Healing both is necessary and makes sense.
    Before the story of the woman with the issue of blood, we read the story of a demonic man. Jesus healed his body and his spirit. Once crazy now sane, once naked now dressed.

    “The encounter with the demoniacs of Gergesa had a lesson for the disciples. It showed the depths of degradation to which Satan is seeking to drag the whole human race, and the mission of Christ to set men free from his power. Those wretched beings, dwelling in the place of graves, possessed by demons, in bondage to uncontrolled passions and loathsome lusts, represent what humanity would become if given up to satanic jurisdiction. . . . Multitudes in every department in life, in the home, in business, and even in the church, are doing this today. It is because of this that violence and crime have overspread the earth, and moral darkness, like the pall of death, enshrouds the habitations of men. . . . The only safeguard against his power is found in the presence of Jesus. Before men and angels Satan has been revealed as man’s enemy and destroyer; Christ, as man’s friend and deliverer. His Spirit will develop in man all that will ennoble the character and dignify the nature. It will build man up for the glory of God in body and soul and spirit. “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7). He has called us “to the obtaining of the glory”—character—“of our Lord Jesus Christ;” has called us to be “conformed to the image of His Son” (2 Thessalonians 2:14; Romans 8:29). DA 341

    The physical and spiritual are connected, but it is the spiritual that needs the deepest healing

  9. Jim, I believe it takes more faith to trust and continue to love the LORD through troubles and trials.
    Jesus said:

    He who endures to the end will be saved Matt 24:13
    In Me you will have peace in the world you will have trouble John 16:13

    Yes, praise the LORD for His goodness and miracles but do not think it is because we deserve it any more than another.
    As others have said the biggest miracle is a changed heart.

  10. We have a facet of our message that could bring healing to many, and already has for those who have accepted it. What is sad that many among us are actually opposing this work in their own lives and by their influence. As a result of this wide-spread rejection, others, not of us, have gone ahead of us, as we were told they would.

    Imagine the good that would be accomplished if this was promoted as the Lord intended for it to be!

    • Robert, I believe that the health message that we have to share with the world is just as powerful as the "right arm" of the gospel message as when it was first given. In fact, I think right now it should be particularly powerful because a lot of people are waking up to the necessity of keeping their immune system healthy.

      It seems to me that the key is *how* it is presented. It is a joy and a privilege to live a healthy lifestyle that helps us to enjoy life in so many more ways than is possible with the side effects of an unhealthy lifestyle. People are receptive to sharing joy and privilege. However, when living healthy is presented as a mere responsibility, the joy is lost, and people quite justifiably don't want to hear it.

      • Nothing would be as effective as the living demonstration of the blessing of prospering in good health. You know of the studies done of the "blue zones" and the overall better health of SDA's, yet most of the members do not follow what we have been shown, so imagine how much more the contrast with the world would be if all were enjoying this blessing. As with Israel of old, the nations were to see the blessings of God demonstrated in His people today.

        You are correct Inge, few, if any, will follow out of "duty", but those who trust in the Lord and believe in His promises, find themselves free from the ill-effects of following the manner of the world in their lifestyle. Too many prayer requests for sick among us who need not be.(interesting to read "Prayer for the Sick" in Gospel Workers)

        Health and righteousness are blessed gifts from God for all who will walk in His ways. Even if presented in the best way, many do not wish to give up what they feel they cannot live without. As with any sin, this is a matter of faith or unbelief, and only knowing the "only true God, and Jesus Christ whom [He] has sent" will give us willingness and faith. Yet, some, who don't know God will change from necessity and realize the great blessing themselves, and like the demoniac(s) will be a powerful witness to others. Perhaps you've seen this in some you know or have heard of? There are many wonderful stories of individuals who have become witnesses for making better choices.

        I've seen opposite reactions from the same presentations. Some see the attraction and become inspired, while others focus on the "duty", and even feel offended. This demonstrates the principle spoken of in the Proverbs of how the wise will react compared to the foolish. I have only seen positive and uplifting presentations, and never witnessed anything negative concerning the promotion of health reform. Perhaps those who preach at others in line at the potluck are seen as negative? I could understand that.

        • Yes, indeed! My experience and observations are similar to yours.

          God has blessed this church with a beautiful health message. It is a shame that so many people do not take advantage of it. It prevents His light from shining into this world in its fullness.

  11. If the Holy spirit lives and works in and through us; our words/statements will be filled with Grace and trust me they will be therapeutic to many ailments.


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