Wednesday: Jesus’ Healing Ministry ~ Part 2
Read Matthew 4:23-25 and Matthew 9:35. What threefold approach formed the basis for Christ’s ministry? How did He meet people’s needs, and what impact did it have on their lives?
Jesus combined the threefold ministry of teaching, preaching, and healing. He shared eternal principles so all of us could live lives of meaning and purpose. He said, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10, NKJV). His ministry revealed a superabundance of grace. And Jesus came to enable us to live lives of “superabundance” now and forever.
Read Mark 1:32-39. Jesus spent all day healing the sick and casting out demons. After spending time in prayer the next morning when multitudes more were likely seeking even more healing, He left for another city. Why didn’t He heal them? Notice His own reason in Mark 1.38-39.
This story is insightful. After healing multitudes the day before, the next day Jesus leaves the crowds, who are seeking Him and who are still in need of healing. His explanation is that the purpose for which He came into the world was to preach the gospel. Jesus was not merely some spectacular miracle worker. He was the divine Son of God who came on a redemptive mission. He was not content merely to heal physical diseases. He longed for people to receive the gift of eternal life that He had to offer. He clearly stated the purpose for His coming to earth in these words: “For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10, NKJV). Each act of healing was an opportunity to reveal God’s character, relieve suffering, and provide an opportunity for eternal life.
Is it possible to live the abundant life Jesus offers if you are poverty-stricken or sick? Did Jesus offer people something deeper than physical healing? In what practical ways can we lead people to spiritual truths when we minister to their physical and emotional needs? |

One of the stories about Jesus' interaction with people that I love is his visit to Mary and Martha's home. We read it in Luke:
We all know the "Martha" type. I am married to one of them. Trying to get them to sit still and relax is nearly impossible. And I can understand her frustration that Mary was not helping. I get a similar response when I take too long writing Sabbath School Net comments. But Jesus was gentle and kind. He addressed her as a friend. The literal translation is "Martha, Martha", intended to show valued friendship.
John continues the story of Mary and Martha in John 11 and 12. We all know the story of the raising of Lazarus and the role that Martha played in calling Jesus and meeting him. But I like the little postscript:
Martha was still the worker, busy preparing and serving meals. Jesus had not changed who she was, but their relationship continued.
This little snippet of life and interaction shows that Jesus was more than just a passing phenomenon. He interacted with people and became friends with them.
(Mr Ashton, you are quite a guy! Awesome couple!)
You're right,
Jesus attracts every kind of person who is interested on Him, His message, or His miracles! "What is that you need?" He asks, "Come to Me", He answers!
But not everything we think we need is exactly what we really need! The important thing is to look for Jesus, His comfort and love! He can pacify every heart, no matter how dark or endlessly the sufferings or longings may seem!
Although being God, Jesus gave His life for the same creatures that He Himself created perfect, but which for some unimaginable reason decided to choose death, in a moment of distancing from the Creator!
I am One too "the Martha type". Though there are times we need to pause for a minute. Anyway, i see it in the positive that it is actually a gift Hospitality, Administration, Caring etc.
Two things caught my attention in the events discussed in today's lesson:
One, Jesus' urgency to reach as many people as possible where they lived, He left the city to go to all the towns in Galilee.
Secondly He preached in their synagogues, He started in their places of worship, where people who were already spiritually minded gathered and gave them the 'present truth' for that time. I learned from this that part of our mission is to help people who already love Jesus to develop a better understanding of the true character of the LORD and of the coming events and tests as we near the end of this world.
I so agree with you Shirley. We can be so busy evangelizing the world that we forget our home base. Some in church, I think, have never met the real God. They know doctrine very well but the close intimate and personal relationship may need a kick start or sustained encouragement in that pathway.
Great insight Shirley. I love that Jesus meets us where we are at. He did that in my life and in the lives of many that I know. He did that for the woman at the well, the woman with the issue of blood,the centurion and so many others. We see it with Philip and the Ethiopian, with Paul and the Macedonian's etc...He often works in ways that are mysterious to us but make perfect sense to Him. The important thing for me to remember is to follow His lead. Matthew 4:19 exhorts me to follow Him, He knows the best way to go and who it is He wants me to reach. The seeming detours in life are often exactly the plans He has for me and I am not off course at all.
The 3 aspects of Jesus’ ministry were: teaching, preaching and healing. As the Covid-19 is changing the world, it is the best time to use these 3 aspects to be a blessing to the community where we reside. This is the best time for the church to be alive and known in the community when they need us the most. I am praying that we don’t lose this golden opportunity.
So many people are suffering from solitude and despair. This is the best time to befriend and be a blessing to them. But you might ask: how? Call, pray and have a listening heart. I wish that the church has enough food to give to the community. This is the best time to plant seeds that we can reap after Covid. Someone once said that Jesus’ words are as soft as His touch. Amen
Thy words have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee. Ps 119:11
‘Every promise in God’s word is ours. “By every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God” [Matthew 4:4] are we to live. When assailed by temptation, look not to circumstances or to the weakness of self, but to the power of the word. All its strength is yours. DA 123
Jesus healing ministry-Part 2
What do these meant to the people?
1. Teaching 2. Preaching 3. Healing
Sis Shirley beautifully gave us an excellent explanation about the difference between the two. (check previous explanation).
3. Healing- Jesus was healing sickness and disease? Is there a difference between the two? Yes.
Sickness- a sign or symptom of a problem but not necessary a disease e.g a pregnant mother who is experiencing morning/evening sickness. Or someone who is bullied at school or work or rejected by others in a specific gathering. Whenever they have to go to those places become nauseous without a reason.
Disease- an abnormal condition that negatively affects the physical body, the mind, the emotions or the soul. Might not be seen externally.
Jesus is concern about humans in totality. While he sent a friend to fed us yesterday because we couldn’t feed ourselves(were either sick and can’t work or disease). He is interesting in providing us with a job so we can feed ourselves. Removing not only the disease but also the sickness that plagued the human race. Present, Covid has become a dreadful disease. Some had it and survived, some are still sick, some are worried not to get in contact with anyone with it. In Jesus day he would have healed all the people who came in contact with him who had Covid. But isn’t the Holy Spirit here on earth who is as powerful as Jesus? Some may ask, then why isn’t He healing or totally eradicating the Covid as Jesus would have done? What is the Ministry of The Holy Ghost/Spirit? What does the Bible says?
Having a clear understanding of the Bible is so important to people in our times. Let us study it continually.
I started to write my comments before I had finished reading the whole lesson. Now, at the last paragraph, I find that the lesson writer is speaking to exactly what I had perceived when reading the first two references in Matthew; but I will continue sharing my thoughts.
Yes, what do all three of Jesus' ministries have in common? Teaching, preaching and healing have the 're-creating' aspect of the whole living Soul in common - healing of the mind, healing of the heart and healing of the body; we are being formed/born again. In essence then, all three are Healing Ministries. The physical body's healing is only part of the process of spiritual 'healing/restoring' that the whole person undergoes so to be able to have spiritual communion with our Father who is Spirit - we are made new! 2Cor.5:17,18
Matt.9:35 speaks of "preaching the 'Gospel of the *Kingdom*' and healing all kinds of sickness and disease ..". I think that by preaching the 'Gospel of the Kingdom', Jesus means that everything related to the believer who lives in this Kingdom, is in need of 'healing'.
The descriptive words of 'teaching', 'preaching' and 'healing' are fully understood only when we see their spiritual aspect; therein lies the essential change that takes place when we live fully in the Kingdom of the Father.
The saying: 'Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, but teach him how to fish and he will eat for a lifetime' is a simple metaphor about the healing power of God's Word living in us and effecting our mind, heart and body. Everyone is able to live the 'abundant' life Jesus offers, because it is a spiritually complete life.
Matt.6:30-34 - Yes, the body is in need of sustenance, and with God's assurance of His compassion to assure our needs, we are freed from anxiousness to secure it by ourselves.
I think this is the most important part of the lesson about the healing power when living in the Kingdom of God. We have our Heavenly Father's Holy Spirit residing within us, guiding us when securing our physical as well as spiriutal health - making us new in God's Image. This assurance certainly gives me PEACE!
We have been given the heavenly voice and advocate, a comforter and helper who is ever present in our lives, no matter the circumstances we find ourselves in.
Gen.28:15 ; Heb.13:5,6 ; 1Peter5:7; Phil.4:6,7 ; Psalm 23
I so agree with you Shirley. We can be so busy evangelizing the world that we forget our home base. Some in church, I think, have never met the real God. They know doctrine very well but the close intimate and personal relationship may need a kick start or sustained encouragement in that pathway.
So, no one wants to address the 2nd reference and question? I thought that would be an interesting point to discuss, without needing to present suppositions.
First, Jesus did the healing after sunset(I'm sure most know why) and when do we ever see Jesus saying "Ok everyone, I'm tired, so the rest of you will just need to come back another time, ok?".
I'm suggesting that the next morning brought people back for other reasons perhaps, which Jesus did not wish to encourage. One such time we know of was after feeding the 5000, and the people, including the disciples, wanted to take Jesus by force and make Him King. Jesus sent the disciples away immediately, and then dismissed all the people, thus thwarting their ill-advised plans which would have hindered His work, and then prayed until the fourth watch, seeing the disciples in trouble with a storm.
We never read of Jesus leaving an unfinished work except for unbelief. So I wonder about the motives of those seeking Him the next day. Jesus did not come to be flattered, exalted or praised, but to serve and demonstrate the love of God for those He came to save. All of Us!
Mark 1:34 “ ....He did not allow the demons to speak, because even the demons knew him.” In this election season this is a very instructional text. Beloved, Be wary of candidates or political parties that use the Lord’s name because they know about him, however their actions indicate that they lack the compassion, and are not embracing healing and the love of the people that the Lord has.